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Non-immigrant ed multiple-entry

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Hi everybody,

now I finally did it! I will come to Bangkok in january next year and there I will start to learn thai by joining the intensive thai program at the Chulalongkorn University. This is only possible because my employer is exemptng me for this period paying me a decreased but still fair salary. If I manage it to get an 3 month internship for the summer time, I will be exempted for the whole year, so that I can apply for further courses before and after the internship. I have now applied for the first of 9 courses with a duration of 5 weeks. I will therefore also get only the letter of admission for this period. As the instruction fees are non refundable I don't want to apply for more than 1 course as long as I don't have my internship fixed.

My question now is, can I apply for a Non-Immigrant ED Multiple-Entry Visa having in hand only the letter of admission for a 5 week language course? Is there eventually another visa type which is easier to get considering that I have a fixed income?

Any help regarding which visa type is the best and how to obtain it would be highly apreciated.

Thanx in advance,


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Bring a letter from the insitution together with a letter from you describing your plans, that might get you Non-Immigrant visa. Single or multiple entry, depending on you and your paper work.

What nationality are you and where will you apply.

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Thanx George.

I'm German and therefore will apply at the embassy in Berlin or the consulate in Stuttgart.

Try to get a least a Double entry, or better, a multiple one year (will last for 15 months, with visa runs every 90 days,  if you use it smart). Cheers!

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Stuttgart is quite helpful but I would suggest Karlsruhe.

That's where I send my customers or friends from Germany.

No guarantee, but guess for 90%-success. Explain in your letter that you intent to travel as well to the countries surrounding Thailand wherefore you wish to apply for a Non-Imm B with Multiple entries.

Go yourself and make an appointment beforehand by phone.

Königlich Thailändisches Honorarkonsulat

Sephanienstraße 22

76133 Karlsruhe

(0721) 2031456, Fax (0721) 2031457

Ansprechpartner: Herr Andreas Bachert

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