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Good to get the ball rolling, I don't think there is any solution without it in your case. 3 weeks is a long time without seeing your child, I have never gone that far and it would be very difficult for me. I feel with you.

Suit filed end of February, waiting time a bit over 2 months so you should be up early May right? With the mother turning the phone off I bet that she has just buried her head in the sand, exactly. Thai women tend to try to do that when the mis-management of their problems and responsibilities catch up with them... But I also think that she is doing it because it is ***for her*** just as good an action as any that she can take right now. She wants money and a better bargaining position, what better way is there to achieve that than not allowing daddy to see his child? I doubt very much that she has taken legal advice, possibly someone has told her that she legally can do what she does but probably not that either. I think that her action is rather expected unfortunately.

So assuming that the mother doesn't show up the first time (80% risk that she won't, I'd say...), then you'll have to go for a second round. It will take probably something like a month or so to get a new time so second round mid to end June. I have heard that she can skip the second round too without it affecting her too much negatively but I don't think that she can skip the third. Please ask the lawyer and post what he says. I don't know if it's 3rd or 4th or 5th round or when but eventually, the court will proceed without her.

Can you ask the lawyer please: You want to pass on the message that you care for the childs education and future and the mother does not of course. The mother has already taken the child out of school that the father has paid for, good in this case. Does the lawyer recommend that you pay for the summer term of the childs school? (to show the court that you are serious on taking care of the child - and equally important for who to formally get most of the time with the child actually, that the mother does not...). The summer term is probably less than 10,000 bath. Or is the child a bit too young for it to matter?

"what does concern me is if she doesn't respond and i am granted sole custody (a big if)" - The court will really go to length to avoid that happening. The court does not want to remove custody from the mother unless she is a danger or perhaps very bad influence for the child (refusing to come to court doesn't have to mean that she is). You will eventually get sole custody one day if the mother refuse to show up but it would take a long time and I can't really see it happening. Same with you being granted sole custody and the mother refuse to hand over the child. The courts will find a way to make the mother come I think. This is unknown territory for most lawyers too I think

and you are probably absolutely right that the mother

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That is up to the situation. With having sole custody you can demand your girl from anybody who is holding her, with the help of the police if need be. The last might be wise to do, if you for see troubles.

If it comes to problems it will be traumatic for the child, but being quickly reunited with you might mitigate that, as you are the best person to comfort her.

It might also be a problem of if the police can directly find her of have to start looking for her. In the last case you might not be there anyway.

You will have to determine if it might get more out of hand when you are present than if you are not present and get the child shortly after the police take her away from the mother.



regarding her not being present;

in april i have a date to go for "mediation" where she will need to be present. after all you can't negotiate with someone who isn't there. the lawyer said if she doesn't go due to her not responding to the lawsuit he will immediately begin to press for a one sided hearing. this is something i need to clarify with him. how long in fact she could possibly drag this out for just by not attending....

i will ask about the schooling mikey...

If it comes to problems it will be traumatic for the child, but being quickly reunited with you might mitigate that, as you are the best person to comfort her.

It might also be a problem of if the police can directly find her of have to start looking for her. In the last case you might not be there anyway.

You will have to determine if it might get more out of hand when you are present than if you are not present and get the child shortly after the police take her away from the mother.

that's exactly what i am thinking, i suppose for selfish reasons. it could possibly be 4 months away, of which possibly all that time she hasn't seen me or spoken to me. i don't want her to think i am taking her away from her mother (which is of course what i will be doing). so maybe it would be better to not be there, but be a few miles away waiting so i could be "a hero" for saving her from these horrible men?

i think if such a situation does arise it will need to be handled incredibly delicately as it could have an affect on her for quite some time...

i am probably thinking far too much into the future atm. i seem to be thinking alot these past few weeks, but i want to be on top of any possible scenario that could arise from these. both to paint me in a better light in my daughters eyes and to save her from too much long term trauma,... if that makes sense?


You are doing the right thing and care a lot about your daughter. it will be a stressful experience for her, whatever happens. But in the end it will be a better situation for her, as the continued struggle between parents is also very stressful to a child. Some parents think it is better to stay together for the child, but sometimes it is a relief for the child when parents divorce.

As to the speed of the case, I agree with mikeyidea that it will probably take a bit longer if she doesn't cooperate and doesn't appear. The judge is vey ikely to give her another change to appear.

If the child is in danger they can act very quickly, otherwise it will take some time.


my lawyer said i shouldn't speak to the mother anymore, it's very difficult as i am desperate to see my daughter. she answered the phone for the first time in nearly a week on thursday. i asked her what her plans were for our daughters future. she "assured" me she was always thinking about her future :)

she said she plans to send her to a good school in korat. i asked how she would pay for this. "i'm selling food". i said so you go to sell food and your yaba head brother and your plastic monk father is looking after my daughter? "no i sell from home". how can you sell from home? only about 10 people live near you. you need to earn 30k a month at least, i bet you don't even earn 3k!

she seems convinced that i will "win" in court and she'll lose our daughter (she doesn't deserve her anyway). i don't know if this is a good thing or not. trying to talk to her reasonably is an impossible task in real life and even more so on the phone. she just doesn't say anything apart from ridiculous stuff as above. i would not be at all suprised if all her plans for our daughters future rest on her winning the lottery.

i am interested to see how she conducts herself in court. i imagine they would laugh at her if it wasn't such a serious matter. she'll probably use her tried and trusted "if you want to think like that in your mind, up to you."

she did suggest i move into the city and rent somewhere so then she could see her daughter whenever she wants to because her living in bkk is another of her plans, also she suggested i send my daughter to an expensive international school at 3 years old! i personally don't see the point in this. i can speak english as good as anyone, i was born there and lived there for nearly 30 years after all. i asked her what she'd be doing to help financially. "i will buy her milk" lol unbelievable!!

obviously she's gonna be a free lance whore and taking care of her daughter 2 days a week is not good for business so being able to come and go as she pleases will suit her down to the ground. maybe 5 years ago when she was an attractive bubbly person i imagine she could of earned decent money being a prostitute, but now she's fat and ugly with a personality to match i can't imagine anyone wanting to go with her before 6am, 30-40 shots of whiskey and a serious amount of haggling.

friday will be a month without seeing my daughter. i have gone that long before when i went to the UK but circumstances are obviously different atm. i can't explain how hard it is, knowing her family, who do love her but really show her no affection or care for her at all, can see her whenever they want. they have the chance to spend every minute of every day with her, i'm sure they don't. whereas the person who cares for her better than anyone else and loves her more than anyone else on this planet cannot see her at all

on a slightly different note. i have all my ex's stuff here. her clothes etc. she doesn't want to come back to the mooban where we live as i expect she's lost massive amounts of face. i asked what she wanted me to do with it all. "up to you". what a complete idiot! she has nothing but is still too lazy to tell me what she wants me to do with her stuff.

just wanted to let off some steam. what i would give atm to have 1 minute with my ex in a phonebox...


Hang in there. That she thinks she will lose is probably in tyour favour. She will be much more willing to agree to a settlement without going to court, which will only cost her money. Let your lawyer do the talking and push for a settlement you can live for or if he thinks you will win go for sole cutody.

No matter how frustrating it is at the moment, you have a very good chance to win. Much more than her.


spoke to my lawyer today. i asked him how long she could possibly drag this out for by not turning up etc. he said we have the court dates already, that is when it finishes. if she doesn't turn up there will be no adjournment.


That would be good news and an end to the night mare in the foreseeable future. Just have to hang in there and wait. But based on your story so far it is looking good for you.


yes it is sounding good. from my understanding now though it seems sole custody will not be granted in her absence. it's likely to be as mentioned before; sunday evening - friday evening. sole custody could probably be gained at a separate hearing. one which she would probably also not attend making it a formality...

time will tell....


C411um - how I wish this hadn't moved so quickly. What a nightmare

Don't get me wrong when I say things like "courts are reluctant to..." You will eventually win if the mother doesn't show up, no doubt about that. It's just that a Thai juvenile court will not easily remove custody from the mother, they will not easily order the removal of the child from her mother. They won't do this because the mother doesn't show up easily. Courts will support you because you are good for the child, it's not difficult for them to give you custody or to give you most of the custody but it's difficult to deprive the mother of custody. Be patient and you will win! :)

I think that it is a good thing that the mother seems convinced that you will win - as Mario2008 says, the more willing she will be to accept an agreement. I don't think the courts will order the child from the mother in June though, be prepared for that. They will find a way to get the mother to show up in court. Be tough, be calm and be patient. Be prepared to go all the way, ask your lawyer for advice and trust him

"she said she plans to send her to a good school in korat" - I do worry about that! The child now actually lives in Korat... That's not where you want to be. That is why I think you should pay the school fee for the summer term - March to early May - where YOU live. Then the child actually goes to school in Bangkok but the mother just took the child away... hopefully that would work anyway.

"sunday evening - friday evening" - and you decide residence - If you can get that regardless of if she attends or not, I think that is a great deal. Time will work in your favour, your daughter will cry and doesn't want to go with her mother, the mother will lose interest and come less and less. You keep a diary of when the mother comes to see her child and when she hasn't come for 6 months, sue for sole custody with visitation rights for the mother max

"she did suggest i move into the city and rent somewhere so then she could see her daughter whenever she wants to because her living in bkk is another of her plans" - Good, she has a weakness, she wants to live in Bangkok. She can get a hundred bath per day in Korat or a hundred bath per day where you live now. Don't move to make it easier for the mother to get access - her problem

Be strong and patient and you will win


tbqh mikey it couldn't move fast enough now!

if she hadn't of run off we would still be living together, but i would still be doing this. well at the very least i would still be going for legitimization, which considering our relationship, would probably have prompted her to do exactly as she is already doing.

as i said before my lawyer said i should stop calling her. i had still been calling regularly on a daily basis (50+ times). she said she was coming back to bkk (if she isn't already here) on monday. i suggested it was just more empty words, which it was. monday came and she never answered her phone, she eventually turned it off. not the actions of a "mother" that has her daughters best interests at heart and is trying to be nice! i haven't seen my daughter now for almost 1 month, it's hard but i've decided to stop phoning now as it really does seem a pointless exercise. on average maybe 1 phone call out of 80 gets answered and i get to talk to a woman that "wants to discuss our daughters future" without actually saying anything apart from the usual crap; "i lie for what?", "i always think about my daughters future", "if you want to think like that in your mind, up to you!". she really is just a complete idiot and after these one sided conversations i am usually left more frustrated that i was before.

the lawyer seems adamant that when i go to court and she doesn't appear, i will be granted custody (not sole custody, as he said they wouldn't grant sole custody in her absence but probably would if i went back again to try for it and she failed to appear once more). if that's the case then i assume they will issue some sort of warrant to bring her back to me.

if the above happens it would mean 4+ months without seeing each other. 4+ months i have missed out on nurturing her development and teaching her english. i will always hate the mother for that and will always make things as difficult for her as possible, whenever possible.

also my lawyer said she hasn't responded to the subpoena yet or whatever it's called here. it's looking less and less likely that this will be resolved amicably in an adult fashion during the mediation process in late april.

i'm sure there will be many more twists to this one, regardless of what my lawyer states and what the law dictates

regarding the school mikey, i am going to talk to a neighbour whose son is of a similar age (3 months older) and used to play with my daughter alot. he goes to a different school which i would like my daughter to attend. the reason for this is my daughter is in the same school/class as her cousin which will no doubt lead to problems on a daily basis come home time, if of course i get the lions share of custody. also i will want to stop all involvement of her family during my custody times. if she goes to the same school no doubt the whole family will go and collect her cousin which will make things extremely difficult/awkward


"the lawyer seems adamant that when i go to court and she doesn't appear, i will be granted custody (not sole custody, as he said they wouldn't grant sole custody in her absence but probably would if i went back again to try for it and she failed to appear once more). if that's the case then i assume they will issue some sort of warrant to bring her back to me"

Yes, you will be granted shared custody but the April session is the negotiating session, isn't it? You will not be granted shared custody directly if she doesn't show up for that one. The lawyer will have to request another time (this time not negotiating session but a real court session in front of judges). Should take a month or so to get that. The judges would order you shared custody in that session if she doesn't turn up and it will take 30 days for the order to take effect. I see a time line of - negotiating session April - session in front of judges end of May - judges order taking effect end of June. There could be a short-cut that I don't know of but time can't change much, it's actually pretty quick although it doesn't feel like that of course. There is still a risk of the mother doing something that will delay things

The mother will maybe not dare to skip the second session in end of May - It will be the same result anyway, could take longer time but the court will order you shared custody – I still think that it would be good if you can show the bill for your daughters school for March to May, the mother took the child away and didn't let her go to school even though the father paid… Another plus for daddy, bigger chance of daddy getting Sun evening to Sat morning and mother weekend where her lack of responsibility matters less…

Once you have gotten shared custody (and if you get school days and the mother weekends - which I think you will), then I don't think changing school will be a problem for you. This is a male dominated society, you are the father, you legally have shared custody and you pay the school bill, you change school to a better school close which doesn't change the mothers ability to see her child during the time the court gave her. Don't like it? Sue me and find out that I do what the law allows me to do. Regardless of it's true or not, she won't sue and won't find out either…

Agree with the lawyer about not calling the mother, not going to help to call anyway, could maybe make it easier for you to get over the time until the court order comes into effect not to be reminded of the situation 25 times a day too. Plus that women absolutely hate to be ignored. She thinks she holds the ultimate weapon, the silence should affect her too - silence can be intimidating

Your greatest asset will be to be calm and patient, there will be sunshine after the rain :)


already have a "proper" court date set mikey which is at the end of may. the mediation is end of april. factfinding is next week

i know her not appearing for the mediation in april will not gain me anything custody wise. but apparently the may court date will if she's absent. the lawyer said this will cost her a minimum of 20k depending on her lawyer. money she hasn't got and certainly would not want to spend even if she had. i don't believe she's earning anything above 5k per month selling food, probably not even half of that. so her family would be supporting her. i cannot see them even contributing together to pay for a lawyer, again, even if they had the money. she/they will look at it like; by not turning up they can save some money, which is a shame as i would really like to see how she conducts herself in court. i said we would be watching videos of her admitting to being a prostitute and saying she wants her freedom. also videos of me asking her to come home with the car so i can take our daughter to school. obviously that won't happen but she was fighting back the tears after hearing that :)

as for the silent treatment, i think you're right mikey. i know how her mind works (it's very basic)... she will be wondering why i am not calling, and the silence will be unnerving for her.

the changing of schools is purely because she goes to the same school and is in fact in the same class as her cousin. i don't want to sit outside waiting for my daughter and have to sit next to my ex's sister everytime i go to collect her from school. also there would be nothing to stop my ex going to collect her niece everyday and cause problems that way. changing schools is the best solution i think.


i purchased a "low jack" for 3700 baht and that is how I found my wifes boy friend. He ran off after he learned I knew where he lives.

my point is, if u get a low jack you can then find her, video her etc etc

good luck


thanks dakhar. i have actually thought about installing something on her phone that runs in the background. the downside to these tracker apps/hardware is they are no good once the person has already gone :)


went to court today to make my statement. i was 100% truthful. if anything i went easy on her. the lady that was taking the statement said at the end that she was on my side. not that that really means much but it was reassuring to hear coming from a thai woman who deals with these cases on a daily basis...


What a coincidence, as I was at the juvenile court on March 10th all morning as well and didnt see any foreigners.

Was it the one on Chaeng Wattana road across the street from CAT telecom and the new govt buildings.

I'm working on a similar case for 50/50 custody for thai couple


samut prakarn, it's near the beach. from 9.15-10.15. as i already said i was there to make a statement (factfinding) i wasn't "in court"

are you suggesting i have fabricated this entire story? if so....

samut prakarn, it's near the beach. from 9.15-10.15. as i already said i was there to make a statement (factfinding) i wasn't "in court"

are you suggesting i have fabricated this entire story? if so....

Not at all, just stating what that my statement making was on the same day so I thought it was a coincidence.

I'm not sure mine was a court as well.

  • 3 weeks later...

Time for the court hearing day is coming closer so I thought I'd stick in with one more piece of advice.

Men and women are a bit diffierent, men may start up hard and then soften up a bit when it really comes to it, women are "better" at staying hard. DO NOT BE LENIENT! I hate capital letters and explamation marks... but you now have a good chance to get as much as possible of what you have worked hard to deserve, and what the mother has not showed responsibility enough to deserve. And the more you get in this case, the better it is for the child. Not the time to turn soft

I would not hold back anything on the truth, of course everything said must be put forward in terms of what is best for the child, do absolutely not let any "hate ex partner" shine through but there is no reason to not say what can be said in terms of the child. The father worry of the mothers loud and unstable behaviour when she is (not was...) drunk, the father worry about that the mother often came home clearly drunk at 6 o'clock in the morning smelling of alcohol and cigarettes, that she sometimes didn't come home at all (don't be afraid to *quickly* describe the feeling you had when the mother drunk and smelling touched the child - I'll be back here, if I have to, to protect our daughter from that), the mothers lack of interest in giving the child food (very *quickly* describe how the mother just gives the child milk and then fall asleep on the sofa again, and again and again, the child gets nothing but milk in a day - not how much, not important), the father worry about the mothers total lack of interest in the childs education, the father worry that the mother didn't care if the child gets enough sleep.

You won't get much opportunity to speak, plan what to say and make it short, no long explanations - you don't want to convince the judge what is right or wrong, the judge is knowledgeable (and he's a father himself most likely), he has the right to have a slightly different opinion from yours too. You shouldn't have much opportunity to speak actually because fact-finding session is already done, if you do get it, show care in your feelings and use the time wisely

Good Luck


I've just been reading this thread for the first time.

From what I know 2 parents living widely apart are usually awarded joint custody of the type.

Semester 1 with mother

Semester 2 with father

It is extremely unlikely that one parent will be awarded sole custody, and even more unlikely where that parent is a foreigner.

(Thai courts are obsessed with Thai nationals being brought up in an environment of Thai culture)

The real problem is foreign males tend to pay big money to support their children, making the mother loath to let go of this source of income.

Often a Thai single mother (with absent Thai father) will dump any kids on a relative and hardly ever see them, many Thai ladies (of the hostess kind) have a very casual attitude towards who brings up their children.

In this case the mother will most likely be wanting to do a 'week share' rather than a 'semester share' so you can pay all the bills for your daughter.

The important thing for you, is to show the mother that she will not get the chance to make money from your love of your daughter.

Just my opinion. For myself,I always take a really hard-line, I support everyone living in my household, I pay nothing towards those living outside of it.

You stated earlier that the mother needed 30k a month ....... a ridiculously large amount in this country, In Korat a mother and daughter can easily live on 3k a month (inc school fees), on 5k a month they will be living as well, if not better than most families.


The car sharing problems, her car or your car? (not who paid for it but who registered it). If her car she doesn't have to let you drive it at all, if your car then why let her have the keys?


i got the car back a while ago, i must of forgot to add that part. not that i have much use for one here...

my ex called on thursday morning saying she wanted to come and get the court papers that were delivered here for her. i had spoken to her a couple of days previous and was sure she was now back in bkk. after getting the usual insecure thai female rubbish of me being with another woman due to me not answering the phone the day before (the battery was dead on the portable) i tried to convince her to bring my daughter with her. she wasn't very keen on the idea. later that evening she phoned to ask if i wanted jamie to stay with me for the night, of course i agreed to this.

when she arrived around 8pm i couldn't believe how much my daughter had grown, she wasted no time in digging out her toys and asking to watch some cartoons! my ex looked a little disappointed to see there actually were court papers sitting here waiting for her :) she said when she leaves our daughter will start crying, i agreed that she probably would. about 5 minutes later when she left i asked my daughter if she wanted to stay with me or go with her mum, "i want to stay with daddy" was nice to hear. when we went outside i told her to give her mum a kiss goodbye after she did her mum asked for a hug but instead she came and hugged me. her mums face was priceless...

atm they are both staying here (downstairs), i would prefer for just my daughter to stay here but i would rather have them both here than not have my daughter here.

on saturday my ex went out to do something that would take me 40 minutes. it took her 30 hours. not that i was bothered, my daughter was with me so i have no need to call her even once. she called me on saturday night while i was on skype with my brother. she said she thinks we should try and stay together for the sake of our daughter. i thanked her for the kind thought and told her i would have to decline her very generous offer. i told my brother she has no money and doesn't want to go to court. 5 minutes later she called back to say she doesn't want to go to court. i told her i deserve rights over my daughter and my daughter deserves them too, there is absolutely no way i am gonna do a u-turn on this one.

i have been back with my daughter now for nearly a week, in which time she hasn't cried once. her mother still has her touch of making her cry a few times everyday mainly because she is just a child as well, in fact she has made her cry twice whilst i typed this. all she does still is lay down, either on the sofa or the floor. i did take my daughter to jomtien beach (what a shithole! anyone have any better recommendations? it was like pattaya but without prostitutes. maybe i didn't go far enough?), of course my ex wanted to tag along which meant instead of leaving at 8am we left at 11.30am. i was suprised however to see her swim with our daughter for 10 minutes. this is the first time i have seen this in 3 years. i was gonna stay the night and take my daughter to a water park the next day but though better of it.

so, mediation is in 3 weeks time. don't worry mikey, i have no intention of changing my stance on anything, especially as my daughter came home covered in scars which is something i hate. i really don't understand why it is so difficult to cover a child up at night. also she is still drinking way too much milk and my ex is still far more interested in herself and her useless family members...

to be continued...


Just want to say to the OP, having read this thread from the beginning, that I think you are handling this awful situation fantastically, and I wish you and your daughter the very best of luck. Your 'gf' is changing her tune of late. Obviously she thought you were bluffing. Be wary. and keep your resolve. This may seem somewhat extreme and controversial, but from what you have said, I think your daughter will have a much more secure future without her mother in her life, and if I were in your shoes (which I hope I never am, having 3 year old twins) I would be planning on taking her to the UK at the first possible opportunity, after the custody is resolved.


Reading this through some of the statements seem so true to my own relationship its scary.

What your doing c411um is great and I am following this through very closely.

I am impressed that the Thai courts don't take as long as I thought that they could and it seems that they will go in your favour which is great.

The thing that I hate more than any thing is the thought of my daughter going and ending up living with her grandparents and getting the "rural Thai education".While her mother ends up drinking her self silly in Phuket.

Ps. I did chuckle with the "brassing her self off" I have not heard any one use the word brass for a while.

Best of luck Bread


something i have been thinking about for a while now, i don't know if it's possible, maybe someone who knows more could clarify for me...

i have a feeling, although there is certainly no evidence to suggest, that my ex may try to flee the country. the only destinations i can think of her going to would be:

US (she has 1 friend there. i always thought it would be highly unlikely that an unskilled single mother would get a visa to go there, just because she has 1 friend to visit?)

Austrailia (again just 1 friend)

Netherlands (for me would be the most likely destination. her sister has 2 children by a dutch guy. although she has never been there i heard they had plans to relocate there at some point. would it be a straightforward task for her to get a visa to the netherlands?)

we've been living in the same house for the last 3 weeks. she is still the same ar5ehole she was before she left. always saying to my daughter "mai rak" when she doesn't do what she wants her to. (5 times a day). extremely jealous when my daughter wants to sit with me, she will go out of her way to lure her away from me. constantly sending my daughter to me to ask for money which i never give anymore. i told her if she wants to take our daughter out she does it with her money, if she hasn't got any then she doesn't go out.

friday night she left to go to korat for songkran with my daughter. obviously i don't want her to go but the last thing i need is the police getting involved so close to mediation, which although she has the papers for, i am not so sure if she will attend. saturday afternoon she called me, saying she stayed at her sisters house to watch the red shirts. excellent, 24 hours without seeing my daughter because she was again watching tv at someones house. in the evening i got another call, this time from my daughter asking for money. later that night she called again asking for me to put her mothers funeral and home videos onto dvd. i explained it will take a few hours to encode as they are in HD. she said that would be ok because she was going to bring my daughter back to sleep in the house.

she never came

this morning i get a phonecall saying she is going to korat this afternoon and she wants to come and get the dvd's. i had done one of them but as she didn't show i never bothered to do the others. i told her as she never came i couldn't be bothered to waste my time and do something for her.

so apparently she is going to korat this afternoon. i don't think she'll be coming back as she has realised there is no longer any financial benefit for her being here. in the 3 weeks she was here all she really did was lie on the floor/sofa. never played with my daughter or did any activities with her. when she did show some affection to my daughter it was out of jealousy. unfortunately the 7 weeks my daughter spent away from me has helped her mother as when she goes out she would rather go with her than stay with me, but at home she would rather be with me than her mother.

she caused me problems with my neighbours by making snide comments to them as she walked past them. she also told some of the neighbours that we were back together again because we love each other.

and finally just to show how cheeky and greedy this woman has become, if it isn't already completely obvious... on the very first full day she was back here we went out, so i could buy my daughter some stuff. my ex said she had to sell her phone. i said i had an old sony ericsson or nokia she could have, of course that wasn't good enough and said she wanted me to buy her a new iphone on contract (she was 100% serious). of course i said "f off!". the next day there she was with her phone that she had "sold" still after 4 months of ownership trying to work out how to use it!!


just received a phone call asking if i want to take my daughter to hospital before she goes to korat (it's her 6 month appointment). i said i'd take her when she comes back. knowing my ex as i do i think she has no intention of returning and wants to take her now as it will be done and she won't have to pay for it herself in korat, which is what i told her. her rebuttal? "i just take my daughter to korat to see my family, not like you, you got to pattaya to go with lady, i know you have many gf there".

hmm, i got to pattaya for 2 nights for a drink "and stuff" after spending 5 weeks without my daughter and just wanted to get away from it all for a couple of days. she takes my daughter away from me for 7 weeks. doesn't really compare in my eyes, especially considering i am single and can do whatever i like on a personal level. i have been out 4 nights drinking since october. hardly ogre of the year am i?

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