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Pattaya Rugby 10's


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What time start? Play until when?

Any shade? Any food / drinks?

I will have to use taxi's to get there and back on both the Saturday and the Sunday - but I do need more details.

Still waiting for response - HK 7's were an all-day affair - kiddies stuff from 8.00 in the morning, the real stuff in the afternoons. And sitting out in the sun, 'cos the stands were very small. All changed now, much more professional, but not so much fun.

So, is here any shade? Is there any food? I can bring my own water.

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sorrry for late reply,

yes i remember the rhyme now. its the 30th to the 1st then.

there was a small shaded area last year but it was still stinking hot.and the bar was on the other side of the pitch!!!!!!

so we had an umberella girl.

cheap to get for the day and will hold the umbrella over your bald head to your hearts content.

had food...was thai and i think burgers and french fries.

had beer...heineken and all the others as well as soft drinks.

did however have a stupid system of buying the vouchers for beer and then handing them back to the same person to get the beer..............

but a great day out.

not sure about starting time but last year we turned up about 12.00 and ended at about 5.30.

enough rugby played and seen.

to see some of these guys run around for 20minutes is heartbreaking.

see ya there ..ill be the guy with the unbrella girl.

ps. you have to bring her with you.(cant rent her there)

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sorrry for late reply,

yes i remember the rhyme now. its the 30th to the 1st then.

there was a small shaded area last year but it was still stinking hot.and the bar was on the other side of the pitch!!!!!!

so we had an umberella girl.

cheap to get for the day and will hold the umbrella over your bald head to your hearts content.

had food...was thai and i think burgers and french fries.

had beer...heineken and all the others as well as soft drinks.

did however have a stupid system of buying the vouchers for beer and then handing them back to the same person to get the beer..............

but a great day out.

not sure about starting time but last year we turned up about 12.00 and ended at about 5.30.

enough rugby played and seen.

to see some of these guys run around for 20minutes is heartbreaking.

see ya there ..ill be the guy with the unbrella girl.

ps. you have to bring her with you.(cant rent her there)

I know the problems with the heat - used to play in Saudi (Khobar Eagles in early nineties / Jeddah in late nineties) and Libya (Benghazi, throughout the eighties). Also in Hong Kong, as part of a Chinese development team (Nomads).

Khobar and Jeddah - we used to have a water break at twenty minutes.

Benghazi we played through, but had water bottles at the side of the pitch.

But the worst was the HK touch rugby. Turned up for matches with the Nomads, was then 'volunteered' to play in a second team and then recruited into a mixed (ladies and men) team. Played five matches on one Saturday afternoon - drank my tee-shirt at the end.

(Before anyone asks - there were restrictions on where the men could touch the ladies, no restrictions on where the ladies could tackle the men. Ouch

:o:D:D )

See you midday Saturday. I'll be the fat, old, scruffy guy in shorts and sandals.

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What time start? Play until when?

Any shade? Any food / drinks?

I will have to use taxi's to get there and back on both the Saturday and the Sunday - but I do need more details.

Hope this is of some use,had it emailed to me today.

revised draw and playing order for the CK Memorial Rugby Tournament

As you will see the tournament has increase to 16 teams, so there has been a change to the format and the starting times for most teams. The principal is still the same ... plenty of rugby and plenty of socialising !

The tournament kicks-off for everybody, with team registration on Friday night at Jamesons - The Irish Bar (see attached map) from 7.30 onwards, feel free to get their earlier if you wish !

The rugby starts at 9.00am on Saturday at The Horseshoe Point Resort and Country Club (see the other attached map). After you have finished the group games on Saturday the serious action beings.

The "Quaich" is a drinking cup which is awarded to the team which displays the most commitment to alcohol on the Saturday night pub crawl. There are five ports of call starting with the pool of Horseshoe Point, where the Heineken girls will be there to serve you. The more you drink the more chance you have of returning home with silverware !! Full details will be available on Friday night

On a serious note, first aid medical facilities will be provided at the venue by the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital , however, it is advisable that all players have suitable medical insurance to cover any unforeseen injuries.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday night in Jamesons



Map Horseshoe Point - Jameson's map at the bottom of this page

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Thammasat University

Thai Barbarians

British Club


Royal Thai Airforce

Pattaya Panthers

Kasetsart University

SCC Tankards

Veintiane Buffaloes

Young Blood

Samui Simian

Bangkok Japanese


SCC Nomads

French Barbarians





1 9.00 A Thammasat University V Royal Thai Airforce

2 9.20 B Thai Barbarians V Pattaya Panthers

3 9.40 C British Club V Kasetsart University

4 10.00 D Southerners V SCC Tankards

5 10.20 A Veintiane Buffaloes V Scratchers

6 10.40 B Young Blood V SCC Nomads

7 11.00 C Samui Simians V French Barbarians

8 11.20 D Bangkok Japanese V Corsairs

9 11.40 A Thammasat University V Veintiane Buffaloes

10 12.00 B Thai Barbarians V Young Blood

11 12.20 C British Club V Samui Simians

12 12.40 D Southerners V Bangkok Japanese

13 13.00 A Royal Thai Airforce V Scratchers

14 13.20 B Pattaya Panthers V SCC Nomads

15 13.40 C Kasetsart University V French Barbarians

16 14.00 D SCC Tankards V Corsairs

17 14.20 A Thammasat University V Scratchers

18 14.40 B Thai Barbarians V SCC Nomads

19 15.00 C British Club V French Barbarians

20 15.20 D Southerners V Corsairs

21 15.40 A Royal Thai Airforce V Veintiane Buffaloes

22 16.00 B Pattaya Panthers V Young Blood

23 16.20 C Kasetsart University V Samui Simians

24 16.40 D SCC Tankards V Bangkok Japanese

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