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Farang Men/thai Ladies - Farang Women - No Thai Men

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I (farang female) have been living in Thailand for 3 years now. I might be wrong but it occurs to me that it is the trend for many farang men to have relationships with Thai ladies. Apart from a few exceptions, I do not see relationships between farang women and Thai men. Actually, I might be right if I observe that most farangs living in Thailand are men.

Outside Thailand, it also happens that some western men have relationships with women from East-block countries. Not many western women have Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, Uzbekistani, or Kazakhstani husbands. I have a hunch why this is so, but I like to hear your opinion on this matter.

I hope not that many western men consider Thai and East-block ladies to be so much nicer than ladies from their own nationalities. Please enlighten me.

Thanks guys (and a few girls).


Maybe you're so much bigger than them they're scared?

I wouldn't date an Amazon (not saying you're one...but think about the size difference and you may appear as one to them).


I am sure size has little to do with it, Dave. And I bet that your Thai lady can tickle your belly-button with her eyelashes without ducking down. Is that practical?

I am a tiny lesbian in a wheelchair, so every Thai man and child is taller than I am. My Japanese girlfriend pushes me around.


There seems to be quite a few married western women with thai men,ranging from beach boys to Bangkokonian hi-so men(well thats what the ladies say)


I don't believe the farang women in general are attracted to the average thai man.I believe there are exceptions.

And I think many of the women don't speak hardly any thai and many thai men don't speak much english

I am sure size has little to do with it, Dave. And I bet that your Thai lady can tickle your belly-button with her eyelashes without ducking down. Is that practical?

I am a tiny lesbian in a wheelchair, so every Thai man and child is taller than I am. My Japanese girlfriend pushes me around.

My apologies, I made assumptions about the question being a personal one for you.... :) However I still stand by my belief that Western Women intimdate Thai men, if not for size reason alone but by the vast difference in cultures. You'll have to admit (and by dressing my down you prove this point) that Western women are more assertive than their Thai counterparts and that's not good for someone who comes from a patriarcial (spelling?) society that puts emphasis on 'face'.

And FWIW, my wife is nearly as tall as I (not that I'm all that tall) and, in apparent contrast to the majority of TV'ers, older than I by 5 months (!).


I have emigrated to Thailand and married a Thai woman, for the reason that far the most western women have adapted too many male habits, and also often acts and even sometimes looks like a man. Furthermore in most western countries there are many more single men than there are single women, so the women can be very selective and pick the youngest, richest and most good looking men, while the rest of us are left to feel a little unattractive.

Totally opposite there are many more women than men in Thailand. Totally opposite the thai women find western men very attractive and make us feel appreciated. They very much remind us of, how the western women used to be, before the womens liberation started.

It takes two to tango, but only the man can be the leader. For the same reason could a western woman would never learn accept the thai men, who are so much more demanding and much less caring than the average western man.

I have emigrated to Thailand and married a Thai woman, for the reason that far the most western women have adapted too many male habits, and also often acts and even sometimes looks like a man. Furthermore in most western countries there are many more single men than there are single women, so the women can be very selective and pick the youngest, richest and most good looking men, while the rest of us are left to feel a little unattractive.

Totally opposite there are many more women than men in Thailand. Totally opposite the thai women find western men very attractive and make us feel appreciated. They very much remind us of, how the western women used to be, before the womens liberation started.

It takes two to tango, but only the man can be the leader. For the same reason could a western woman would never learn accept the thai men, who are so much more demanding and much less caring than the average western man.



As a woman who has been living here for awhile too, I can give you some opinions from myself and my friends.

1. Many foreign women simply do not find Thai men attractive.

2. Just like foreign guys might like small women, many foreign women want a bigger guy...not likely to happen with a Thai guy.

3. Many foreign women don't want to waste all their hard-earned money on an man, and most don't want to be a "sugar momma" to a poor Thai guy.

4. We're not stupid - we know how things work in Thailand, and we just don't want to deal with a culture that accepts men cheating on their women.

5. We laugh at the foreign men getting taken advantage of by the Thai girls, and we're too smart for that. :)

6. Foreign men often come here primarily for the young, cheap girls, whereas foreign women often come because of jobs. We're focused on other things besides men.

I'm sure I'll get the same old response that foreigner men usually give - that we foreign women are just jealous. Trust me, we are not! We are confident, professional, able to take care of ourselves, and enjoy living the single life. We could care less what the foreign men are doing here.

Totally opposite the thai women find western men very attractive and make us feel appreciated.

Reality: Totally opposite the thai women find western men has a deep pocket and make them feel appreciated.

1. Many foreign women simply do not find Thai men attractive.

That's the opposite. What I have heard from some of my Thai male friends. Farang women are ugly, has a big nose, huge and fat. LOL

They very much remind us of, how the western women used to be, before the womens liberation started.

"Womens liberation"... <deleted> is that? LOL.

Both men and women should (and do) have equal rights...

It takes two to tango, but only the man can be the leader.

Do I sense a little male chauvinism here? TBH, men are chauvinistic by nature; whether they choose to admit it or not.

1. Many foreign women simply do not find Thai men attractive.

That's the opposite. What I have heard from some of my Thai male friends. Farang women are ugly, has a big nose, huge and fat. LOL

Well, then there's no problems, are there? They don't want us, and we don't want them...works out perfectly!


Tonititan. Your arguments ring very true. Thanks. Though I am not into men, I find plenty of Thai and Chinese-Thais very attractive-looking.

Upinthesky. Your argument also rings true.

As a woman who has been living here for awhile too, I can give you some opinions from myself and my friends.

1. Many foreign women simply do not find Thai men attractive.

2. Just like foreign guys might like small women, many foreign women want a bigger guy...not likely to happen with a Thai guy.

3. Many foreign women don't want to waste all their hard-earned money on an man, and most don't want to be a "sugar momma" to a poor Thai guy.

4. We're not stupid - we know how things work in Thailand, and we just don't want to deal with a culture that accepts men cheating on their women.

5. We laugh at the foreign men getting taken advantage of by the Thai girls, and we're too smart for that. :)

6. Foreign men often come here primarily for the young, cheap girls, whereas foreign women often come because of jobs. We're focused on other things besides men.

I'm sure I'll get the same old response that foreigner men usually give - that we foreign women are just jealous. Trust me, we are not! We are confident, professional, able to take care of ourselves, and enjoy living the single life. We could care less what the foreign men are doing here.

Good post but no such thing as cheap girls anywhere in the world,they all cost us a fortune,lol.

If you ask most women on here they will all say that they havent got a thai bf/husband who gets looked after financialy,they areall busness men,who speak good english and have great values,so your comment doesnt hold water.Many more men work here too so that comment gets blown out of the water too.Not all of us came here for CHEAP women but your post is still good but you generalised too much.I also know of some foreign women who dont mind paying for the pleasures of life,just the same as tourist males,and i know that many thai women pay for the pleasures too.I certainly will not knock men or women who are after young cheap uns but many are not living in Thailand for that


So you recently became lesbian tulipgirl? Only last year you spoke about your various exploits with Thai men as well as your half Chinese husband. Plus you said that a tuktuk driver made you cry when you refused his offer of a motorcycle or something..so i can only guess that at that time you were not disabled. Sorry for your recent accident.

I find it honestly useless to try to respond to this thread, its already turning into a cesspit for bigotry and stupid generalisations. Im sure many people will absolutely thrive on it. Personally just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

As a woman who has been living here for awhile too, I can give you some opinions from myself and my friends.

1. Many foreign women simply do not find Thai men attractive.

2. Just like foreign guys might like small women, many foreign women want a bigger guy...not likely to happen with a Thai guy.

3. Many foreign women don't want to waste all their hard-earned money on an man, and most don't want to be a "sugar momma" to a poor Thai guy.

4. We're not stupid - we know how things work in Thailand, and we just don't want to deal with a culture that accepts men cheating on their women.

5. We laugh at the foreign men getting taken advantage of by the Thai girls, and we're too smart for that. :)

6. Foreign men often come here primarily for the young, cheap girls, whereas foreign women often come because of jobs. We're focused on other things besides men.

I'm sure I'll get the same old response that foreigner men usually give - that we foreign women are just jealous. Trust me, we are not! We are confident, professional, able to take care of ourselves, and enjoy living the single life. We could care less what the foreign men are doing here.

Good post but no such thing as cheap girls anywhere in the world,they all cost us a fortune,lol.

If you ask most women on here they will all say that they havent got a thai bf/husband who gets looked after financialy,they areall busness men,who speak good english and have great values,so your comment doesnt hold water.Many more men work here too so that comment gets blown out of the water too.Not all of us came here for CHEAP women but your post is still good but you generalised too much.I also know of some foreign women who dont mind paying for the pleasures of life,just the same as tourist males,and i know that many thai women pay for the pleasures too.I certainly will not knock men or women who are after young cheap uns but many are not living in Thailand for that

Yes, you kind of have to generalize on a forum like this. I could write about all the exceptions and my friends who DO have Thai boyfriends/husbands, but no one wants to read a novel. True, maybe the women on this forum do date/marry Thai business men. But as I clearly stated in my original post, my explanations were based on the opinions of my friends and I. I think my comment does "hold water" for the women I said I was talking about. I generalized based on the many, many conversations I have had with dozens of my foreign female friends living in Thailand.

So you recently became lesbian tulipgirl? Only last year you spoke about your various exploits with Thai men as well as your half Chinese husband. Plus you said that a tuktuk driver made you cry when you refused his offer of a motorcycle or something..so i can only guess that at that time you were not disabled. Sorry for your recent accident.

I find it honestly useless to try to respond to this thread, its already turning into a cesspit for bigotry and stupid generalisations. Im sure many people will absolutely thrive on it. Personally just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Thats why forums exist Eek,and do not repsond if you dont want to,it is(was) (used to be) a free country.

The mods will close it down anywhere so no worries

And I think many of the women don't speak hardly any thai and many thai men don't speak much english

This one is very funny. I am in a cramp right now. Actually, I have observed that there is not much serious talking going on between farang men and their ladies (even if the man speaks Thai).

Also, I think the few farang women would go for Thai doctors or businessmen and those men do speak English.

How many farang men have married Thai women who have a good education and career? If the answer is none, than perhaps, when the lady tickles the belly-button, she can also check what's in the man's pocket.

Not that there's anything wrong with it. If a poor Thai woman wants to end her economic suffering by marrying a western reject with money and many more years of life experience, than both parties get what they want. The man gets the girl, and the girl gets the money......

There seems to be quite a few married western women with thai men,ranging from beach boys to Bangkokonian hi-so men(well thats what the ladies say)

Is all to do with wealth. Look at all the celebrity men, they all have white wives and girlfriends, no matter what the mans race is. Tiger woods, hi-so BKK men ect..

There is nothing wrong with that, its just natural.

And I think many of the women don't speak hardly any thai and many thai men don't speak much english

This one is very funny. I am in a cramp right now. Actually, I have observed that there is not much serious talking going on between farang men and their ladies (even if the man speaks Thai).

Also, I think the few farang women would go for Thai doctors or businessmen and those men do speak English.

How many farang men have married Thai women who have a good education and career? If the answer is none, than perhaps, when the lady tickles the belly-button, she can also check what's in the man's pocket.

Not that there's anything wrong with it. If a poor Thai woman wants to end her economic suffering by marrying a western reject with money and many more years of life experience, than both parties get what they want. The man gets the girl, and the girl gets the money......

nice one,at least this post wont get stopped yet as the woman is fighting back lol.Not married in Thailand but the thai guy seems to impregnate as many thai girls as he wants and doesnt pay for the kids so you dont hold water again when you say the thai girls is coming to the farang purely to get money.A farang can walk away from a relationship and not pay like he does in uk,as my ex has got a great life financialy after her half,which she didnt contribute for 18 years of the 27,and unbelievably she is not thai.I do know what will come next,she was a nurse cook and bottle washer and should have got paid more,sounds like thai again doesnt it.

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