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Long Distance Relation


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Just wondering how many guys here are in a long distance relationship and how you like it.

Personally I think it's not too bad. Because of my work me and the missus see eachother infrequently; the longest tour apart took something like five months but on average we see eachother every six weeks for a couple of weeks.

Ofcourse it's always kind of exciting when we meet eachother again.

First there is the moment of slight hesitation where you both wonder if the other has changed. Then there is the moment of recognition when the ice breaks and suddenly it feels you never been away.

And then there is the romance that feels like the first time again.

On the other hand when duty calls it's time to say goodbye which ain't always easy knowing you won't see eachother again for another six weeks. The only good thing is the last fukc you get before you go. After that it only gets worse so I usually drink myself into oblivion on the way to work.

Then after a couple of weeks of being braindead the whole cycle of anticipation, counting the days etc. starts all over again.

Anyway, back to you guys.

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I notice the mates I have that do work away, actually have most of their wives checked up on (PvtDICK can probably shed more light :o ). I also know of at least 3 wives that are out on the town, "playing the field for free" and spending thousands playing cards.

(this was a short message for the offshore guys :D)

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Just wondering how many guys here are in a long distance relationship and how you like it.

Liking it really isn't a matter of choice in my case. It is what it is. We are apart due to circumstances and not by choice.

Most of the time it is bearable, but occasionally when loneliness kicks in or one of us has had a couple of sh*tty days at work, it can be pretty tough. When we are both having it rough, then it is that much harder. She has a tough time around her "ladies time" anyway, so this can also be difficult.

We get through it by talking once or twice a day, usually once in the morning and once in the evening. We get through it with love, mutual trust and understanding that we are building for the future.

We've both had some tough times in our lives before we met, which leaves us generally untrusting about many things. So the longer we go, the more confidence we have in trusting ourselves and our relationship.

As others have hinted, the reunions are special and the good-byes more tolerable as time goes on. Also the special times are key. For example, when I made a surprise call to her family and her daughter at Songkran time, it was really nice. Her daughter calls me "Papa" and listening to her talk to me, even though I can only get about every 3rd or 4th word, just made my day.

A long distance relationship is not for everyone. I've had two other long distance relationships go belly-up in the past (with western girls). But I'm determined to make this one work. Good luck to everyone else with similar circumstances.

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9.5 days away and 4.5 days home, works for me

I'm presently working a 14 day on/off schedule and it works great for me too.

Used to 28/28 which I've done for years and if travel is not an issue, a two-week rotation is lots better.

All about Quality time at home! :o

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it can be hard...but with modern technology it is easier than it once was. I get frequent SMS's and the occasional chat on messenger.

I wouldnt pay good money to get her checked out, as Spee said, there has to be trust and mutual understanding. You have no control over what she does when you are not there, so why worry about it.

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it can be hard...but with modern technology it is easier than it once was. I get frequent SMS's and the occasional chat on messenger.

I wouldnt pay good money to get her checked out, as Spee said, there has to be trust and mutual understanding. You have no control over what she does when you are not there, so why worry about it.

Great philosophy :o

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9.5 days away and 4.5 days home, works for me

That's a pretty good roster bronco. :o

I guess I'm a lucky one... short distance relationship... I'm home every evening... 5.5 day working week. :D

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My heart goes out to those of you who are doing the long distance thing. Good luck with that!

I dated my high school sweet heart for almost 7 years and 5 of them were spent on different sides of teh world. Her in Australia, and me in the US. The first few months weer extremely hard, phone bills really hurt me, but as time went by we were luck enough to find cheap affordable rates that gave us a wonderful relationship.

It was always good coming home for the summer, and seeing her again. It always re-kindled our flames, which I'm sure we really enjoyed. Unfortunately for me, my story didn't end in something out fo a fairy tale, but the experience taught me many things about myself and being in a relationship, but I still wish every one who goes through it the best of luck and may their story end is happier endings than mine.

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it can be hard...but with modern technology it is easier than it once was. I get frequent SMS's and the occasional chat on messenger.

I wouldnt pay good money to get her checked out, as Spee said, there has to be trust and mutual understanding. You have no control over what she does when you are not there, so why worry about it.

Great philosophy :o

What you/they don't know can't hurt or would that be ignorance is bliss?

Guess it starts with whether or not you can trust yourself...nothing eats up a great relationship more than a guilty conscience

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I had a Long Distance Relationship for about 9 months - after 17 trips in a 747 that was enough.

This also includes my wife being in Australia for 3 months.

I even went to the trouble of being a webmaster for a travel agency, simply to be able to travel to the LOS cheaper.

Why, I wanted to visit my wife.

So almost every spare weekend I got on BA0010 or QF001 on Friday Afternoon (sometimes Thursday) and I went home normally on Sunday afternoon and drove straight to work. When I could pull it, I would get 4 and sometimes 5 days at a time here.

I now have the life I want, I work as hard as I can to keep the life I want. When I get a bit lazy or slack, I ask myself if I want to work to keep the life I want or not. The answer is easy.

Long Distance relationships work, but they sure require alot of work. When you add a cultural difference, the only succesful resolution I know is to get on the big jet and sort it out.

Good Luck, to all of you suffering the tyrrany of distance.

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Im in a 21month & counting 5600miles apart relation with this narak dee TG.

Despite 4-5, 2-3 weeks visits to LOS a year plus her 2 long visit in Europe we've still been apart more than half of the time & yeah its pretty tough more than its a convenient freedom.

Sms, chat, webcam, corporate phone bill & skype helps being close, but even virtual sex can be pretty amazing these days its not enough in the long run for sure.

Only problem is we haven't figured out the perfect long term plan yet :o

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