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Thai Girl Monthly Allowance


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I think that 15K baht is absolutely nothing. people living here a while need to regain perspective. I think that many have totally lost it. A cup of Starbucks a few times a day in the states would cost you 15K. We're talking about pocket change here folks. God forbid if I included a muffin or bagel. Too many here have lost their marbles. I recommend a reality course of worldly expense for such folks

How much is enough then tho? You cant judge amounts by your own personal standard....but by the standard of the local the person is in. 15 000 can be as pointed out more than ample for someone considering what they earn working 12 hours a day 6 days a week and still survive. How much would you consider enough? 30 000, 60 000? Some people spend more than that on clothes or facials every month but to many others that could be a lot of money. Im not poor, but Id consider paying 15 000 a month towards Starbucks a complete waste of money. Its not about regaining perspective, but looking at it from a different perspective to your own.

All this Jazz about how 15 K is nothing. Well guys its all relative to what you can earn! When I'm earning the big bucks I say 15K is not much all. But when the moneys short I will most certainly say 15 K! a small fortune! I think overall it is money thats been hard earnt and should be considered so. We all waste a lot of money on crap we don't need. Decent Shelter, food and liquid that keeps you healthy and alive plus transportation - a bike/car. Now thats the big 3 out of the way. All the rest is just consumer stuff, some necessary some not.

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The same points being discussed over and over.... are people reading the whole thread before replying...??  :o

totster  :D

If we bothered to read what was posted earlier we would all use the search button and nothing new would be written on TV ever again!!! :D Including any "New Visa Regulations Shock Horror" that invariably ends up "OMG I over heard some bloke in a bar being told by an off duty taxi driver that their changing the regulations to ........"

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I think that 15K baht is absolutely nothing. people living here a while need to regain perspective. I think that many have totally lost it. A cup of Starbucks a few times a day in the states would cost you 15K. We're talking about pocket change here folks. God forbid if I included a muffin or bagel. Too many here have lost their marbles. I recommend a reality course of worldly expense for such folks

Sniff...... I smell TROLL!

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kat wrote:

Too bad you're such a racist bigot.
I will proudly cop to being a western supremecist...as I believe that the west is culturally superior; but that's as far as I can go.

Although I probably am a bigot; but we all have our biases...bad...and good.

But no one ever complains about positive biases.

Funny that! :D

I kind of like you.

Wanna hump? :o

But hence, as it turns out, I'm one of those people which whom you assume inferiority.

Not you personally but definitely your gender is not as 'competent' as men; ladies are just naturally lacking the range that men have.

Once you accept this you will probably be a much happier person! :D


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I will proudly cop to being a western supremecist...as I believe that the west is culturally superior; but that's as far as I can go.

The west is a pretty good "team," too bad you didn't make the varsity (or junior varsity) though, eh Al? Everyteam needs cheerleaders I suppose.


Edited by Heng
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Oh, look...there's another product of Western culture now... :D

And Heng, for me to refute your low opinion of me I'd have to go the opposite way and potentially 'boast' about my wealth/experiences/accomplishments, etc, etc,...which I'm not inclined to do. :o


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Heng wrote
The west is a pretty good "team," too bad you didn't make the varsity (or junior varsity) though, eh Al? Everyteam needs cheerleaders I suppose.

Oh, look...there's another product of Western culture now... :D

And Heng, for me to refute your low opinion of me I'd have to go the opposite way and potentially 'boast' about my wealth/experiences/accomplishments, etc, etc,...which I'm not inclined to do. :o


Well, actually no... as that would be going the way of Marketing Greg, Dirty Dog, Qwerty, etc., actually making them even more unlike whatever they would like to be. The true varsity don't have to refute, cheers, or boast.

:D :D

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Oh, look...there's another product of Western culture now... :D

And Heng, for me to refute your low opinion of me I'd have to go the opposite way and potentially 'boast' about my wealth/experiences/accomplishments, etc, etc,...which I'm not inclined to do.  :o


Heng is not alone.

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When I am staying in her village she takes care of all the money, I don't feel the need to give her pocket money and control her spending, she is actually better with money than I am, left to me I'd blow it stupidly.

I think many of you should try and get out of the mindset where all Thai women blow money and will spend everything they get, it seems some of you like to control your wifes/GF's by giving them pocket money... well fine, treat them like they're stupid or children and they will most probably behave that way.

totster :o

My wife and I have been living together for 5 years. Until I met her I was rather foolish with money...rarely bargained....impulse buying...over tipping (all those 'guy' kind of things). Now she handles all the local finances and she does a much better job at it than I ever did.

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kat wrote:
Too bad you're such a racist bigot.

I will proudly cop to being a western supremecist...as I believe that the west is culturally superior; but that's as far as I can go.

Although I probably am a bigot; but we all have our biases...bad...and good.

But no one ever complains about positive biases.

Funny that! :D

I kind of like you.
Wanna hump? :o

I couldn't think of a bigger waste of time :D

But hence, as it turns out, I'm one of those people which whom you assume inferiority.

Not you personally but definitely your gender is not as 'competent' as men; ladies are just naturally lacking the range that men have.

Once you accept this you will probably be a much happier person! :D


Well, I am a lot happier not being married to someone who thinks like you. I'll have to remind myself that I'm not as competent as men the next time I or another woman outperforms one of them again.


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Udon wrote:

As a Canuk, you obviously like skating on thin ice.

kat wrote:

I'll have to remind myself that I'm not as competent as men the next time I or another woman outperforms one of them again.

I suspect that you're quite competent; but it doesn't do much for a person-person male-to-female...'group' comparison.

It really is beyond the purview of this thread though; as long as you're not giving a big allowance to your mate for doing nothing...you're alright by me. :o


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I think that 15K baht is absolutely nothing. people living here a while need to regain perspective. I think that many have totally lost it. A cup of Starbucks a few times a day in the states would cost you 15K. We're talking about pocket change here folks. God forbid if I included a muffin or bagel. Too many here have lost their marbles. I recommend a reality course of worldly expense for such folks

How much is enough then tho? You cant judge amounts by your own personal standard....but by the standard of the local the person is in. 15 000 can be as pointed out more than ample for someone considering what they earn working 12 hours a day 6 days a week and still survive. How much would you consider enough? 30 000, 60 000? Some people spend more than that on clothes or facials every month but to many others that could be a lot of money. Im not poor, but Id consider paying 15 000 a month towards Starbucks a complete waste of money. Its not about regaining perspective, but looking at it from a different perspective to your own.

exactly, peolple look from another countrys perspective dont they? think like a local.........

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Oh, look...there's another product of Western culture now... :D

And Heng, for me to refute your low opinion of me I'd have to go the opposite way and potentially 'boast' about my wealth/experiences/accomplishments, etc, etc,...which I'm not inclined to do.  :o


the wool is pulled firmly over your eyes my friend........... theres no coming back now........ :D

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kat wrote:
Too bad you're such a racist bigot.

I will proudly cop to being a western supremecist...as I believe that the west is culturally superior; but that's as far as I can go.

Although I probably am a bigot; but we all have our biases...bad...and good.

But no one ever complains about positive biases.

Funny that! :D

I kind of like you.
Wanna hump? :D
But hence, as it turns out, I'm one of those people which whom you assume inferiority.

Not you personally but definitely your gender is not as 'competent' as men; ladies are just naturally lacking the range that men have.

Once you accept this you will probably be a much happier person! :D


Message to Kat:

perhaps you shouldn't use the quote function if you don't know how.

Tip: ask Alex as he obviously has no trouble!! :D

oh, do you mean like Alex's example above (No. 216)?

Perhaps you shouldn't make comments until you know what you're talking about :D

You obviously have double-standards or double-vision :o

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the wool is pulled firmly over your eyes my friend........... theres no coming back now........ 

Translation please? :o

And I think that kat can use the quote function but there is an occasional technical problem with the board.

It affects me at times too,...so it must be someone elses problem. :D


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Rambling...reality..."up to you!"

Who said there's no Social Security/retirement funding in Thailand? We have the proof right here, the daughters go out and meet some foolish foreigner who for some reason feels it is his duty to support a family that isn't his blood just because he is with their little pop tart.

Instant retirement fund. Find a foreigner!

I had a good handful of Isaan female friends and they explained the entire scam that they are taught in their village. The posts here also describe it exactly as they did. And talk about justifications?

"It's not much money." (So you feel the need to throw it away?)

"The family is poor." (They survived before you rode in on your white horse, they will survive without you.)

"It's the culture." (Since when do you have to abandon your culture 100% and adapt to the scam 100%?)

"I enjoy helping out." (White knight saving the family syndrome again)

"I really care about her." (And paying a rental fee changes that how?)

These girls, as uneducated as they usually are from the villages (generalization which carries generalizability, I bet, in the 60-80% range), can talk Bill Gates out of ten million dollars. All of the stories here sound the same, these girls read from the same script, and yet guys from all over come here and fall for it over and over. Even admitting they would never do it where they come from.

I missed the sign when I got off the plane at the airport that read:

"In this country, unlike anywhere else in the world, you are expected to pay a rental fee (call it what you want to feel better about getting ripped off by our lovely young girls) to have a girlfriend or wife. Oh, and also pay into the girl's parents retirement fund. Please abide by this scam, er, rule."

Oh, to save you the trouble, no, I was never burned by a Thai girl. I spent a night reading about Thailand before I came, problem averted. If you can't find out about these scams before you come, that is a shame.

And the same people will write that when their g/f finds a guy who is a "bigger and better deal" about how they cannot believe they got played.

"He care more for me, he give me more money" will be the first words out of her mouth when you first catch her cheating. If you are not living in Thailand and still paying the rental fee, that is just plain stupid. You are not the only poor lost soul who is sending her money. She is like a good traffic controller, making sure her b/f's don't arrive on holiday here at the same time. Even then, she will be able to juggle a couple guys in town at once.

One things these girls can do is play the game, no matter what you think, they fool Westerners every day of the week. Way more than Western women who look like mere amateurs by comparison.

But I know, all of you have a girl who is different so none of my foolish ramblings apply to you.

Good luck guys!

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This thread is about 14 pages too long. Isaan Alex, Kat, if you two want to flame each other, I suggest you become pen pals and do it in private. I can't see any good reason to keep this going on any longer.

Good luck Udon :D



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