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Singaporean Man Murdered In Thailand


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BANGKOK, THAILAND - Thai police launched a murder hunt Wednesday after the naked body of a retired Singaporean man was found dumped in a field. Teo Ah Yua, 65, had been strangled with his own shirt and his hands and legs were tied with nylon ropes, said police in the southeastern town of Sri Racha.

Teo was a long-term resident in Thailand and was married to a local woman working in Singapore. Police also found his passport and foreign currency.

'We have not found the motive but we guess he was killed elsewhere before his body was dumped,' investigator Lieutenant Colonel Suchart Maneerat said.

While Thailand bills itself as the 'Land of Smiles' for tourists and expats, there are regular incidents of foreigners falling prey to violence.

Source: AsiaOne.com

Related link:

Info and weather for Sri Racha:


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it was not a robbery, so the first suspects are the closest family/neighbours or business associates (if he had any).

It seems self evident to me that it was a robbery!

A long term resident of thailand is found with some foreign currency - emphasis foreign, not Thai.

So his Thai currency was taken, and the thief (if he is one and the same as the murderer) was smart enough to anticipate a conversation that would go something like 'Please, Kon tamruat, Somchai today, him change Singapore donlah, kah!'

Edited by thaiphoon
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it was not a robbery, so the first suspects are the closest family/neighbours or business associates (if he had any).

Report said that foreign currency was found. If he was resident here, he probably had Thai currency on his person, so robbery cannot be ruled out.

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'We have not found the motive but we guess he was killed elsewhere before his body was dumped,' investigator Lieutenant Colonel Suchart Maneerat said.

Quality policing from the BiB. "Guess" being the word. Investigation, detective? Though there would be some information from is wife, etc?

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it was not a robbery, so the first suspects are the closest family/neighbours or business associates (if he had any).

... "or business associates" You know occasionally people are involved in complex

schemes and businesses for their livelihood and things after even years can backfire

causing someone to come out of the blue from anywhere. Not even related to being in

Thailand. These people have a specific motive for killing a co worker or

business associate. As I said completely unrelated to where he was from

or what country he was in now.

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This thread is about a person who has died. Please show some respect. Numerous posts have been deleted and warnings will be issued shortly.

No further comment about grammar will be tolerated.

My deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victim.

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This thread is about a person who has died. Please show some respect. Numerous posts have been deleted and warnings will be issued shortly.

No further comment about grammar will be tolerated.

My deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victim.

Thank You Scott.

regards Brewsta

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Your welcomed.

Off-topic posts are also being deleted. If you posted and your post isn't here, it's been deleted. Off-topic responses to deleted posts have also been deleted.

Please keep in mind that family, friends, neighbors and acquaintance may read this thread and be looking for information about someone they care about.

Please respect them and the deceased person.

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My condolonces to the family. It must be a shock to be informed of the death this way of an elder family member.

I have no information or personal knowledge of this gentleman, but it seems to me that a 'Business conflict' often ends up this way.

Again, RIP

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Below a more detailed report with photos:

Singaporean businessman found dead after brutal Attack



Thanks for the link Sigi. More detailed than US reports, unless it's a sports or movie star...

The Thai Police are doing a good job, imho. From the linked article;

"Pol.Lt.Col Niwat claimed the case was not too complicated and they only had to wait for more evidence before making an arrest."

Lets hope so!

It's sad to see this happenning in Thailand so often.

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