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Thailand Focuses On High Spending Tourists, Not Numbers


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IN Pattaya they have two options: Improve the quality of the infrastructure :) or go down market :D so that the new-comers are impressed that it is better than home (Haiti for example).

I think (thought) they were going down market with all the Indians, Arabs, and Russians here who don't spend money but find the place better than home.

When it was really cheap here, buying a vew tallay condo 1 for $10,000 and the water and elect were iffy, no big deal. Part of the third world lure.

Now a View Tallay condo is going for $50,000+ and has the same problems as 10 years ago, gee..... I can get a condo in many countries for $50K

10 years ago not one condo in Pattaya sold for more than 10Million, now 30 to 80 Million is not rare. If I had $3 million cash to put onto a condo I would go some other place where I could get a return on that money. But I don't have 3 million so maybe I don't know what I am talking about.

I used to spend 60K/mo now it is 100K and I have the same house and wife for 10 years now.

I would like to have a poor product and then decide to sell that product at a higher price because I can make more money, without improving the product.

Local car wash charges 70 baht for a motorcycle wash on some days then other days it is 100 baht, ask why and they say 100...... Not sure they understand or care, I don't go back there any longer. Thai friends had the same problem so not a farang thing.

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Sorry, but from where I sit, it looks like the authorities in charge need to brush up on marketing, and also on reality.

Today's young-and-not-so-rich might turn into slightly-older-and-by-then-rich. If their experience with the country, services, non-rip-offs [plus plus plus] was a good one, they'll return one day to play golf. If not, they'll be off to elsewhere. It's as simple as that. Trying to selectively pick raisins out of the tourism cake & tell everyone else to bugger off (more or less) isn't a recipe for success.

There are so many other, useful things the TAT could do: try to teach hotel owners that moldy bathrooms, leaking taps and other sub-standard things one encounters in not-so-cheap hotels aren't particularly appreciated by farangs (ever heard of checklists for cleaning personnel?); lean on other gov't agencies to get their sh*t together regarding taxis (what good is a meter if it's never on?) and tuk-tuks; finally get rid of the ridiculous two-class pricing at national parks (and not just keep "suggesting" it); and last but not least kick some ass as far as education (in particular: languages) is concerned.

Lots of wishful thinking there. Am I as short-sighted as the TAT?!


Someone with an advisory capacity at TAT should be a well traveled tourist, from the decisions they make it seems like none of them have ever left their condo.

I think putting the emphasis on tourists from the Middle East,is another backward step...............

sooooo TRUE, you can ask every barlady ever had "something to do" with these guys, if TAT planning to bring more tourist to LOS, specially men, the barladys need to dress warm in future :) ....may be I should start planting cork oaks instead of rubber clo-gehen.gif


To me, their campaigns seem to be working....

For example, Thailand has attracted the attention of such International TV Channels as Deutsche Welle, who show long programs about the advantages of medical tourism to Thailand.

Airline fees have been reduced, which prompted me to buy two tickets this months, for a quick six week trip, after being gone for nearly 7 months.

Just from personal experience, I see many of my friends and aquaintences, who just this year, have decided to check out Thailand.

As far as crime goes, a guy agreeing to a tuk tuk fare in Phuket and then later not wanting to pay it, because he thought it was too high, and later getting beat up as a result... He would probably get the same result from a cab driver in my hometown in Canada.

From my experience, Thai people are a lot more patient, putting up with crap from foreigners, than many of us are, with foreigners in our own countries.

As for safety and convenience of travel, being Canadian, it is a lot more safe and convenient for me to travel to Thailand, than it is to the US. Travelling to the US, is just a hazzle, with all the new regulations, plus it is expensive. There have also been touists killed in places such as Florida. I have not entered the States since 1990, even though, I never lived more than 200 miles from it's borders (except for the 8 years, I lived in Thailand). I come to Thailand, because I get treated with respect, I can live or visit here for a reasonable amount of money, I get good service and get greeted with a smile, most places and I feel safe.

I have a lifetime Usufruct on some land, in a small town and my wife and I own a small house, here in Thailand. We feel respected and welcome here, when we come home. We also have a house in Canada. There is no place, I would rather spend my winters, than Thailand. Money isn't the main issue. Respect and being treated well is, and Thailand, for the most part, threats it's tourists better than a lot of other destinations.

I never have a problem, getting my one-year Non-Immigrant visa, when I go to the Thai consulate, never had a problem entering or leaving the country and never been robbed in Thailand.

I guess, we all see what we want to see. I choose to see and experience the positive in life ;-)

Excuse me please but I have lived in Pattaya for almost eight years and have watched crime committed against foreigners esculate at an alarming rate. Many older retirees nolonger feel safe in their own homes here. The " suicide " rate amongst foreign residents is also very high. Hardly an athosphere conducive to attracting the rich.

I have lived 6 years and not seen violence escalate with foreigners at an alarming rate.The suicide rate with mainly older expats is due to no money or ill health,but its not high as i do not know anybody who has commited suicide or got attacked by thais.I have friends who have been attacked by russians,and foreigners,does that count ??????

I have never been attacked,or robbed at house or jewelry in my 6 years stay,but i have read about many thais been atatcked/robbed/murdered by thais,does this count too.

Your statement,is quite frankly unbelievable and with no backing of stats.Pattaya is a very safe place to be unless you are very stupid,showing gold or very drunk every night,same same most places in the world

Spend a day down soi 9, and you will see that crime against foreigners is at an all time high.

And you don't have to be stupid to become a victim. It can happen to anyone.

The crime in Pattaya has risen to very high levels in the last 10 years, and most is caused by people getting addicted to yabba, and funding their habit or paying of their gambling debts.

Thai's commit crime against foreigner's and desperate foreigner's commit crime against foreigners.

Since being here I have seen 8 people shot 2 on second road, and the rest on third road.

Most suicides are actually murders, but because of the elite forces involved, nothing ever gets investigated, only stuffed in a paper box.

You've spent too many days down Soi 9 mate, best give it a rest for while.

Quote:Thailand is like no other place in the world

where else get tourists beaten up by tuk-tuk drivers.But on the other hand high rollers are probably using helicopters.

11 million foreigners in the country and one of them gets beaten up by a tuk tuk driver, not so bad! I wonder how many foreigners in the US are shot dead every day :)

There are plenty of people shot in the U.S.everyday. I can assure you of this. None will be beaten up by Tuk Tuk drivers. Thailand wants more big spenders. They will probably target Nigeria ! Now there's a great marketing plan !

Quote:Thailand is like no other place in the world

where else get tourists beaten up by tuk-tuk drivers.But on the other hand high rollers are probably using helicopters.

11 million foreigners in the country and one of them gets beaten up by a tuk tuk driver, not so bad! I wonder how many foreigners in the US are shot dead every day :)

There are plenty of people shot in the U.S.everyday. I can assure you of this. None will be beaten up by Tuk Tuk drivers. Thailand wants more big spenders. They will probably target Nigeria ! Now there's a great marketing plan !

Maybe after a successful run at the Nigerian market, we can officially change the names of the Bangkwang to Little Port Harcourt and Soi 5 to Soi Little Lagos.

I used to be rich. I didn't come to Thailand. Went to the Bahamas until the Bahamians took over then avoided the place like the plague.

Went to Cuba till the Castro took then avoided it like the plague.

Went to Hong Kong till the Chinese took over.

Frankly from a tourist standpoint the British were wonderful administrators as was the mob in Cuba.

After the natives took over and began the anti Falang stuff all over the world rich people changed their vacation plans.

Victoria is a wonderful island off the coast of Canada. Ran into British royalty buying shoes in the same store as I did.

Skied in BC. Went sailing in the San Juan islands both US and Canadian. I defy anyone to tell me a city with better international cuisine than San Francisco. Maybe NY since it cleaned up its crime problem.

California wines have improved so much that France is no longer a prime destination for the wine lover.

Taken as a whole the beaches in Florida are better than any other place in the world unless you are into surfing. Rich people don't surf. Rich people sail.

I came to Thailand because it was cheap and I am no longer rich. Plus the added benefit of not running into my ex wives in Thailand. They are rich now and don't vacation in Thailand. They take cruises and visit Europe in an attempt to show other Americans they have culture.

I still have friends who are rich. I ask them to come visit me in Thailand. They reply, "you gotta be kidding." If you compare Thailand to Hawaii the Thai weather is rotten and the place is really dangerous. I would live in Hawaii but I can't afford it.

Rich people can fly anywhere. Why would they come to Thailand? Shopping! Rich people got rich because they don't waste money because they don't get scammed.

I went to the Bahamas once after the natives took over. Never again and that was years ago and it still upsets me when I think about it. We had a home there. We had friends and family. Now they have independence, crime, drugs and a dirty country. I hope they're happy. Thailand has a niche market and everyone knows what it is. The French and Portuguese sailors recorded in they're log books in the hundreds of years ago.

The poor Chinese and Koreans and Japanese that they hustle around in busses so that can't really see Thailand and get hurt may be the way to go but I doubt these people coming back.

If someone really wants to improve tourism the ideas in this thread are a great start. Summarize them and get them to someone who could make a difference. Maybe someone with Privy in front of his name. Make sure to include the poll. The people posting here really know what they are talking about for the most part. There is a billion dollars of new money on each page of this thread.

I wonder if any one who can really make a difference reads Thai Visa? Does anyone really know.

The people that are the prime market for Thailand besides its niche market are countries that are more dangerous and corrupt than Thailand.

The slogan should be, "It's better than Uzbekistan!" Or "If you don't feel scared in Pakistan you will love Thailand." Maybe, "You can still google it here."

Good post, I like it.

Wasn't this tried before and failed miserably to attract the rich?

Amazing Value to attract high rollers? Doesn't sound right. Also, do they believe that the cost of the Visa is barrier to high-roller travel?

Yes it was.

Big clamp downs on the bars, girl cover ups and early closing, elite cards and the building of more posh hotels, expensive restaurants, Spas and golf clubs.

The emphasis was put on middle aged and elderly American couples who it was hoped would join golf clubs, stay at expensive hotels, wine and dine at the expensive restaurants, go to bed at 9.00pm and perhaps purchase some condos to use during their 2 weeks holiday visit to Thailand once a year.

Of course we all know the outcome of that scheme, so I suppose the philosophy is: if at first you don't succeed try and try again until you're totally destroyed it.

They may get away with squeezing the golden goose, but in this case it will kill it off completely.


Seems like Thailand is going the route Hawaii took. Sell yourself as a vacation paradise, then become really resentful of the tourists. I believe the new Hawaii state policy is for all potential tourists to wire transfer directly into the state coffers, and they will mail you a postcards and a bundle of mini surf board key chains.


No suprise in the unveiling of these tactics cosidering the Thai way of business...When no customer we charge double :D

I often wonder from where, or rather from who (need i ask) the thais learnt this theory that its better to inflate prices and have empty rooms, relying on the small percentage of the farang who will pay anything RATHER than being realistic and making more money from a higher turnover of occupancy rates..????

The other problematic reality is that silver service customers actually EXPECT silver service for their dollar...NOT mai pen rai mentality :)


Tourists are noT stupid most of the time, When the Thai banks stopped buying out to keep the baht so low. We can pay 2 pound in our own countries for a beer rather than come here. Unless you really want a lady boy playing with your bits or a recycled Issan gal, with 2 kids to support. Oh my! Where are all the pretty ones gone? plus you can't relax on the beach without 40 other types waking you up to buy something. and it boring watching the gals laying there fully clothed 'cause they think its figgin cold. or they don't wanna get to brown (haha) or they can't cause of the stretch marks are horrible. Plus they don't want you unless you are a high spender, i.e. someone who starts drinking Chang at 8.30am in the morning, and keeps going until 2am the next morning everyday of your fortnight holiday. I think that is what TAT wants?


Sounds like a transparent scheme to label the inevitable fewer tourist numbers as a big win. They can always fudge the increased spending levels with bogus tourist surveys targeted to people who appear high end. Voila, they justify their existence. My suggestion, if you get a tourist survey put down that you spend 200 baht a day.


"This year, the authority will not aim at luring higher numbers of visitors, but will try to encourage visitors to spend more money while staying in the country," she said.

The Tourism and Sports Ministry on Friday said it was confident of reaching its tourism target of 16 million arrivals this year, up from 14 million in 2009.

Are these two statements are contradictory? :)

Thailand is like no other place in the world," said Juthaporn.

Genius! Certainly is not like Angola, Paraguay, Lebanon, Ukraine, France, Brunei...oh...wait...I beleive every country on Earth is different from each other. Maybe I am wrong.


There's also the issue of distribution of tourist dollars. Low end tourists might spend less but they are better at spreading it around amongst local operators. High end tourists tend to spend most of their $$ on hotels and stuff owned by corporations and the wealthy, less of it filters down to the locals.


"What we have found is that the characteristics of Thai people and services attract repeat visitors. Thailand is like no other place in the world," said Juthaporn.

Well hes got that right at least...not to many countries would spend months concocting various "crackdowns" affecting potential tourists AND THEN have the hide to come out with this load of buffalo crap :)


You right prices are higher the gal tried for 2000, I asked why the increase she stated that her bus fare home had gone up, and she was using more top up cards she thinks calls are more expensive too.


I was gratified that they didn't use the term "5-star tourism".

The original "red" administration's focus on these 5-star tourists was a miserable failure. And that was a good thing.

Five-star tourists spend money in international owned "corporate" destinations. Their spending doesn't "trickle down" to the average "somchai" who has a small service shop, a small handicrafts shop, a low cost local restaurant, or other business that, in the end, feeds the overall economy. Instead these 5-star tourists stay in 5-star hotels owned by overseas conglomerates (often listed on an exchange), eat pseudo-local food in exclusive foreign-owned and operated restaurants, and buy in the hotel shops or foreign-owned boutique handicraft shops. They don't rent motorcycles, ride tuk-tuks and songtaews, and they don't visit the ad-hoc tourist destinations. Their path through Thailand is controlled, predictable, and profitable only for the already-rich.

A focus on 5-star tourism is a focus on turning the resourceful, entrepreneurial self-employed Thai into a wage slave, dependent on the largesse of wealthy individuals and multinational corporations which will come to control the tourist industry here.

Despite the TAT's refocus on making more money per tourist, let's hope they intend to focus on fleecing them better rather than catering only to the rich ones. Let's also hope that that fleecing is done in a way that gets plenty of business for the motorcycle rental shops, the lady on the blanket on the street selling her hand-painted boxes, and the gwei dieow lady.

I spend over 1.2 million baht a year in Thailand, who spends more, a tourist or me, TAT should focus on taking care of me and people like me, people who live here!

Very moot point. My consideration is currently whether to commit to spending an extra Bt0.5m a year on school fees or withdraw all my spending from Thailand and leave them perhaps Bt2m a year worse off.

I couldn't care less about some unwashed backpackers or well heeled 5* hotel dwellers.

Their target market is Younger travelers in developed countries.

And their goal is to encourage these visitors to spend more money while staying in the country.

They will do this by marketing through online and new-media channels, which are cheaper than conventional advertisements.

So by spending less, and targeting a market who searches online they hope to make more???

This sounds like a business plan made by a first year BBA student, maybe they would be better off trying to get more money out of a segment that doesn't compare prices online. Who are they trying to fool?

If they re-positioned themselves as a country who doesn't try to rip off every foreigner, maybe they would attract more customers.

I agree, they are so simplistic. And really, announcing to the world of tourism that they only want 'high-rollers' in order to get more money from them shows the Thai mentality of the, I suppose, scam, or rip-off, or just plain desperation to get every little bhat they can find. What a turnoff. I like some things of thailand, but I find about 65% to be a tiresome ripoff. BUT, I admit that when I find the good side of Thailand, it is excellent. Even from Bar-girls, rarely, but it can be good.

Excuse me please but I have lived in Pattaya for almost eight years and have watched crime committed against foreigners esculate at an alarming rate. Many older retirees nolonger feel safe in their own homes here. The " suicide " rate amongst foreign residents is also very high. Hardly an athosphere conducive to attracting the rich.

I have lived 6 years and not seen violence escalate with foreigners at an alarming rate.The suicide rate with mainly older expats is due to no money or ill health,but its not high as i do not know anybody who has commited suicide or got attacked by thais.I have friends who have been attacked by russians,and foreigners,does that count ??????

I have never been attacked,or robbed at house or jewelry in my 6 years stay,but i have read about many thais been atatcked/robbed/murdered by thais,does this count too.

Your statement,is quite frankly unbelievable and with no backing of stats.Pattaya is a very safe place to be unless you are very stupid,showing gold or very drunk every night,same same most places in the world

Spend a day down soi 9, and you will see that crime against foreigners is at an all time high.

And you don't have to be stupid to become a victim. It can happen to anyone.

The crime in Pattaya has risen to very high levels in the last 10 years, and most is caused by people getting addicted to yabba, and funding their habit or paying of their gambling debts.

Thai's commit crime against foreigner's and desperate foreigner's commit crime against foreigners.

Since being here I have seen 8 people shot 2 on second road, and the rest on third road.

Most suicides are actually murders, but because of the elite forces involved, nothing ever gets investigated, only stuffed in a paper box.

You've spent too many days down Soi 9 mate, best give it a rest for while.

Why is it these OAPs tend to moan about everything, never stop complaining, ' cause they have a regular income. and think that they can still hold their own in a heated discussion? They forget back home it would be Bingo and down the legion for a pint. Not hanging around gogo bars and drinking themselves stupid eveyday!

Most of the touble is normally Thai or Thai, or farang drunk on Thai! (Outcome Thai 1 farang 0) or farang on farang,. Us Brits don't need excuse to start a fright just a drink or two or three and a dozen stupid tattoos 'cause it makes us look like some gay married footballer or that Mr. Williams guy (I bet its not too long before he 'comes out' too? as a shirt lifter. and while I am at it! Why do all you 45 plus men have get your heads shaven when you come to Thailand???

I spend over 1.2 million baht a year in Thailand, who spends more, a tourist or me, TAT should focus on taking care of me and people like me, people who live here!

Very moot point. My consideration is currently whether to commit to spending an extra Bt0.5m a year on school fees or withdraw all my spending from Thailand and leave them perhaps Bt2m a year worse off.

I couldn't care less about some unwashed backpackers or well heeled 5* hotel dwellers.

I regret the point is not moot, although I sympathise with your dilemma, for what that's worth. Established expat expenditure in Thailand represents a significant spend and income, TAT et al perhaps need to take that point to heart and start to treat them more carefully before believing that tourists/residents are a renewable resource, :) I'll start to make my relocation plans today!


Thai's are myopic & only see the cash at the end of their rat infested tunnel! Ladyboy's, whores, scammer's and rip-off merchant's are all part of their grand scheme in pursuet of the foreigner's money!! It's just not polite to tell it how it is in Thailand, unlike for instance Las Vegas or Atlantic City!!!

The people with the big buck's can see right through TIT's pityfully thin smoke-screen just as much as the rest of us!!!!4_18_5.gif


I assume the tragedy in Khon Kaen was at the Teaching Hospital for the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, the only University in Isaan with a medical school. I learned long ago that P. Aeroginosa was a common contaminant of fluorescein, a dye used to highlight scratches to the cornea not otherwise visable. Many years ago, fluorescein solution was replaced by impregnated paper strips.

High spending medical tourists, one of the groups targeted by TAT are likely to do serious research before choosing Thailand, OK, not KKU, over Singapore, Malaysia, India for exotic and expensive medical procedures.

I grieve for the poor folks who lost their sight; however, along with airport closures, scams, political instability 'High Spending' tourists are not an appropriate target for TAT at this time. I've been coming to Chiang Mai for 4 -5 months a year for the past 5 years. I could afford to go elsewhere but enjoy Thai food, culture and the challenge of learning to speak, read and write phasaa thai. I also love driving around the back roads in the mountains. However, the continued crazy 'gan meuang' is making me think seriously about going elsewhere for my next adventure in cultural tourism. :) Tu02


According to Juthaporn, the TAT will also promote Thailand as a centre of medical tourism. The Middle East is the main target. Moreover, "green tourism" campaigns are planned to appeal to tourists from Europe, where environmental awareness is high

This is one my favourite comments from that report yeah ok so all those 'enviromental aware' europeans will come here and find what!! Exactly what does green tourisnm mean to TAT an elephant ride a visit to the zoo. These people are on another planet and they're looking after Thailands tourisim!!


Add an honest to goodness Naturist Resort and a Naturist Beach, this will definitely bring quality people in, especially young rich Europeans. I have never met a naturist that wasn’t generally good person. Upper and middle class European and Americans that are naturist don’t have a place in Southeast Asia. Some day someone will build one and the naturist markets will flock to them. It will be unbelievable to see how fast these resorts fill up and stay full. Just like that movie line –“Built it they will come!” and boy will they come.

They will come with empty suitcases, because they won’t need that many clothes and will fill to the max with stuff to take home.

It’s a market that Thailand hasn’t touched, Mexico began several years ago developing this market and is reaping the rewards.

I am not talking about “Swingers”. This is a completely different market, one that I personally wouldn’t even want to talk about.


It is true 7 years ago when I came to Thailand the 'tourist resorts' were fun and everybody had a enjoyable and inexpensive time. The Thai people were kind and helpful and i spend many evenings sitting with Thai's.

But, should we blame them for the changes, I don't think so! why? because the high spenders who now come, with cash to spend and with attitude.

They tend to treat the Thais as 3rd world, Which they are not third world people, they are well up the ladder as people and with what they have.

Try the attitude in Spain or Italy and see what happens.

They are the worlds top copiers and I don't mean just DVD etc.. Attitude, manners, and life styles.

We are are to blame for the changes to the everyday folk. And our own elite are to blame for the changes up higher.

Thank heavens I live up country and it is still a pleasure to live and work with the Thai people. Can't be all bad been married to the same one for 8 years!

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