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Thai Population Dominated By Females!


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During the New Year I met most of my girlfriend’s family in her village.

I come to realize that there were so many more females then males in Thailand!

In her Mum’s side of the family alone I counted 8 females cousins and only 2 males.

6 aunties, and only 2 uncles. More nieces then nephews.

I started realizing the Thai population was dominated by the females! (Not including Ladyboys)

Everywhere I look now I see more females then males in Thailand.

Maybe that’s why it’s the L.O.S :)


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0-14 years: 20.8% (male 7,009,845/female 6,691,470) = Females -318.375

15-64 years: 70.5% (male 22,977,945/female 23,512,538) = Females: +534.593

65 years and over: 8.7% (male 2,594,387/female 3,119,225) (2009 est.) = Females = +524.838

All together: Females are +741.056...Run! :)

Source: the good old CIA:



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And to be honest they seem to get on better in the workplace ,in my wifes familly there are 4 girls ,2 have good buisneses ,one is a headteacher ,the other bless her heart is married to me(she used to work in an office) the three brothers are a waste of space.(but nice)

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I'd pay cold hard cash to be dominated by Thai females. Preferably ones dressed in university uniform and thigh boots. :D

I read a post here somewhere that talks about a club that will do that for you if you like! :D

Between the high population of females, and the large ratio of of Katoey and homosexual men, I often wonder if there is something in the water! This is why there are so many women here looking for a man, there are not many to go around!

(Secretly, this is why I think that those of Chinese descent try to dominate the power in Thailand, China is looking at having a primarily male population because of the 1 child - 1 family law that was present for so long. All of those men need to find a wife somewhere, so Thailand serves as a good location!)

It's great for all you single guys too, but I've been off the market for so long that it doesn't affect me anymore. :D:)

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Seems from the age of 14 males are killing themselves off at a higher rate.

Gee, I wonder what is causing that?

My thoughts exactly. Riding a scooter at high speed down blind sois wouldn't have anything to do with that now would it? How about racing through red lights, 5 seconds after it changed, while talking on a cel phone? :)

The only thing that keeps it as close as it is, is the number of young, 12 year old school girls riding scooters with no helmets.

Oh yah, Buddha is going to look after you.

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Mr Ian Forbes,

I fly down blind sois too! :)

I`m the asian kid that said hi to you in Loi kroh....do you remember? :D

How was your trip in Chiang Mai?

Yes, I do remember you... the tall, slender, polite, Korean guy. Nice to meet you.

All my trips around Thailand are great. I'm currently in Kanchanaburi but leave in an hour for Pattaya where I'll hook up with my Canadian golfing buddies. They are on the golf course as I write this. I'll stay a week and then return to Chiang Mai. Life is great wherever I am.

And, take it easy on the scooter around blind corners. I'd hate to see you wind up as a statistic.

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Seems from the age of 14 males are killing themselves off at a higher rate.

Gee, I wonder what is causing that?

My thoughts exactly. Riding a scooter at high speed down blind sois wouldn't have anything to do with that now would it? How about racing through red lights, 5 seconds after it changed, while talking on a cel phone? :)

The only thing that keeps it as close as it is, is the number of young, 12 year old school girls riding scooters with no helmets.

Oh yah, Buddha is going to look after you.

I have compared the numbers, Thailand is not the most dangerous place to drive, its about middle of the pack compared to the world.

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Seems from the age of 14 males are killing themselves off at a higher rate.

Gee, I wonder what is causing that?

It's a well recognised evolutionary mechanism. More males are born than females (1.05-- this ratio is the same everywhere) with the knowledge* that their high risk life style (driving fast cars, hunting wild boar) along with weaker bodies (males are more vulnerable to diseases) mean that by the age of 35 there is a 1:1 ratio of men to women.

However, there is a further evolutionary adaption. In peaceful times (i.e. no stress hormones in the womb) more females are born than males. This accounts for the majority female populations of the World (except for Georgia, China etc).

*Nature cannot, of course, see into the future. But the reverse engineering of evolution gives that impression. Please read Dawkin's 'The Selfish Gene'.

Edited by Gaccha
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I'd pay cold hard cash to be dominated by Thai females. Preferably ones dressed in university uniform and thigh boots. :D

I read a post here somewhere that talks about a club that will do that for you if you like! :)

Between the high population of females, and the large ratio of of Katoey and homosexual men, I often wonder if there is something in the water! This is why there are so many women here looking for a man, there are not many to go around!

The women are heading in from the countryside, the men remain on the farm. The exact same phenomenon exists in the UK, with young women far exceeding men in sheer numbers in London. By the age of 40, half of all female graduates in the UK are unmarried and childless. That explains the bar girls.

To explain the vast outnumbering at University level there are three things going on. Firstly, courses in that would be regarded as simply diplomas are treated as degrees (e.g. accountancy courses) so this slants the numbers to females as they tend to take up these clerical jobs. Secondly, linked to the first point, females are encouraged to take up these safe clerical office jobs, while traditionally the males take up the running of the (Chinese) family firms/companies. Thirdly, like the UK, the education courses at school have become 'feminised', they favour attributes of females over males (e.g. coursework, not sudden death exams). In the UK, this year coursework was scrapped for maths (because parents were doing much of the work), despite all this talk of females outrunning males, immediately the figures were reversed and now males dominate the high grades again in maths.

As for the large portions of gay men, I don't recognise it. I suspect the UK is identical but they are not as overt because they fear getting beaten up.

A monk studying at Thammasat told me there was a shortage of men from Issan (for he was from Issan) because 1/5 of men are gay, 1/5 become monks. He is an interesting alternative, since he is going to quit the monk order (after 10 years in it) and become a ladyboy.

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actually a very large majority of thai men between the ages of 20+ up to about 40 are working over seas as migrant workers which is why u see so many more females in the villages, and not the males apart from young kids and old men...

this subject has been done already including statistics, demographic spreads, migrant worker countries with thai populations, etcetera...

plus, as someone pointed out, many of the women are flocking to the cities to find work (as their men folk are overseas, and grandparents take care of the kids)...

and if the reasoning of births of more boys then girls because of stress were true, israel would have more men than women, but as it is, we have too many women of marriagable ages, and not enough men either...



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I bet if Jingythingy did a poll, he would find that 90% of TV members would jump at the chance to be dominated by Thai females.

Snookums, I am sure you are right, which is why there will be no such poll coming from moi. I realize it may seem that way to the tragically (fill in the blank), but I am most certainly not some kind of polling machine. I need inspiration. Let's not do a poll and say we did, kay?

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I bet if Jingythingy did a poll, he would find that 90% of TV members would jump at the chance to be dominated by Thai females.

Snookums, I am sure you are right, which is why there will be no such poll coming from moi. Let's not do a poll and say we did, kay?

Good idea, knowing your preferred demographic, you probably wouldn't like the results of this poll and call it a dud.

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I bet if Jingythingy did a poll, he would find that 90% of TV members would jump at the chance to be dominated by Thai females.

Snookums, I am sure you are right, which is why there will be no such poll coming from moi. Let's not do a poll and say we did, kay?

Good idea, knowing your preferred demographic, you probably wouldn't like the results of this poll and call it a dud.

If I agree with your twisted personal insults, will you shut up?

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I think you cannot see most of thai men because they stay home too much busy to use remote to see the last muay thai match while the other hand use the ice bucket for the Regency Brandy, waiting the money from his girlfriend/wife working somewhere.

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