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Butterflies In Thailand


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Yes Ian , you are correct about the difference of moths that fly at night and butterflies that fly during the day , moths use those hairy antenae to comunicate with and track down the female , Their wings normaly fold across the body whilst butterflies fold vertical to cover up the bright colours for camoflage .

I was into entomology as a youngster , collected catarpillar to take home , turn into chrysalid to have a perfect specimen to mount behind glass for display on a wall when it emerged as either moth or butterfly . The miles I traversed to collect different species and then have to go almost daily for fresh leaves , sure kept me in good shape .

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Its a case of Rhopalocera (Butterflies) versus Heterocera (Moths)

This means that there are differences inthe basal taxonomy of either specie. The taxonomy, or the science of classification, between the two is a constant battleground amongst men with beards, has been for centuries, will be for centuries.

Stick the the aforementioned 'one comes out at day, and the other at night' classification and all should be plain sailing.

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Which TV member is that with the two ladyboys?


I can assure you that neither are Katoy, but thanks for my morning laugh. I know the jest was all in good fun. :D

I might be seeing some of the "other" butterflies where I am going this afternoon. Pattaya is full of them. I might see a few real butterflies, but the golf courses use so many pesticides that the real butterflies are not so much in evidence. Might get one as a caddy though. :D

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