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The Hiv Scam


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See that word? That is why no one will ever readily come out and say, I am HIV+.

Whether we like it or not, as soon as someone says they are HIV+, friends and aquaintances turn away. No one wants to be different, to be judged, or to be seen as a hard luck case or for some males to be perceived as a "faggot", even though a heterosexual contact may have been the source of infection. You might think some people are ok, but you are not there to see them puking after they take their meds or to do the denial shiver and shake in their beds at night. There's a whole bunch of studies on the subject. Go and read them and understand the mentality and psychology of these people.

How is anyone capable of rational thought expected to take statements like this seriously?

AIDS was supposed to kill us all. It hasn't. Right or wrong, attitudes like his develop because 'scientists' and 'experts' keep crying wolf. At some point people are bound to say 'bugger off' with the endless fearmongering and tune it out. How many have died from the latest phoney global 'pandemic'?

No one ever claimed AIDS would kill us off, unless you are an ardent reader of the Sun or National Enquirer. However, the impact of HIV on mortality and morbidity rates was predicted with accuracy. No one cried wolf. Calling the H1N1 situation a phonie pandemic is downright incendiary and false. What ignorant people that make such comments conveniently forget is that the mass vaccination programs that were put into place stopped the disease from spreading. Look at the incidence of infection and compare the rates as immunization programs were rolled out. I have seen the preliminary results for Canada and it appears that the 3rd wave of infection was stopped because immunization levels exceeded 50% in the general population. No one can pass judgement on H1N1 for another year or so until the data is gathered and the extent of immunization is reported. However, where you judge there to be a failure, the people that work to save lives and prevent illness see success.

When you start attacking or locking up those who refuse to wear condoms, refuse to wear seat belts, refuse to have their children vaccinated, refuse to allow carbon cops in the house to check the toaster is carbon neutral, refuse to believe Obama isn't the new Messiah, you are no longer free but slaves. Being a 'useless idiot' for venal global corporations or corrupt leaders isn't something to be proud of and I think those who are too wedded to the prevailing orthodoxy need to start asking whether those who dissent are as 'wicked' or 'wacky' as they are portrayed?

Comments such as the above demonstrate that the subject of HIV is not the concern. Rather it serves as an opportunity for people like youto tell us what to do. We are all being conned by evil conspirators. Get out your aluminum foil and pie pan hats so these eveil people can't read our thoughts? I spent 10 years in post secondary education and working long hours to take instructions from people that spew this nonsense? I don't think so.

Are AIDS victims more deserving of our attention than cancer sufferers? Heart disease patients? This condition has been hyped to the max and billions spent on it while malaria still wipes out millions in the third world. Poverty and debt slavery are more pressing issues IMO.

Poppycock. Cancer research still devours more money per patient when the numbers are broken out. If someone wants to talks research dollars, then they had better understand what research is. No one researches in a bubble. There are concurrent illnesses. When one treats HIV infection one is acting to prevent other illnesses because patients immune systems are weakened. Advances in other disease treatments came because of the efforts expended in learning how HIV works. When the RNA map was understood, it allowed progress in other areas. It's times like this I want to the proponents of such ignorant trash to actually visit a lab and to see the work people are doing. The techniques mastered are transferable to other areas. Yes, there is more money to be made working on colonic cleaners, but some people have a higher calling. The money spent on HIV research comes in large part from the private sector. In the early years, there was almost no public funding for HIV research because the public shared your sentiment. As large numbers of young males became ill and the economic impact could be projected, the public funding materialized. Do your background work please.

It doesn't matter if some peer review studies are above board. Too many aren't and the reputation of 'science' is going down the toilet. People will understandably rely on their own experience and no longer on what they are being told.

<deleted>? Have you ever undertaken research or been subjected to a review? Please identify the HIV studies that were bogus and fudged? Where do you get off judging the work of some of the most brilliant of people? I could understand if you were acttually qualified to pass judgement, but you are not, so please hush.

You are out of your league. You read a few articles on the internet and you think you know it all. Good for you. Go get a box and stand on it on soi Nana,warn the people, and watch out for the 'man'.

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One of the methods of HIV transmission is through sexual contact. The use of a condom reduces the likelihood of transmission. That is a fact and cannot be contested. To argue otherwise, is futile. If someone wishes to fornicate sans condom outside of a monogamous relationship, so be it. However, it is an irresponsible, selfish and risky act. That is the reality. if someone wishes to deny that reality, there is nothing anyone can do except to avoid such people and to practice social avoidance techniques.

That's it in a nutshell.

Topic has been beaten to death and then some. Hopefully along the way some people learned something of interest.

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