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How To Upgrade Our Forum In The New Year?

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I agree with a previous post by Soap. An outsider complained about us having too many pinned topics, and we lost a bunch of them. I think the Chiangrai "classified ads" should be reinstated. :D

"Outsider"? :)

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Just didn't understand what you meant by the above quote about whistles and flutes.

Thinking of it, where I come from a 'whistle and flute' is a suit but that's a very tenuous link to what you were saying and even more cryptic than I'd care to imagine!

I hope you can elaborate :D

A 'black whistle' is a corrupted referee that gets paid to let a team win.

Gambling has so far been taking place mainly on the English Premier League football.

That's one of the reasons of the popularity of English football.

That's why you stumble over magazines about English football in Thailand.

Add that Manchester United and Liverpool as the great super clubs win the hearts of

every real football supporter worldwide and it is no wonder that English football is popular.

English football players earn very big salaries, so they won't risk messing up for a couple

of hundred thousands. And millions of people can have a repeated close-up, even in slow motion, on the referee's decisions.

So you can't buy the results.

That makes it a good thing for bona fide gamblers.

The new organisation of the Thai Football Association is a good beginning: a premier league and two divisions.

OK, you can still buy a prominent club and move it to your town, but Chiangrai United has done it the clean way.

We got a good team together and we made it!

I think this year Muang Thong against Chonburi was the big match with a crowd of 16.000.

The average number of visitors at the home matches of CRUTD of seven to eight thousand is therefore very high.

The football fever happened in all Thailand this year and it is great that we are part of it.

We have only 5500 seats in the old stadium (already thirty years or more), but behind the fences in the corners there

are enormous crowds as well. Nice that these people can look for free (tickets are now 20 and 60 Baht).

But I am afraid that we are a little bit off topic here with our football story.

About upgrading forums:

Compare a forum with a nice square in for instance Amsterdam (Leidseplein, Rembrandtsplein).

Around these squares are a lot of pubs and cafe's. Some people go to the one, others to the other.

Not all people like all pubs. If they would, they would be the same, so let's thank the Lords on our knees

that this is not the case.

And that is not necessary either ....

The important thing is that everybody enjoys visiting the square and respects the others.

Then the all different subgroups add something to the whole.

As Kandahar noticed: the Chiang Rai forum is a very pleasant forum compared to many others.

A general upgrade?

It is about respect and tolerance, for those who contribute.

If you think you do good, do, but don't tell others what to do. That would kill the forum.

If CMJantje wants a list with good shops, he is free to make this list. I am very curious what he is going to offer to us.

And he might get help.

There will always be people who think that they are better than others and that they should be in charge

and tell the others what and how they should write.

But that's not the way it works in a forum. That's more the blogger's style, very personal, a little bit

mentally masturbative so to say.

Limbo :)

I am glad this forum is not like the CM forum, also led by the old boys who have their jokes and silly remarks. And info? As soon as you ask something the first answer you get is: use the search option.

Till now I have all my answers from this forum and since I found these fine addresses thanks to you all I wonder if I was the only one who is interested. That is why my wish.


You're not the only one.

A good list of where to find what, especially if it isn't found easily throughout the area, would be a good thing.

A list of where not to buy stuff might not be so good. That could give the appearance of not being such good neighbors. Maybe one person's reason for adding something to the "do not buy" list would be from one experience that others might not encounter on their own trip to that place. Lots of personal issues could come into play with the "do not buy" list. Of course the same can happen with the other list but it wouldn't come off as negative.

I haven't really had any experiences bad enough to add a place in this town. However, there are a few that I won't go back to. I think my experiences in those places and the way I was treated is because I couldn't speak the language. I understand perfectly the treatment I get as I have seen the same thing in my home country when someone shows up who can't speak English. Actually, people are a lot more hateful about it in my home country than the local Thai people here. It is frustrating for the people that have to deal with that person that can't communicate and I understand that.

Getting back to the good list, though, a person could post bad experiences they had in any shop. Anyone perusing the list could easily weigh the comments and decide for themselves.

A list would save a lot of time on searches.

A list would stay pretty current. If a shop goes out of business (constantly happening), it would get reported pretty soon and removed from the list or be annotated as "Closed", I would guess.

Comments concerning the charges for locals compared to Farang would be helpful.

Finding personnel in shops who speak the different languages that we are comfortable with could be annotated.

I can't see that a list would hurt anyone. If someone doesn't use it, that is up to them. If those that do use it, or want to help others, would add to it and leave constructive comments, it could be a good thing. But again, it is a big project for someone to build to begin with.

The other thing that comes to mind is the opportunity to flame. I know there is one place in this town that would give some people the perfect opportunity to slam if they had that chance. I can see the thing turning into trouble pretty quick in that respect.

So, there's pros and cons. I'm sure others can see a lot deeper into it than I have. I really haven't put that much thought into it. But there are online documents (Google) out there that can be accessed, shared and edited by anyone and everyone on the forum wanting to give it a shot. Just have to start it, post the link and see if it takes off and survives. If so, it can be added if the moderators agree to pin it.

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