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Why Are There So Few Thais In Britain?


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Through gritted teeth, no doubt!

Still, enough. We really shouldn't use this place to attack a woman who has no chance of defending herself.

Why? Because she's a woman? How does that work then?

:) Had we been talking about a man then I would have said 'man' but as we were talking about a woman I said 'woman'. :D

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Through gritted teeth, no doubt!

Still, enough. We really shouldn't use this place to attack a woman who has no chance of defending herself.

Why? Because she's a woman? How does that work then?

:) Had we been talking about a man then I would have said 'man' but as we were talking about a woman I said 'woman'. :D

Then why didn't you say "someone", like everyone else would've done?

This place has a, erm, reputation, you know!

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because they wont go outdoors unless theyre working, my wife has been in uk nearly 4 yrs now and shes never once walked 500 yards down the street to asda unless i drive her . or maybe its because farang husbands keep them well under lock and key, seriously it does happen ! i know one thai lady and her dick**d of a husband doesnt let her out the door and doesnt even let her friends round to eat pok pok together.

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Then why didn't you say "someone", like everyone else would've done?

I can't speak for the circles you move within, but the people I know when talking about a male say he, him and man; when talking about a female they say she, her and woman. I was under the impression that this was correct English usage.

If you're going to criticise every poster on this forum for using gender specific references instead of gender neutral ones when talking about an individual, you've got a very large job on your hands!

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I'm not sure which UK city you live in but whilst my wife and I were back living in Aberdeen, we met more thai people than I expected.

We were invired to fund raisers at various venues throughout Aberdeen and as far south as Glasgow and have both been to the Thai temple near Edinburgh.

Just look around you, they are there and in their hundreds! Best place to look is in the Chinese supermarkets if you have one in your town. My wife met her best friend in ASDA at the Brdige of Dee in Aberdeen.

Oh, and BTW all the thai wives I know in Aberdeen do go out; in fact they prefer the cold to the heat of Thailand. And they were all more than competent to utilise the public transport system. My wife never had a problem getting on the bus to ASDA or the city centre or to her friends house with our daughter in her pram!

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