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Outdoor "platform" For Yoga, Meditation ?


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Sawadee Khrup, TeeVee Friends,

Last year we mentioned, here on TeeVee, in the thread : Outdoor Meditation Tent, Mosquito Netting, which a few of you were kind enough to reply with on-topic responses to, our plan to make a mosquito proof little meditation enclosure.

Now, this year, our mosquito netting having pretty well fallen apart, we are thinking along the lines of making a flat platform about 1.5x2 meters raised off the ground about 20cm.

There's several sources of cheap pre-cast concrete "pylons" about the right height (look like truncated pyramids) designed to be the base for vertical house beams around Chiang Mai, including one not far across the bridge near the Holiday Inn (formerly Sheraton) going west across the Mengrai bridge.

So what to use for the platform material itself : most obvious cheap choice, of course, plywood, thick plywood, but maybe one of you reading this has another idea ? cheap is better.

Here's our current assumptions and questions :

1. pylon preparation : one or two coats of some preservative, insect repellant, mildew and moisture sealant ? : what ?

a. number of pylons : aside from the obvious four pylons at each corner : and, probably, two more halfway along the "long dimension" of the plaftform (the 2 meter side) : how many other pylons in what arrangement for stability ?

2. soil preparation : after digging appropriate small "square slots," perhaps only down 4-5 cm., to "insert" the pylon bases in :

a. spray the whole area once (twice ?) with some very powerful weed-killer, insecticide : let "sit" for some "x" number of days : the idea being that this doesn't poison us in the future, but acts as some deterrent to weeds, creepy-crawlers, insects, etc.

b. alternative to a : put down some kind of sheeting over the whole area : plastic with reflective coating ?

3. the platform : multiple coatings of a marine varnish or other all-purpose weather sealer ? is there any super-duper coating that might actually contribute to the platform itself resisting warping ?

a. note : we're not sure yet if the platform should be "secured" to the pylons (which means it's going to be out there in all kinds of weather all year round : even if it is covered over by a protective tarp.

b. note : if the platform is not secured, that has the advantage we can move it aside, store under the eaves of the house in bad weather : but perhaps reduces stability of the platform in use ?

4. platform stability : given the extremes of weather ... even assuming the platform is covered with a good quality tarp (perhaps even one that has a reflective finish on top (like the "aluminzed" car covers)) ... we want to avoid the platform warping over time

a. note : warping, and load bearing : since the platform will be used no more than a few hours most days, and will not have any regular loads placed on it when not in use, we can assume weather (variations in heat, humditity) will be major factors contributing to warping, not load-stress, or unevenly distributed load-stress.

b. perhaps a series of 5-6cm. wood (teak ?) slats fastened to the underside of the platform would contribute to stability and non-warping ? kind of like the way guitar tops are "braced." overkill ?

5. mat for the platform : simply because of low funds, we'll probably start off using a cheap coconut-fiber filled small mattress we already have for guests, and that will be put away each time. In any case, even if we could afford a "pro quality" yoga mat, we'd still be putting it outside only when in use.

We thank you in advance for your thoughts, or ideas !

Note how we avoid even mentioning the metaphysical question of whether "anything" can stay "unwarped" in "Amazing Thailand."

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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