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I also had a mad dream last night...

Was staying at the g/f's parents house. One point me and the g/f were left on our own for a bit so decided to make the most of our time alone. Just when things were getting a bit revealing, her elder brother walked in - the look on his face was none too chuffed.

Then, later at night while everybody's sleeping (still in the dream) she decided to sneak into my room. A few moments later, her brother walked in the room again, then she jumped out the window.

She doesn't even have a brother... :o

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Okay, since i got "some" free time, let me try this - (sorry if i happen to cross the line in doing it here)

Honeyen -

I saw a huge white python in my dream 2 nites ago, it was in an empty house (couldn't fathom out why I was there). Anyway, my brother said it's a sign of getting spliced soon

Honeyen, i'm not really sure what splice(d) means but i think your dream might mean you going to meet a special guy not long from now.(Carefull if you are already attached). As for the the python is white, it might be a farang as well. Just wondering, is there any sign of water around the area where you were? Was it like raining outside or something like that? The sign of water will indicate that the person will have a crush on you without you knowing and you will never know.

Next -

bkkmadness -

One was about Ian Brown, he was somehow suspended from the forum and wanted me to pm a mod so he could start posting again.  The Scamp was in the dream somewhere too, but cant remember how he was in it.

Nothing to worry, just you spend too much time on TV i guess. Most of what we think about or do in the day will be "carried forward" in the mind and this project an image when we are sleeping.

bkkmadness -

The second one may freak one of the members here out. I dreamed that I had ordered 20 cruise missles from a website and paid for them to be targeted at Ramdom Chances farm. 

I did feel a twinge of regret and managed to cancel most of the order, but there were three that were already on there way. I remember wondering if three cruise missles would do much damage to his farm  , and also was struggling with the fact that I might have to call him up and let him know that I'd fired some cruise missles at his farm and perhaps he should tell the family and staff there to get out of the way for the day. 

There's 2 way of looking at this

1) As i mention above, spending alot of time on TV and it carries to your sleep

2) No pun intended, this dream might indicate you have an anger or envy feeling in you that is hard to be expressed out. Something that seems to be bothering you but you just kept it one side and hope it will dissapear. As for the involvment of the other member in the dream, it might just be a coincidence that RC have a large target area for your missiles. And RC have been kinda active again lately in TV anyway.

Next -

Insight -

Was staying at the g/f's parents house. One point me and the g/f were left on our own for a bit so decided to make the most of our time alone. Just when things were getting a bit revealing, her elder brother walked in - the look on his face was none too chuffed.

Then, later at night while everybody's sleeping (still in the dream) she decided to sneak into my room. A few moments later, her brother walked in the room again, then she jumped out the window.

She doesn't even have a brother...

Again no pun intended

Someone told me before, if a non existence member of the family showed up in your dream could mean one of the family member will depart. But I also heard, if you are with someone you love (gf/wife) and another person appears, could mean there will be a third party involve in the relationship. best if you could describe the surrounding of the dream, was it night? day? anything that you could recall that you see in the dream.

To all here, i know i'm gonna get flame coz of this but since no one interprets anyone's dream here i thought i just took the chance of doing it. I am no pro in this though.

And please remember, this is only a dream so relax, before go to bed - try to have a clear mind and enjoy your sleep.

Sweet dreams

Explorer :o

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Honeyen, i'm not really sure what splice(d) means but i think your dream might mean you going to meet a special guy not long from now.(Carefull if you are already attached). As for the the python is white, it might be a farang as well. Just wondering, is there any sign of water around the area where you were? Was it like raining outside or something like that? The sign of water will indicate that the person will have a crush on you without you knowing and you will never know.

get spliced = informal get married

No, no water. So, could it be someone I met last Friday? :o

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Honeyen, i'm not really sure what splice(d) means but i think your dream might mean you going to meet a special guy not long from now.(Carefull if you are already attached). As for the the python is white, it might be a farang as well. Just wondering, is there any sign of water around the area where you were? Was it like raining outside or something like that? The sign of water will indicate that the person will have a crush on you without you knowing and you will never know.

get spliced = informal get married

No, no water. So, could it be someone I met last Friday? :D

Like someone told me before -

"One might never know, my friend"

Explorer :o

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