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Thai Girl Monthly Allowance


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Jai Dee should you expect her lawyer brother to finance you too when hes out of law school? Afterall he is getting through school on your nickel. Im wondering just how far this bullshit perpetuates itself....

Sully :o



You might want to find out who else she is supporting with your allowance before you make any decisions about changing anything.

For example, I give my fiancee (soon to be wife) a monthly allowance of 15K THB a month too... and she is financing her younger brother's education at a BKK University (a law degree), and sends money home to her parents in Isaan. She also pays for the daily fruit, veggies, meat etc that we eat at home. She pays for the drinking water deliveries, the gas cylinder refills, her prepaid phone charge cards, her hair dressing, her magazines, her clothes etc. although I pay for the general utilities like electricity and water as well as the weekly shopping trip to the Tesco Lotus/Carrefour.

If I didn't give her the allowance, her brother would not be able to afford his University education and her parents would not be as comfortable as they are now.

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I think what Jai Dee wants to do with his money is his business. There's worse things to do than put someone through school. However there's so many people out there who can't understand the concept of contributing to their family or communities, only worried about what's in it for them. These people only wind up bitter and resentful of those who have something to show for their lives.


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I think what Jai Dee wants to do with his money is his business. There's worse things to do than put someone through school. However there's so many people out there who can't understand the concept of contributing to their family or communities, only worried about what's in it for them. These people only wind up bitter and resentful of those who have something to show for their lives.


That's right cdnvic.

I my case, I am not expecting anything in return, nor do I wish to receive anything.

The way I look at it, I am marrying into another family, so they have become my family too, and I will support them (within reason) if I can. My fiancee's other brother is married and has a child, but he has a job, and doesn't need any financial support.

The family has already supported me several times within their own capacity... for example I have moved house twice within the past 3 years, and on each occasion mother, father, 2 brothers and their wives all helped with packing stuff up, moving it (from BKK to Banglamung) in pickups, unpacking it all and cleaning up. I didn't ask for the help... it was freely offered, and I accepted. They didn't even ask for money to pay for the fuel costs.

I feel pretty lucky to have such good people as my future in-laws.

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Right on cdnvic and Jai Dee. Not that long ago even in the UK family used to help out. In fact my father would never have been able to buy a house without help from in-laws. Also family would let you stay for long periods when in financial difficulties. The 70's & 80's seemed to change this ( not that I'm blaming Thatcher! :o ) Now we get an attitude shown by some on this forum;stuff everyone because everything's a con to get hands on my money. Lighten up guys and you might live longer :D

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stuff everyone because everything's a con to get hands on my money

Or the other way to look at it is this.

I have to take care of myself first and foremost (as no one else will ).....otherwise how can I be in a fit state to take care of others ????

Of course if someone has enough money to look after themself's and a few other

"hanger ons " then why not. up to you :o

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Well this is what I been trying to say all along.

And I know that they sit around and laugh at the guys who send them easy cash to "promise to be good girls."

Ok maybe I was a bit rough at times but I dont think it is fair that only one side of the story was being told.  It is a very dangerous game these girls play and it is just a game.  Guys need to be made aware.

Anyways, there choice.

My Thai G/F is a student after working in her brother's import business for 10 years. She set herself up to earn commissions from imports before she quit her job to attend school. Her commissions total around 8,000 per month and she helps her parents with this money each month. She continues to refuse any money from me to help her in any way. She would get a job and earn the money she needs before accepting any from me. Maybe I'm lucky to have found one who is different. She's told me of many Thai women she knows who are just as you describe, only after the "easy cash".

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Klymr. It's great that you have such an independent g/f. It of course depends on educational qualifications as to how much she would earn if she did not have the commission. However, I know this is thailand, but I simply wouldn't be happy with my wife working 6 days a week for 6000 baht a month in order to line the pockets of some wealthy thai,or farang. I wasn't happy with her earning minimum wage in the UK,50,000 baht a month. :o

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dont no this is relevent but i see a girl in pattaya have for my last 2 trips i got back on friday.

well this trip she has a sponsor still wanted to see me.

well i find out this guy buys her out of the bar 10000b pays for her to go massage school,and sends her 20000b a month.

she now has a 65000b scooter a 12000b mobile phone spends her day school 10 untill 4pm then sees me,we go beach eat play pool then my room,i pay her 1000b a day.

so this girl is living a life of riley,i ask her if she loves the guy she said he has good heart a bit old and a bit pom pui for me but he have good heart to send me money.

he calls and i have to be quiet she say how much she miss him how much she longs for him.lol.

in fact i think she started falling in love with me,but i tell her i come for good time not long time,and no i will not sponsor you too.

i get a message yesterday saying how much she miss me,and at the bottom she adds she need to go further at school and needs a further 20000b,lol.

as she wants to work in 5 star hotel massage,as she wont have to chuk wow or smoke.

i told her ask your sponsor not me,and i also added i cannot see why you cannot go back home and only come back to pattaya when he is here or another boyfriend in town,and i also added 20000b back home goes a long way,i havnt heard back wonder why.

so while you are away they are not always faithfull hope this helps. nev

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My girl hints at wanting to do that but it's not gonna fly.

I'd wager though, that if the girl is frugal enough, the household will always know prosperity. One of my aunts did that (and the uncle was willing to go along with it), this couple were both doctors, my uncle got 20 Baht a day from her. Granted, this was about 40 years ago though so probably not as brutal as it sounds. This particular branch of the family is easily the banner/flagship branch -in terms of real estate holdings anyway- of our family though from the various investments that this aunt made over the course of her life (she's about 80 now)... also, the uncle never had a mia noi as well (moral or not.... there was certainly a budget constraint).


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Rookie mistake sending these girls cash in hopes that they stay faithful to you.  You treat her like yourchild when you give allowance.  Is she over 18 yet?  And, when you pull the allowance away, she be looking for a "new daddy."  Such a rookie.  Sorry that so many of you guys get caught into this isaan trap of sending these girls money.  SO DARN PATHETIC.  Talk about a real poor investment.  Cant you just come to Thailand and play the field?  WHy do you rush into making house with these girls?


I think we better not to post the word "ISAAN" co'z you are adressing to all North Eastern girl. Not all of them got the same ideas. isn't it? :o. Most of my girlfriend are from the area, in 5 years stay here in thailand I didn't find at least one got the same trap. :D . I agree there are trap like this but not all of them. :D

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Rookie mistake sending these girls cash in hopes that they stay faithful to you.  You treat her like yourchild when you give allowance.  Is she over 18 yet?  And, when you pull the allowance away, she be looking for a "new daddy."  Such a rookie.  Sorry that so many of you guys get caught into this isaan trap of sending these girls money.  SO DARN PATHETIC.  Talk about a real poor investment.  Cant you just come to Thailand and play the field?  WHy do you rush into making house with these girls?


I think we better not to post the word "ISAAN" co'z you are adressing to all North Eastern girl. Not all of them got the same ideas. isn't it? :o. Most of my girlfriend are from the area, in 5 years stay here in thailand I didn't find at least one got the same trap. :D . I agree there are trap like this but not all of them. :D

Isaan does get a bad rap at times, granted alot of the "horror" stories come out of there, but it should be taken into account how many of the "bad" girls come from there and the profession that these men have met them in....

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Just read Nev's post.

Some members wonder why there are cynics here :D

TV's full of all types hey udon? :D

smokers and chuck wowers... :o

Good for a laugh only. :D

jai dee

glad you find it funny,dont think it is myself just poining out the facts,maybe to help and warn others that giving them money does not keep them loyal to you.

i have noticed with the girls the more you give them the more they spend.not much goes back to help the family,isnt this the reason they go to pattaya in the first place doesnt take long for greed to set in. nev

ps smoke and chuk wow was her words not mine

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Just read Nev's post.

Some members wonder why there are cynics here :D

TV's full of all types hey udon? :D

smokers and chuck wowers... :o

Good for a laugh only. :D

i have noticed with the girls the more you give them the more they spend.not much goes back to help the family

hmmmmm :D

depends on the girl you send it to I guess

yes some are gold-diggers, but that doesnt mean if your gf/wife asks for money shes playing you........

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What a bunch of losers who say things like *whimper* *whimper* "If I didn't give this money...her family would be far worse off", or "Why control them to ask for money" *wank* *wank*

Who gives a s.hit about paying for the family? Most of these Isaan girls over 30 have between 5-10 brothers and sisters and no one gives jacks.hit except the one married to a farang.

Newflash: so many of the people who have no money don't BECAUSE THEY ARE LAZY. I see it every day.

And what is this nonsense about controlling a women by giving her money hahaha.

What a bunch of sad sacks.

My response: "I don't want to control you anymore; so no more money for you" :D

Get with the program and get your mind on the local economy.

15,000 baht a month is at least twice what a slaryman/woman make each month for working 5 1/2 days a week.

Should a woman get that for doing jack just because *blubber* *blubber*...you 'wuv' her? :D

Just a question;

Where are all of the Japanese guys marrying Canadian girls and giving them $4000 a month to take care of their family; or for 'pocket money' :o


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Anyways on average a wage in a low class job can be a s little or even lower than 3000thb per month. I would love to know how they lived before without 15,000thb a month.

If you wish to give them a Thai Doctors salary upto you.

Goodluck to your bank managers.

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Oh lopburiguy, leave the kids alone; they're in 'wuv' :D

He wuvs her; and she wuvs his 'allowance'


:o <----------Karl, Jergen, Klaus and Bob who just know she wuvs him and not the money, but is afraid to cut her off...just.in.case. :D


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Care to explain what a 'hater' is.

Is it a person who thinks that men who give many times the local wage to a woman as an 'allowance', so the ladies 'family' doesn't 'suffer', or so that she doesn't feel 'controlled' are...losers and mopes?

If so, maybe I am. :D

Or maybe I'm just not a loser. :o


PS. What have you or any of the others on this board got for me to envy, i.e. 'hate'. I'm 32 years old and 1 week off my 7 year anniversary with my Thai wife and haven't had to put her or her extended family on an 'allowance' yet. :D

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i was being sarcastic.........

BTW, i also dont agree with giving her an equivalent to doctors salary. My wife gets enough to take care of herself and her parents who live with her, just a little more than a girl working at MBK would make.

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Monthly allowance...um...guess that would be her 24/7-access to my VISA-card...

Handing out pocket-change per month like that is what you do with kids...to teach them the value of money. Not to a woman you respect and love.

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Monthly allowance...um...guess that would be her 24/7-access to my VISA-card...

Handing out pocket-change per month like that is what you do with kids...to teach them the value of money. Not to a woman you respect and love.


Most of these Thai ladies are 'kids'. They don't know the value of money and so long as you want to let them suck off your proverbial teat...I suppose that's fine with me if it's fine with you. :D

But, for myself I am not old :o or wealthy and will need a wife who can contribute. [When we move back to Canada, especially).

And a woman who loves and respects her man will not soak him as many of these Thai ladies do. They manipulate old fools to put houses in their names, guilt trip them, aren't honest about the cost of things...and I won't even talk about the way many siphon money behind their backs.

Realistically, if I was 60 with a 30 or 35 year old wife and was basically getting pussy that I never could in the west I suppose that I could rationalise it as well; especially if I 'knew' that I would die before the money ran out.

But as a guy who's married to a lady 2 years younger than himself, with kids to support, I'd rather my wife get the message quickly; Necessities are covered; anything more than that and you work for it. Don't like it...go die; or find a sucker who will put you on their payroll...


BTW, i also dont agree with giving her an equivalent to doctors salary. My wife gets enough to take care of herself and her parents who live with her, just a little more than a girl working at MBK would make.

I don't want to appear to be above it all; I paid sinnsott (on my terms), paid for my wife and stepson to go to Canada (sponsorship), multiple trips back to Thailand, vacation in Las Vegas, a couple trips to Korea, and now I pay all the household bills; (the necessities at least). I also pay when we go out.

But for me to be expected to give the wife an 'allowance' on top is really taking the piss.

The wife pays for her own clothes, make-up,..I don't buy her gold-her family can make their own money, etc.

How many of the men putting their Thai ladies on the payroll would do the same to a western spouse-if they could, (due to the cost).

Not many...if any.

######, half of them bitch about how they had to give half to the ex-wife who was with them in farangland for 20-30 years. But then they don't bat an eye to come here and start putting houses in their Thai wives/girlfriends names, buy them trucks, and deck them out in so much gold that they look like some monkey pimp.


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Most of these Thai ladies are 'kids'. They don't know the value of money and so long as you want to let them suck off your proverbial teat...I suppose that's fine with me if it's fine with you.  :D

But, for myself I am not old  :o or wealthy and will need a wife who can contribute. [When we move back to Canada, especially).

Well, I'm 28, how old and rich do you think I am? :D

And my wife is 27.

And if one give out allowence (either way), you can't argu about one spending to much money...and if you can't argue about money, what are you gonna argue about? :D

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