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I think this problem maybe down to having my tv shipped from USA.

My LG 42" LCD 1080p screen has dropped about 2 inches. I have tried changing the ratio and

the True Visions guys tried with there remote control with no effect. Basically I'm unable to see the news

bar atthe bottom of the screen whilst watching BBC news channel.

Any ideas?


Have you clicked on the zoom button, sounds like you've got one of the screen filling modes set.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Hi Not sure if this could be your problem TV,s in the US are designed for 60 Hz power source here in Thailand we use 50 Hz.

Just an Idea

Unlikely an issue with an international brand like LG (Korean)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


When you say dropped do you have a black 2" area at the top now?

If not the aspect setting has probably been changed. They do not transmit in HD mode or 16/9 here so any TV will be normal 4/3 ratio - when you change that to fill the screen you lose a bit at top and bottom. You should be able to change to 4/3 aspect with remote control but it is not going to look nice.

Hi Not sure if this could be your problem TV,s in the US are designed for 60 Hz power source here in Thailand we use 50 Hz.

Just an Idea

Unlikely an issue with an international brand like LG (Korean)

I agree I don't think this is the issue.

However just because it's from LG does not mean that it will work in the USA and Asia. Some products are made strictly for the markets they are being sold to doesn't matter the brand, LG, Sony, HP etc . I have brought stuff from the USA to Thailand and need to get a step down transformer due to the 220 used in Thailand and 120 used in the USA one example was a Samsung VOIP phone so you cant assume because of it's maker it can work everywhere in the world.

A TV in the USA is NTSC and Thailand is PAL, but I don't believe this is the problem as most LCD tv's are now made to handle both signals also this should not cause a screen size difference it would cause a problem with color. Mostly likely it is the setting for the display ratio. You need to get into the setup menu and look for screen ratio settings.

any chance the lcd screen moved inside the frame?

This is what I was thinking.

Lopburi - I have black on the BBC channel but on other channels it's colour.

I've tried playing around with the ratio settings. The tv is 50/60 Hz.

Strange one.


Dumb question, is this a regular flat LCD or a projector (delicate)?

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Can you output your computer or DVD and see if that fills the screen or you have the same 2" drop? What input on screen is being used for the UBC?


If BBC still does not work then check your menu settings of your monitor. I guess BBC comes via an analog signal. Mostly you can adjust the picture position for analog signals in the monitor menu - something like H.Position and V.Position. Of course check the signal too (NTSC, PAL, AUTO).

I've just connected my laptop to the tv through a HDMI cable and the screen is fine.

It's got to be a problem in the settings, probably set to scan at 60Hz instead of 50Hz or auto.

Connecting your PC to the TV is the only time the set's preset resolution settings would be overridden, the PC tells the TV what resolution to use and, as you say, the picture's fine then.

The tv is 50/60 Hz. I cannot select one.

How can I check for PAL,NTSC or AUTO.

Since it is not clear if you are talking about a monitor or a real TV it would be the best to post here the exact model of this thing. So LG xxxx?


Spoonman, don`t stick to the details!!! :D

No, you are right. I was thinking about a monitor and analog input because he was talking about :)

"Its a flat LCD screen.

The input is on AV1.

It's the same whilst watching a DVD."

I never never had enough money to buy such a TV - so then I do not have any idea how to help him further. But if he does not use the build in tuner then he might be able to correct the problem with V&H position. So I am not sure why he was talking about AV1 input if he uses an internal tuner.


LG 42LB5D.

It's a tv. My channels from my cable box are on AV1.

I have the the RCA cables with S video connected from my cable box to the tv. I need the S video,

otherwise the picture is crap. I don't use a regular coaxial because the fittings are not the same (the 'cable

in' is a threaded end on the back of the tv).


Theres a 16:9 setting on the UBC box (on some models) turn that to 4:3 perhaps, its in the settings.


Have the on screen graphics (AV1, volume bar, etc.) dropped as well or are they still in the correct position?

When you alter the picture size (4:3, 16:9, widescreen, panoramic, etc.) does the top of the picture remain dropped by the two inches with the same amount at the top blacked out or in some modes is all/part of it filled by picture content?

Is there any way you could connect a coaxial lead temporarily just so you can tune in an RF signal to see if that's in the correct position (regardless of the picture quality) ?


The volume bar from the tv is in the regular position but the volume bar from the cable box appears on the top half of the screen,

so it's difficult to tell.I think this looks like it should be a little higher.

4:3 and 16:9 have both dropped.

Ok I have took all cables out from the tv and connected only the coaxil cable from my rabbit ears to the tv (american).

Like I say I'm unable to do this with the Thai rabbit ears because of the fittings.

I have Thai channel 7 somewhat tuned in,I don't have the black at the top but the picture looks like it has also dropped even when

changing the ratio.

Why can't the americans be the same :) .

I know the cable box is ok because I have also checked this on a Thai tv set and the position is fine.

This is weird.

The volume bar from the tv is in the regular position but the volume bar from the cable box appears on the top half of the screen,

so it's difficult to tell.I think this looks like it should be a little higher.

4:3 and 16:9 have both dropped.

Ok I have took all cables out from the tv and connected only the coaxil cable from my rabbit ears to the tv (american).

Like I say I'm unable to do this with the Thai rabbit ears because of the fittings.

I have Thai channel 7 somewhat tuned in,I don't have the black at the top but the picture looks like it has also dropped even when

changing the ratio.

Why can't the americans be the same :) .

I know the cable box is ok because I have also checked this on a Thai tv set and the position is fine.

This is weird.

It still sounds like the set is set to 60Hz when in AV1 mode. If the on screen graphics generated by the TV are in the correct position it's unlikely to be a software problem. The fact that you don't have the black bar in RF mode suggests that the TV is set to 50Hz/auto in that mode. But if, in AV mode, the TV was set at 60Hz and receiving a 50Hz signal it would certainly affect thr picture position/size.

I have an LG TV in Thailand but I'm in the UK now so I can't check exactly what's adjustable at the moment but I know that the customer settings can be individualy set in each of the TV's modes, RF (aerial), AV1, AV2, etc. so you could have it set to 50Hz in RF but 60Hz settings in AV. As I said in a previous post when connected to a PC the PC determines the resolution so as the picture is OK from a PC this also suggests that the TV's software settings for the video on screen position is OK and hasn't been corrupted.

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