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It has been mentioned many times before but here it is again. After travelling from the U.K. and being very tired on our first night we could not get to sleep because of a dog next door that was barking constantly at moths (there was nothing else for it to bark at). We had to wake up the owner and ask for her to make the dog quiet but our request went ignored. So drastic action was required, so I got out of bed at 1am and started to make more noise than the dog. This brought an immediate re-action from the owners of the dog and very quickly the security arrived and it was decided that the dog should be taken away,which it was. We then had a very good nights sleep. Now I do not want to change the Thai way of life and we have grown to accept a certain amount of barking but in this case some action was required. What happens after this remains to be seen, as to wether the dog returns but watch this space.


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Well done Keithkarmann why should you have to put up with an untrained dog barking all night.We have the same problem but with many dogs around here and look forward to moving in June.Maybe you should invite joskydive around to sleep and listen to the noise.That would be justice for the ridiculous comment they made.

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Well done Keithkarmann why should you have to put up with an untrained dog barking all night.We have the same problem but with many dogs around here and look forward to moving in June.Maybe you should invite joskydive around to sleep and listen to the noise.That would be justice for the ridiculous comment they made.

Unnecessary since I have 10 dogs all untrained and straight from the streets where they have all been neglected, abused, attacked and mistreated. None of them make any noise at night due to the fact that they are taken care of, fed and loved. I also have never had a complaint from a neighbour about noise or anything else for that matter.

Maybe giving the dog some attention and food would help the situation rather than having a tantrum with the neighbour who will now, maybe, have a vendetta against you.

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Well done Keithkarmann why should you have to put up with an untrained dog barking all night.We have the same problem but with many dogs around here and look forward to moving in June.Maybe you should invite joskydive around to sleep and listen to the noise.That would be justice for the ridiculous comment they made.

Unnecessary since I have 10 dogs all untrained and straight from the streets where they have all been neglected, abused, attacked and mistreated. None of them make any noise at night due to the fact that they are taken care of, fed and loved. I also have never had a complaint from a neighbour about noise or anything else for that matter.

Maybe giving the dog some attention and food would help the situation rather than having a tantrum with the neighbour who will now, maybe, have a vendetta against you.

Pleased I do not live near you because one thing I've noticed with multiple dog owners is that they never notice the smell that all those dogs can make,something that non dog owners notice.I do like animals and I did try to be nice to the dog (which I have named F.D.) but I coulld see that it was a waste of time. We do have an adopted cat which always comes back to us even when we have been away for six months.As for the vendetta I am big enough to look after myself and my wife is more than a match for me.


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You are definitely lucky your lease is up and would move anyway. Creating tension with your neighbors isn't the best way to live.

I do understand about being woken up and sympathise. Our neighbor has the most annoying little dog that yips all night. He barks constantly and I am often woken up. I sometimes will go out and talk to it and that helps sometimes, but more often then not I just have to turn on some tv or the fan and that will make enough background noise so I am not bothered.

It is not the neighbors fault and why should you create tension, because you are bothered by his dog.

I am certain that there are things that the OP does that annoy his neighbors, but they don't confront him and act childish by making louder disturbances. I think the OP needs to be more tolerant of others. You are also lucky that your neighbors aren't as vindictive as you are otherwise, your tires would be slashed and a whole lot worse.

It is always better to ignore what annoys us. Get backs come paid in full here.

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Away from the metropolitan areas of Thailand dogs are looked on as a pet, watch guard, and companion but when the dog gets out of line the locals will remove it to the jungle to fin for its self, poison it. or sell for food. Out of line, barking, chasing motor bikes, killing chickens, eating chicken eggs.

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When I built our home several things were considered for the location of same. Traffic on the soi (built on dead end soi) flooding (moo ban outside flood plain) pollution (no rice paddy to burn near) noise (not in flight path) neighbors one side only, are older, so no all night parties foreseen. Now if there was a barking dog to keep me awake at night I would not ignore it but would approach the owner as the op did. If people, anywhere, do not respect their neighbors rights as seems to be the case, I would probably resort to something similar. Honking the car/truck horn may be anothe avenue.

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During the day, my dog lives in the garden - at night I bring him in - he sleeps in the lounge on a marble floor, so easy to clean. He doesn't bark, because he is not allowed to stray around with the pack (not soi dogs, because they mostly have collars, but latch-key-muts) and isn't locked out alone in the dark all night.

The usual Thai way of dealing with annoying neighbour pets is a poisened piece of meat, so I hear. That's one reason my dog sleeps in the house. He is trained (sits, stays, leaves, lays down, drops, barks(speaks) at a flick of the fingers or command etc), and will not take food from strangers, but if he found it in the grass, he may think its a bonus!

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Hopefully, the next time they will take you away instead. What's good for the dog is good for you.

What do dog lovers feel that all and sundry should love some mutt barking all night? Agree dogs bark for a reason, but try telling this to a Thai owner that couldn't give a...

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Dogs bark, cats meaw, frogs croak, birds tweet, cocks crow and Too-kays say 'F*%k you' all night. Get used to it. It makes life a lot easier. I have all these noises around me and I still sleep like a babby. If you don't let the noises bother you, you sleep a contented sleep. It's not the noises that are keeping you awake, it's the getting annoyed. Calm down. :)

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Dogs bark, cats meaw, frogs croak, birds tweet, cocks crow and Too-kays say 'F*%k you' all night. Get used to it. It makes life a lot easier. I have all these noises around me and I still sleep like a babby. If you don't let the noises bother you, you sleep a contented sleep. It's not the noises that are keeping you awake, it's the getting annoyed. Calm down. :)

I agree to an extent (notlikemeIknow) - but there are times when inconsiderate owners do let an ANNOYING hound bark all night - difficult to remain passive with constant yelping nearby... if in range a BB gun works miracles

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Dogs bark, cats meaw, frogs croak, birds tweet, cocks crow and Too-kays say 'F*%k you' all night. Get used to it. It makes life a lot easier. I have all these noises around me and I still sleep like a babby. If you don't let the noises bother you, you sleep a contented sleep. It's not the noises that are keeping you awake, it's the getting annoyed. Calm down. :)

Actually I agree with you Kevin. Very sensible post. Is this a new years resolution. :D

I ask for information only, but in your avatar which one is you?

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Dogs bark, cats meaw, frogs croak, birds tweet, cocks crow and Too-kays say 'F*%k you' all night. Get used to it. It makes life a lot easier. I have all these noises around me and I still sleep like a babby. If you don't let the noises bother you, you sleep a contented sleep. It's not the noises that are keeping you awake, it's the getting annoyed. Calm down. :)

mozzies buzz as well, but it annoys the sh*t out of me, i wont sleep till the buggers dead :D

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Maybe giving the dog some attention and food would help the situation rather than having a tantrum with the neighbour who will now, maybe, have a vendetta against you.

Someone has the right to a peaceful nights sleep.

What makes you think someone who just wants to sleep should have to deal with giving attention to another persons dog? And in the middle of the night? Moreover, not everyone is a dog lover and some dislike dogs (I know while i love dogs, i hate cats), so telling someone who is already pissed off from lack of sleep to go and give it positive attention is idiotic.

***flame removed***

Dogs bark, cats meaw, frogs croak, birds tweet, cocks crow and Too-kays say 'F*%k you' all night. Get used to it. It makes life a lot easier. I have all these noises around me and I still sleep like a babby. If you don't let the noises bother you, you sleep a contented sleep. It's not the noises that are keeping you awake, it's the getting annoyed. Calm down. :)

This is also a load of rubbish. You obviously have never had a dog in a house close enough that had a bark that loud for you to understand. Is it really beyond your comprehension that not all dogs bark at the same volume?

Edited by sbk
if you can't have a discussion without resorting to insults then please refrain from posting-sbk
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Maybe giving the dog some attention and food would help the situation rather than having a tantrum with the neighbour who will now, maybe, have a vendetta against you.

Someone has the right to a peaceful nights sleep.

What makes you think someone who just wants to sleep should have to deal with giving attention to another persons dog? And in the middle of the night? Moreover, not everyone is a dog lover and some dislike dogs (I know while i love dogs, i hate cats), so telling someone who is already pissed off from lack of sleep to go and give it positive attention is idiotic.

**flame removed***

funny... :) well made me laugh anyway - positive vibes for hungry barking dogs in Thailand... I would give some of these yapping little sh*ts a dose of pepper spray when they chase my bike and the dumb owner just looks on

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This is also a load of rubbish. You obviously have never had a dog in a house close enough that had a bark that loud for you to understand. Is it really beyond your comprehension that not all dogs bark at the same volume?

I have about six dogs next door, two on the other side, three of my own and maybe six Soi dogs that howl all night. There are also a few chickens next door - I forgot about them, but one just crowed.  Last night the dogs howled like something from a horror movie, at a volume that even surprised me. I ignored it and slept. 

One morning I awoke to the sound of a neighbour replacing his corrugated iron roof less than 20 metres from my window. I got up, looked out the window, shrugged my shoulders and went back to sleep. I woke up periodically from the sound of a hammer on metal, and each time went back to sleep. I don't let noises bother me, so I sleep a contented sleep. My neighbours never complain, so presumably they are doing the same. 

I noticed you are from England? When I go there I can't sleep because of the deafening silence. Honestly. With double glazing you don't hear anything at night. The last time I was there, whilst we were sitting in the garden, my sister complained about a yapping dog - 'It hasn't stopped all day!!', she said. I strained my ears and detected a puppy yapping maybe two hundred yards away. I couldn't believe it, but then my sister has always been a bit neurotic about noise. She is the sister ( I have five) that insisited on turning the TV down below human hearing, and asking us not to flush the toilet because the baby was sleeping!!

Anyway, the fact that you think I talk a load of rubbish and am beyond comprehending that dogs bark at different volumes won't cause me to lose sleep. I think it was a little bit rude, considering I took the time to offer my invaluable advice.

I might add that I've been here for twenty years. Presumably you are either a Newbie, a Neurotic, or both.

Edited by KevinHunt
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Dogs bark, cats meaw, frogs croak, birds tweet, cocks crow and Too-kays say 'F*%k you' all night. Get used to it. It makes life a lot easier. I have all these noises around me and I still sleep like a babby. If you don't let the noises bother you, you sleep a contented sleep. It's not the noises that are keeping you awake, it's the getting annoyed. Calm down. :D

Actually I agree with you Kevin. Very sensible post. Is this a new years resolution. :D

I ask for information only, but in your avatar which one is you?

I'm the tall, good looking one. The other one is you (in my dreams). :)

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Dogs bark, cats meaw, frogs croak, birds tweet, cocks crow and Too-kays say 'F*%k you' all night. Get used to it. It makes life a lot easier. I have all these noises around me and I still sleep like a babby. If you don't let the noises bother you, you sleep a contented sleep. It's not the noises that are keeping you awake, it's the getting annoyed. Calm down. :D

Actually I agree with you Kevin. Very sensible post. Is this a new years resolution. :D

I ask for information only, but in your avatar which one is you?

I'm the tall, good looking one. The other one is you (in my dreams). :)

game set and match

i asked for that. :D

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Someone was complaining on a London forum I use once about the noise pollution in London and I was thinking think yourself lucky! That's nothing compared to what we have here. Monks chanting early in the morning, building works going on at all sorts of hours right across from my house, National Anthem being played twice daily, all the dogs on my Soi howling in unison at varying times - all of these things are part of Thailand's culture and character! Get used to it!

Krupnik x

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Don't forget sound trucks, stuck in traffic, blaring the latest 99 B promo at Tesco for palm oil. Right below your window, for 10 minutes until they move 50 meters up, on the signal cycle.

Or the karaoke joints, in hi-so residential neighborhoods, carrying on until 4 AM or so (but owned by "important and influential people").

Or to look at the Big Mango, how about the non-stop telly ads on the Skytrain, at volume 10.....

You either adjust to the noise, or go crazy and move to Iceland.

But I hear that geothermal vents, and volcanoes make noise, too. :)

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Someone was complaining on a London forum I use once about the noise pollution in London and I was thinking think yourself lucky! That's nothing compared to what we have here. Monks chanting early in the morning, building works going on at all sorts of hours right across from my house, National Anthem being played twice daily, all the dogs on my Soi howling in unison at varying times - all of these things are part of Thailand's culture and character! Get used to it!

Krupnik x

Barking Dogs are not part of Thai culture! chanting Monks yes...

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Yes it seems poisoning the dog is the way some locals get their revenge.

One of our previous neighbors had his 3 dogs poisoned at night because he

had some issues with a neighbor. Not very buddhist, to poison animals, but

you learn something every day here.

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