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Iranian Man Arrested With 4.2 Kgs Of 'ice' Drug At Bangkok's Suvarnbhumi Airport

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All that rail against legalization of EVERYTHING miss some huge points. Addicts will get their drug fix whether it is legal or not. There are plenty of junkies in Singapore, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. Places where you hang for using or with China a bullet to the back of the head, during the Cultural Revolution not only were the addicts summarily executed, but their entire families were executed too, to make an example of them.

The actual producers of illegal narcotics are not going through airports/ports/border crossings with drugs. They have plenty of poor people out there they can exploit to do it.

The sad truth of the matter is if 4.2 kilos got seized than most likely 10 times that amount got through to their destination. Drug cartels send many mules through customs and figure 1 or 2 people being caught as the cost of doing business.

Legalization eliminates the criminals from the equation, frees more than 50% of the prison populations worldwide saving the respective countries billions, and it has already been studied and proven that addicts of all kinds from smokers, drinkers, to heroin users in the end cost less to care for than healthy citizens who live into their 90s. Let the addicts kill themselves, it's cheaper. Put the gangs of criminals producing and distributing dope out of business. Or there always is the Chinese/Thaksin solution of executing first and asking questions later.

Totally agreed with you until your comments about legalization. Legalizing highly addictive narcotics is not the way to do it. The only way is to prohibit, try to catch the big fish, and punish all related lawfully. My reason being, highly addictive narcotics causes huge social and health problems. People addicted to meth, first of all, their brain does not even function properly even off the drug (meth can destroy your brain). Secondly, in order to get the money to purchase the drug, they cheat, rob, kill. While in the same time they are unproductive and their families live under tremendous stress.

Drug problem will always exist, it is not like we can eliminate it all from the society, just like prostitution. What the society can do, is to TRY to reduce the flow of the drug to the most minimal. And through education, more like brain wash, teach the young about the danger of Narcotics. Still this will not eliminate the drug problem, just reduce it. Because, some % of population have a tendency to abuse drug, and they will abuse to the fullest. And if there's demand, there's supply. I also need to mention, some law enforcers involve themselves in drug business. For every gram into the country, or produced in the country, they get a cut from it. Think about that.

Legalization on soft drug, such as marijuana or E, is easier to control, as they are not as addictive. However, that's only possible in advanced country, as it has the means for control, and Thailand's law enforcers are not. By the way, next time when you are rear-ended by someone high on something, you might change your mind :)

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Legalise, tax and regulate.

Silly laws can't compete against this black market.

Geez that's the naivest thing I've ever heard. You might get some sympathy about that with weed or kids playing with coke, but very little sustained ice use permanently destroys the brains ability to feel happy... I guess you think that somebody else should pay for the anti-depressants those who are lucky enough to get off it require for the rest of their lives?

Yes, i've personal experience with users and yes i've tried other not-so-legal things, and i can say for sure that ice is the most dangerous substance that can be abused that exists today. It's insidious ability to "disable" happiness forever is remarkable. Read up on it. Ice should never be legalised and never be tollerated. Registering people who buy it's raw materials in Australia has slowed it's use down very successfully, but even the very liberal Australia was on the brink of a crisis with that garbage.

Utterly rediculous comment when it comes to ice. Sorry, but that's a fact, not an opinion.

Nonsense. It doesn't disable happiness forever. All it does is to release the happy juice (dopamine) naturally present in your brain cells and prevent the re-uptake. Once you stop usage your original dopamine supply has indeed dimished below baseline but over time dopamine gets replenished. With long time abuse it might take a while but it's completely untrue that it disables happiness forever.

Temporarily it boosts the sudden release of happy juice (dopamine), and prevent the re-uptake. So you get the high for the party. But think about this, meth is highly addictive (psychologically, and physiologically). Once you are addicted to this, you can't stop taking it. Now say you are addicted to such thing on a daily basis. First of all, you can't function normally at your job, you become a burden to the people around you. Secondly, you might want to check on some sources, how long can your brain sustain such abuse. Sudden release of dopamine, dry on dopamine. After you burn your neurotransmitter and re-uptake nodes, you will know what is permanent unhappiness, and anxiety. Not only that, meth also is detrimental to your brain. Addicted, when off the drug, does not recover and function normally. If you have seen people whose brains are screwed by meth, you will know what I mean. Mumbling all day, living in their dream world, piss in the corner of living room, talk to friends about inner peace all day, etc.

What a muppet!! Smuggling drugs through Dubai & Thailand, 2 countries with probably the strictest drug laws in the world.

Oh well, another candidate for an episode of banged up abroad.

No. Not when compared with Laos, Malaysia and Singapore. Not even close.

right...no drug law is stricter than the singapore law

Really?? I think Vietnam is very strict, last I heard they do put people to death for drugs.

Singapore put you to death too! I just don't know the gram limit. Last I read it is much less than a gram.

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