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Canadian Confesses, Pays Fine At Phuket Court


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Canadian confesses, pays fine at Phuket Court

Cont'd from here.

PHUKET: -- Canadian tourist Ivan Bob Anwar, who was involved in a punch-up with a Patong tuk-tuk driver earlier in the week, has been ordered to pay a 1,000 baht fine after confessing to assault charges.

Mr Anwar, 51, paid the fine at Phuket Provincial Court earlier today after pleading guilty to charges of assault against tuk-tuk driver Tassanarit Damthong, 30.

The charges against Mr Anwar followed similar charges filed by the Canadian against Mr Tassanarit on Tuesday, the day the altercation took place.

Mr Tassanarit's preliminary hearing took place yesterday at Phuket Provincial Court, where he was granted bail.

He will have to appear in court at a later date to face his assault charges.

As for Mr Anwar, he paid his fine and got his passport back from police this morning.

His case was fast-tracked through the court so he could return home and not have to extend his trip.

At the time of writing, he was expected to fly out of Phuket this evening bound for Bangkok, intending to catch his connecting flight to Tokyo.

Mr Anwar has for years worked in Japan as an English teacher.


-- Phuket Gazette 2010-01-07


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He had to plead guilty or lose his flight.

That happened to me when I was at the airport from a taxi ripping me off and I refused to pay some extortionate amount. The tourist police said to me - Pay it or you will come to the station. I could not refuse the payment, or I would have had to get a new flight.

Justice in this case... NO, IMO, he had to pay to leave the country or it would have cost him another small fortune to get another flight out.... Sometimes principals are best left at home.


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nice thai justice (not)

who would want to miss their flight, have to pay for hotel and a new ticket ?

for those who blame the farang, did you see the messed up face of the farang before you judge ?

Edited by thaibkk
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Interesting twist. Did he plead guilty to get out of the country? Did he do it? I see a saga beginning.

I would not be surprised if he really kicked the tuk tuk driver.....I have seen too many aggressive farangs.

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Love to see what this forum got to say now .

seem like the cry wolf had been caught and of cos he is a tourist and a 1000b fine is ok and he can go ..

what happen to yesterday .. big words about how we should punish the Tuk tuk driver .. what about the tourist , how about he go to jail .

This is really a Farang experience -

what is new

and all this cos of 50b

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So, the conclusion you draw from this is that he confessed because he was guilty?! Oh, gimme a break! Now, Phuket can get back to normal, Thank God! Blecccch! :)

Love to see what this forum got to say now .

seem like the cry wolf had been caught and of cos he is a tourist and a 1000b fine is ok and he can go ..

what happen to yesterday .. big words about how we should punish the Tuk tuk driver .. what about the tourist , how about he go to jail .

This is really a Farang experience -

what is new

and all this cos of 50b

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From the Gazette earlier

The Canadian then rudely pointed a finger in his face and kicked him in the chest, the tuk-tuk driver claimed.

Mr Tassanarit lifted his shirt for the Gazette to reveal bruising on his stomach, which he claimed to reporters was the result of Mr Anwar kicking him

Kicked him in the chest but the bruising is on his stomach???

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Interesting twist. Did he plead guilty to get out of the country? Did he do it? I see a saga beginning.

I would not be surprised if he really kicked the tuk tuk driver.....I have seen too many aggressive farangs.

Here here and there are always two sides to any story!

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Interesting twist. Did he plead guilty to get out of the country? Did he do it? I see a saga beginning.

I would not be surprised if he really kicked the tuk tuk driver.....I have seen too many aggressive farangs.

Here here and there are always two sides to any story!

I have friends who did in fact see the canadian first verbally, and then physically attack the driver!!

BUT consider the following..long i know but shows the facts.

I am the first to agree that violence is not always the way to solve a problem,but please ,all you expats consider what goes on in your own countries,they are not immune to these types of goings on at all. Most taxi and/or tuk-tuk drivers anywhere in the world are not exactly rocket scientists but most are good people, and it only takes a few bad apples to upset the works.

The difference is that in expats home countries these people are probably on a salary plus percent as income or they are owner drivers..The few bad apples there are either greedy and/or predatory in an bid to increse their take home pay.

In phuket only 20% are owner drivers, so the majority are leasees.These guys have to pay 500 baht dailey in the high season, and 300 baht in the low,[ and the low these days is probably at least 8 months long] to their collective employers..Who they are i can not find out yet, but no doubt they are in the upper end of society!and anonamous for their own protection.

They ,like any mafia around the world have underlings to do their menial tasks, such as finance collection,self protection,standovers, etc.Basically these upper enders are the very ones that some of you misguided expats think are the ones to appeal to to stop this rot. IMPOSSIBLE..They are not at all concerned.

What you are seeing is the tip of the iceburg [the drivers] .They are visible to us at all times, and sadly when one snaps due to the situation they are in regards finances in this quiet high season the sh--t hits the fan and ,well look at some of the outragious comments posted, unbelievable statements from some 'educated expats', quite embarressing some of them!

Anyway back to the root cause of all this; The drivers [scapegoats] are made the villain in all this.

Like i said ,high season..500 baht, low season 300 baht to be paid to the MAN. Come hel_l or high water this money MUST be paid.

They are given grace of 3 days of non pay ,then they get the visit.A beating, followed by the taking back of the tuk-tuk and basically told GO HOME and don't return..huge loss of face as well as loss of employment. Of course there is a queue of potential new drivers waiting to take his place to earn BIG MONEY [as they are told] and this cycle repeats and repeats.

And the uppers naturally want more and more tuk-tuks to provide more and more daily income...not a problem in their eyes.

Consider the sheer number of tuk-tuks now,compared to the lower number of fares, and you don't have to be Einstein to see that the drivers are stuggling to meet their financial obligations, after also paying running costs, it is near impossible to earn a basic living even now , let alone after Feb.

The consequence of all this is exactly what we see now!

When times get tough[er] a man will react, often violently in a bid to have at least some income.

This is the case in the whole TWO incidents so far regarding drivers over reacting!!

IMO this is going to get far, far more common an occurance as time goes on, as more and more drivers can not meet their obligations to the secretive bosses.....Desperate people often make the wrong decisions..thats human nature!!

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He admitted guilt to assault in a Thai court, and there is no other evidential or factual information presented (ie provocation or self defence) to admonish or mitigate his culpability for the offence.

Alternatively, if he admitted guilt just to board his connecting flight, then he is potentially liable for perjury - a much more serious offence under Thai law.

Although others may opine differently, Thai law is fair and just.

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Interesting twist. Did he plead guilty to get out of the country? Did he do it? I see a saga beginning.

I would not be surprised if he really kicked the tuk tuk driver.....I have seen too many aggressive farangs.

Here here and there are always two sides to any story!

I have friends who did in fact see the canadian first verbally, and then physically attack the driver!!

BUT consider the following..long i know but shows the facts.

I am the first to agree that violence is not always the way to solve a problem,but please ,all you expats consider what goes on in your own countries,they are not immune to these types of goings on at all. Most taxi and/or tuk-tuk drivers anywhere in the world are not exactly rocket scientists but most are good people, and it only takes a few bad apples to upset the works.

The difference is that in expats home countries these people are probably on a salary plus percent as income or they are owner drivers..The few bad apples there are either greedy and/or predatory in an bid to increse their take home pay.

In phuket only 20% are owner drivers, so the majority are leasees.These guys have to pay 500 baht dailey in the high season, and 300 baht in the low,[ and the low these days is probably at least 8 months long] to their collective employers..Who they are i can not find out yet, but no doubt they are in the upper end of society!and anonamous for their own protection.

They ,like any mafia around the world have underlings to do their menial tasks, such as finance collection,self protection,standovers, etc.Basically these upper enders are the very ones that some of you misguided expats think are the ones to appeal to to stop this rot. IMPOSSIBLE..They are not at all concerned.

What you are seeing is the tip of the iceburg [the drivers] .They are visible to us at all times, and sadly when one snaps due to the situation they are in regards finances in this quiet high season the sh--t hits the fan and ,well look at some of the outragious comments posted, unbelievable statements from some 'educated expats', quite embarressing some of them!

Anyway back to the root cause of all this; The drivers [scapegoats] are made the villain in all this.

Like i said ,high season..500 baht, low season 300 baht to be paid to the MAN. Come hel_l or high water this money MUST be paid.

They are given grace of 3 days of non pay ,then they get the visit.A beating, followed by the taking back of the tuk-tuk and basically told GO HOME and don't return..huge loss of face as well as loss of employment. Of course there is a queue of potential new drivers waiting to take his place to earn BIG MONEY [as they are told] and this cycle repeats and repeats.

And the uppers naturally want more and more tuk-tuks to provide more and more daily income...not a problem in their eyes.

Consider the sheer number of tuk-tuks now,compared to the lower number of fares, and you don't have to be Einstein to see that the drivers are stuggling to meet their financial obligations, after also paying running costs, it is near impossible to earn a basic living even now , let alone after Feb.

The consequence of all this is exactly what we see now!

When times get tough[er] a man will react, often violently in a bid to have at least some income.

This is the case in the whole TWO incidents so far regarding drivers over reacting!!

IMO this is going to get far, far more common an occurance as time goes on, as more and more drivers can not meet their obligations to the secretive bosses.....Desperate people often make the wrong decisions..thats human nature!!

I do not know what goes on in your home country, but in mine-Sydney Australia, Taxi drivers were getting killed,stabbed, mugged and bashed on daily basis for few years. It now got to a point that all taxi's have cameras installed and protective cabin around the driver.

Now you can be rest assured taxi in Sydney will never try to take you long way around or try to overcharge or rip you off in anyway what so ever.

May be some times violence is the answers!

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It's probable that the Tuk-Tuk driver was being petty and it is probable that the farang was being petty but it seems that the most petty people of all are some of the people on this forum. Endless amusement.

I live in Patong and have experienced aggressive Tuk Tuk drivers. They do charge extortionate prices for pathetically small trips. This is also not isolated... that is why the more expensive hotels now have their own tuk-tuks. I have had my own experiences, heard and read a lot. I have also seen some amazingly aggressive tourists, too. Against both Thai people, other tourists and expatriates.

You will never know what happened. It seems they both won a little to lose a lot. The end result is that Thailand and Phuket gets a slightly lower reputation.

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Hrmm. Tough choice. Pay 1000B and be done with it or fight it and be stuck in Phuket indefinitely waiting for your court case which may bring a questionable outcome anyway.

That was probably the best and last 1000B he will ever spend in Thailand.

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He admitted guilt to assault in a Thai court, and there is no other evidential or factual information presented (ie provocation or self defence) to admonish or mitigate his culpability for the offence.

Alternatively, if he admitted guilt just to board his connecting flight, then he is potentially liable for perjury - a much more serious offence under Thai law.

Although others may opine differently, Thai law is fair and just.

Are you, by an chance, a reincarnated member of the Spanish Inquisition? Because that's the kind of logic they used, mate.

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It is refreshing to be proven right to quickly. As I stated in the other thread, the tourist got what he deserved. It isn't stated here but I'm quite sure by 'assault' they mean kicking the tuk tuk driver - you just don't do that in Thailand.

Proven? That's a joke.

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I have friends who did in fact see the canadian first verbally, and then physically attack the driver!!

BUT consider the following..long i know but shows the facts.

I am the first to agree that violence is not always the way to solve a problem,but please ,all you expats consider what goes on in your own countries,they are not immune to these types of goings on at all. Most taxi and/or tuk-tuk drivers anywhere in the world are not exactly rocket scientists but most are good people, and it only takes a few bad apples to upset the works.

The difference is that in expats home countries these people are probably on a salary plus percent as income or they are owner drivers..The few bad apples there are either greedy and/or predatory in an bid to increse their take home pay.

In phuket only 20% are owner drivers, so the majority are leasees.These guys have to pay 500 baht dailey in the high season, and 300 baht in the low,[ and the low these days is probably at least 8 months long] to their collective employers..Who they are i can not find out yet, but no doubt they are in the upper end of society!and anonamous for their own protection.

They ,like any mafia around the world have underlings to do their menial tasks, such as finance collection,self protection,standovers, etc.Basically these upper enders are the very ones that some of you misguided expats think are the ones to appeal to to stop this rot. IMPOSSIBLE..They are not at all concerned.

What you are seeing is the tip of the iceburg [the drivers] .They are visible to us at all times, and sadly when one snaps due to the situation they are in regards finances in this quiet high season the sh--t hits the fan and ,well look at some of the outragious comments posted, unbelievable statements from some 'educated expats', quite embarressing some of them!

Anyway back to the root cause of all this; The drivers [scapegoats] are made the villain in all this.

Like i said ,high season..500 baht, low season 300 baht to be paid to the MAN. Come hel_l or high water this money MUST be paid.

They are given grace of 3 days of non pay ,then they get the visit.A beating, followed by the taking back of the tuk-tuk and basically told GO HOME and don't return..huge loss of face as well as loss of employment. Of course there is a queue of potential new drivers waiting to take his place to earn BIG MONEY [as they are told] and this cycle repeats and repeats.

And the uppers naturally want more and more tuk-tuks to provide more and more daily income...not a problem in their eyes.

Consider the sheer number of tuk-tuks now,compared to the lower number of fares, and you don't have to be Einstein to see that the drivers are stuggling to meet their financial obligations, after also paying running costs, it is near impossible to earn a basic living even now , let alone after Feb.

The consequence of all this is exactly what we see now!

When times get tough[er] a man will react, often violently in a bid to have at least some income.

This is the case in the whole TWO incidents so far regarding drivers over reacting!!

IMO this is going to get far, far more common an occurance as time goes on, as more and more drivers can not meet their obligations to the secretive bosses.....Desperate people often make the wrong decisions..thats human nature!!

I agree totally, If you want to get rid of a problem, you need to go to the source! I nearly gave up on TV, as it seems lately it is just full of ads and post from people who would be better off not having a computer IMHO. It's a delight to read something so well thought through! Thank you.

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He had to plead guilty or lose his flight.

That happened to me when I was at the airport from a taxi ripping me off and I refused to pay some extortionate amount. The tourist police said to me - Pay it or you will come to the station. I could not refuse the payment, or I would have had to get a new flight.

Justice in this case... NO, IMO, he had to pay to leave the country or it would have cost him another small fortune to get another flight out.... Sometimes principals are best left at home.


A friend, an attorney in Los Angeles visiting Phuket, was run into from behind a motorcycle driven by an under-aged, unlicensed 14-yr old "kid". The motorcycle was attempting to pass in a no pass zone located in a business district in Kata. My friend was not at fault.

The Chalong police told my friend that if he did not plead guilty, he would be forced to remain in Phuket until the trial would take place, "many months away", as he was told by the police. My friend was forced to sign a declaration that he had caused the accident, in order to return to his law practice in Los Angeles on his scheduled flight. 

This is one method that the local police use to coerce foreigners into accepting responsibilty for crimes, accidents, etc that they did not commit. It's just one more scam in the Land of Smiles. 

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This is one method that the local police use to coerce foreigners into accepting responsibilty for crimes, accidents, etc that they did not commit. It's just one more scam in the Land of Smiles. 

Correctomundo. Just as in Vegas, the HOUSE always wins. People who think a confession has any meaning here are just very uninformed about the local realities.

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He had to plead guilty or lose his flight.

That happened to me when I was at the airport from a taxi ripping me off and I refused to pay some extortionate amount. The tourist police said to me - Pay it or you will come to the station. I could not refuse the payment, or I would have had to get a new flight.

Justice in this case... NO, IMO, he had to pay to leave the country or it would have cost him another small fortune to get another flight out.... Sometimes principals are best left at home.


It is like putting a gun to your head and making an offer you will find hard to refuse!

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