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Many Negative Topics And Frustrations


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As i feeling not so well today and reading many negative topics about LOS and her people.

Most off us live here, and that countries around LOS are going to take over Thailand as mean tourist destination :) , hear that for years already.

Complaining, complaining but keep living in LOS, WHY??

I would like to know peoples positive things about LOS and there people.

Please pay attention and follow the Forum rules.

Let me start myself when i came here 20 years ago:

* Exotic food and people

* Beautiful woman

* Beaches

* Cheap 5 star hotels

* And intresting people


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When you are negative it's like a feeling of belonging to the crowd. It gets tiring being happy all the time in the face of all that misery. I've decided to turn over a new leaf and join the crowd. It brings a smile to my face seeing all that suffering.

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When you are negative it's like a feeling of belonging to the crowd. It gets tiring being happy all the time in the face of all that misery. I've decided to turn over a new leaf and join the crowd. It brings a smile to my face seeing all that suffering.

You're still not quite getting it.....

"The crowd", as you so charmingly put it, post their thoughts, experiences etc. for a discussion.

Stating that everything is 100% perfect doesn't cut it with people who've lived here for a few years. Then again, trying to be deprecatory in the way you've posted - doesn't either.

That aside - Thailand has wonderful scenery and the weather is a dam_n sight better than in the UK.

People have smiles on their faces (may be superficial - but who cares, its still better than the scowls back at home).

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If you have been on the planet a long time and have lived in many places (and if you have had an open mind), you learn that there are negatives and positives everywhere. So, does it really matter where you go now?

Thailand is no exception. Good people and bad people. Beautiful places and horrible places. Safe and not safe, etc.

Many expats came here during a different time when things were much better than they are now. They are stuck here for many reasons: family, monetary concerns, housing (they own it but can't afford to buy another one elsewhere), health, etc.

They moan and groan but stay because they have not found a way to leave.

Some have invested heavily here and can't psychologically accept that they made a mistake.......smiles all around. A lot of real estate people probably fall into this category.

Some, of course, actually like it here. They are likely either totally delusional (probably too much alcohol) or in a mental state where they avoid dwelling on the negative.

There are some younger people here who have no clue about history, so they just don't understand that things were better. If you don't have that understanding, it probably hurts less to be here because you are not comparing it to a better past.

Others are employed here and can't just leave.

That is my take on it.

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Much can be derived from what appears as negativity , try to put yourself in the shoes of the poster and walk a while with him to understand why he/her may feel that way , some have a constant downer , maybe due to a daily state of inebreation brought on by a string of bad luck or just plain old happenstance .

Depression , who truly knows what that is or how debilitating a serious bout can be to a human being , oh yes , we often hear the remark "God I'm depressed today" , so some-one is feeling a little off colour , down in the dumps . A truly depressive state of both mind and body , is a progressive mind numbing happening , that creeps up on you like an insidious loss of interest in most of what surrounds you in your daily life , you drink more with the omnipresent increase in tobaco consumption , you are on the edge of the abbys .

Negativity is born of both boredom and a depressive state of mind , it is unwise to let either or both overcome your concious state of being in charge , look around you and THINK what it is that ails you . Should you have a desperate , driving need to go on a forum such as TV just to rant and rave , YOU HAVE A PROBLEM that tells you (or should) that you need help , should you need a drink to get the Dutch courage to enable you to carry on like this , you are at a point where you can bring your mind back into the world of the sane and responsible , but it will take considerable will power to do so .

I am Bi-Polar , manic depressive , been there -done-that , I could write a book on this subject because I feel(know) the people who are considered experts have no idea what the patient goes through in his dilemnas , it is beyond the scope of immagination to be in the slimey pit of self destruction that seems impossible to escape , the feeling to sucumb is all pervasive .

Please consider the next time you want to jump up and down about a posters negative comment , first take a walk with him/her in their shoes , consider that possibly all they are doing is crying out for help in an uncaring world , think about it !!!!

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One of the worst aspects of life in Thailand is other foreigners believing it their right, duty, mission to dictate to other foreigners what are and are not acceptable opinions to hold and express about Thailand and Thai people.

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If you have been on the planet a long time and have lived in many places (and if you have had an open mind), you learn that there are negatives and positives everywhere. So, does it really matter where you go now?

Thailand is no exception. Good people and bad people. Beautiful places and horrible places. Safe and not safe, etc.

Many expats came here during a different time when things were much better than they are now. They are stuck here for many reasons: family, monetary concerns, housing (they own it but can't afford to buy another one elsewhere), health, etc.

They moan and groan but stay because they have not found a way to leave.

Some have invested heavily here and can't psychologically accept that they made a mistake.......smiles all around. A lot of real estate people probably fall into this category.

Some, of course, actually like it here. They are likely either totally delusional (probably too much alcohol) or in a mental state where they avoid dwelling on the negative.

There are some younger people here who have no clue about history, so they just don't understand that things were better. If you don't have that understanding, it probably hurts less to be here because you are not comparing it to a better past.

Others are employed here and can't just leave.

That is my take on it.

Good post.

But I think there are way more Westerners here, who really enjoy their life in Thailand, than most in this forum can imagine.

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After living in central Thailand for a little over 4 years, I was becoming very negative about Thais and Thailand. So 3 weeks ago I left and moved back to Australia, along with Thai wife and kids.

It was a good move for me, after a few years you start to see Thailand for what it really is.

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After living in central Thailand for a little over 4 years, I was becoming very negative about Thais and Thailand. So 3 weeks ago I left and moved back to Australia, along with Thai wife and kids.

It was a good move for me, after a few years you start to see Thailand for what it really is.

I agree. I've been here five years and I have only really benefited in the experience enabling me to now see and appreciate the reality of the many good points of my own country. I marvel now at how completely naive and stupid I must have been to have moved to Thailand in the first place. I wasn't even doing it for pussy, I just thought it would be better than the Uk. I'm only glad I didn't burn all my bridges and can go back when ever I'm ready.

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I've seen a rather major change here in Thailand since my last visit in 2549/2006, and I've not had as much luck as that which I had the first time either. My best friend is back up in Nong Khai and we haven't had the chance to catch up yet, so it's been a lot more a DIY effort than before, if you can accept that when one has a trusted friend who speaks the local language and carries a gun under their jacket, things tend to progress more smoothly than if you're in DIY mode 24/7. It's one reason why the rent-a-girl holidays might be easier on the mind, among other things...

I'm embarassed that after three years stranded overseas and proudly condoning the civilised wonder of Thailand, that it's just not quite the way I remember it in some subtle but very important ways. Hence, I've threaded a few negative topics, and posted a lot of grumpy posts here after a few beers, but in vinos veritos, there is truth in wine, and I'll be sure and write some nice topics and posts if anything good happens in the remaining time I have left here before I have to get on a plane and leave.

Sometimes honesty requires one to write about negative issues, but I didn't plan nor expect more than a few minor things when I first got back here. There's been a rather major change here in Thailand since my last visit. I hope it's not such a waste of an airfare next visit, if I ever get invited back here again.

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There is nothing wrong with telling the truth about how you feel about Thailand. What is wrong is getting slammed for having for your own opinions

Thailand has changed allot since 1984

My OPINION is it has to do with allot of materialism and western advertising influence that were not here years ago

Years and years ago people were happy with nothing but HRM and Buddhism

I can honestly remember in Prachinburi when there was one phone in town, in the city circle

Now is you don't sport a Blackberry you are really out it

Some of us, due to the economy have nothing to go back to

I can say I have given it some thought and it is not about money in any way

My wife and I both make allot of money here in Thailand. But she is not too keen on the USA except for visits once a year or so

We know there are difficulties here and at home

In Thailand the one fear I have is the lawless nature of the country and people that can buy their way out of trouble.

Just never quite feel safe you might end on the wrong end of someone that has a boner for you for something that might be a minor offense in another country

Another issue is the VISA issues make you feel like a criminal. We work, we hire Thai's, we pay tax, why all the hostility?

I might like it 100 times better if I actually felt like they wanted me here

One thing I do when I get down in the dumps is spend allot of time driving all over Thailand taking photos (over 125,000 at last count)

Every once in a while I see something or some good deed that makes me feel like everything is going to be OK and not to complain because many others have it so bad here

Keep away from the tourist areas, find a happy balance of places to go and things to see that are away from the tourists

You get to the age where going back puts you in age discrimination contests with 24 year olds for jobs, high medical etc

So maybe it is not so bad here after all and best to make due

The news reported yesterday Thailand plans on having a social system in place by 2017, if that is true maybe we will see a better, stronger, more lawful Thailand emerge

I am sure if I as up to my buttocks in snow right now I would be complaining as well

But for now I am thankful to God for what I have, love, happiness, family, somtom????

And a mild sense of humor.

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"Keep away from the tourist areas, find a happy balance of places to go and things to see that are away from the tourists"

To the contrary, I would say, that many who are frustrated with their lives in the middle of nowhere would be more happy, if they had more access to Western facilities and with more Westerners around. Especially some old men in Issan, who would never ever be there without all the pushing from their wives.

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"Complaining, complaining but keep living in LOS, WHY??"

1/ It's that old line that good news is not news. How many people would stick around Thai Visa if it was full of oosy schmoosy stories about LOS? Maybe TV could dedicate a forum to GOOD LOS STORIES ONLY (Thai Praiser.com?) and see how many hits it gets. (And what kinda comments those stories attract! :D )

2/ When positive things happen most folk enjoy 'em and move on without thinking. We're all more or less in a trance for large parts of the day - even the more vigilant among us.   When something bad then happens it hurts, grabs our attention and we want kiss-it-better and diddums. :)

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OK, I'll point out the obvious - so you're a "negative loser from the beginning" and not one of the "happy people who aren't bored" otherwise you "wouldn't be on this site. Right?".

Or were you only talking about everyone else?

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Absolutely amazing - the op asks for positive comments.........

Around 90% of the posters here are showing their expertise in reasons why people are negative.......

Says it all really....... :)

I like the soup shops.......30 baht good feed.... :D

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"Keep away from the tourist areas, find a happy balance of places to go and things to see that are away from the tourists"

To the contrary, I would say, that many who are frustrated with their lives in the middle of nowhere would be more happy, if they had more access to Western facilities and with more Westerners around. Especially some old men in Issan, who would never ever be there without all the pushing from their wives.

I see that the essential change to the village I lived in four years ago and visited regularly three years ago and much of the change that I returned here to get away from is the westernisation. I only have myself to blame is too simple. That is why half the time want to tell the world of the wonderful land of smiles, where I am, and the other half the time I want to complain about the ways it has changed - westernised to become more like me! How can I hate something like this? Is not imitation a form of flattery? I'd be flattered if it wasn't such a poor imitation. It's about as good as all of Western Australia next week making Thai the native language and embracing Theravada Buddhism. Tell me that kon Thai on holiday in Perth would never find THAT frustrating and life is a fishbowl of roses.

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I love the seafood, and it's much cheaper than back home.

Ah, but not cheaper than where I come from. I have it all out my back door on Vancouver Island. My freezer is full of shrink wrapped salmon, halibut, prawns and tuna. My cupboards are full of smoked salmon and crab in jars. When I want it fresh I'll take out the boat and go catch some.

What I CAN'T get back home is 5 months of sunny weather from November to April. And, at my age, women are totally out of the question in Canada. Here in Thailand I can act like a man in his thirties... and get away with it. It's like being at the best party you ever attended and you still get to go home with the Prom queen if you want to.

There is no question that there are a lot of things that could frustrate someone if they let it happen, but when you balance it out then there really isn't much to complain about. For example, you might get a 200 baht fine for not wearing a helmet in Thailand, but in Canada a fine for the same offence would be 3000 baht... or more. But, to balance that out you might have to pay some crooked Thai policeman some "tea" money for a ridiculous crime made up on the spot.

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I think honestly it's push-back.

Honestly, happy people who aren't bored wouldn't be on this site. Right?

So you got a bunch of negative losers from the beginning, and what are they going to talk about?

Not entirely true. A lot of people like myself are on the computer working. I'm a writer and sit for many hours at my laptop. The trips over to thaivisa are just a diversion to clear my mind.

With the rest of your post I have to agree with you. Anyone who takes a swipe at you deserves a reply. But, some people don't know how to reply in a civil manner.

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I received a B500 fine on Silom for putting a cigarette butt down the sewage drain , the report(?) was written on a form with so much white-out it was covered in furrows .

In Canada I have not received a citation for a road traffic violation in over 40 years , but then again , I drive within the boundaries of the law , to cite how cheaply traffic offenders get off in Thailand is obviously much of the reason for the deplorable driving habits .

For the defenders of the realm , you obviously never were a good concientious driver or you had to become a 'Sheeply' to survive , your choice of excuse not mine .

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There is a case for frustration right off the bat by the OP , you are asking posters why they cannot be more positive about happenings etc in the country and give your personal example quoting ancient history from 20 years ago . Hind sight is known to be perfect , but times they are a changing , could you not have found examples more up to date to cite ?

Hope you are feeling better now than when you posted the thread .

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Guess there's some folk (sometimes me included) who, for whatever reason, tend to see the dark side of things, albeit possibly for good reason. I'm sure they (me) would have similar views wherever they lived, not just here in Thailand, just the way life is sometimes.

Positives of living here.....a nice soup (437geo spot on) / climate / soup / generally easy going people / cracking golf courses / soup / nice airport / stable government / easy visa rules..........ooopss hang on...what am I doing!

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I had a good laugh at some of the positive things put up. You can find all these positive aspects in many other places. Often the qualities are superior elsewhere, but that's not my point.

All of the happy threads in TV share a common theme: You make the best of what you have and you work to make good when there is bad. This is a common sense approach that works everywhere and anywhere. When you have a happy life and a positive outlook, you can be destitute, live in a trailer park on a mudflat and still wake up full of joy every day.

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I grew up here, moved here with parents when I was 9, so Thailand is truly "home" in my heart. I was too young to really remember living in another country, so I don't always fully understand the moans and gripes that some of you guys have... Sure, life here has its daily share of frustrations, but then again, what place in the whole wide world doesn't? You gotta stop thinking in the stiff structured farang mind and add a lil mai pen rai :)

It's real funny though, before becoming more active on this site, I was very strongly considering moving to another country soon, not that I am sick of Thailand, but just sorta bored of it... but now I appreciate the country more and more thanks to you guys :D

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Much can be derived from what appears as negativity , try to put yourself in the shoes of the poster and walk a while with him to understand why he/her may feel that way , some have a constant downer , maybe due to a daily state of inebreation brought on by a string of bad luck or just plain old happenstance .

Depression , who truly knows what that is or how debilitating a serious bout can be to a human being , oh yes , we often hear the remark "God I'm depressed today" , so some-one is feeling a little off colour , down in the dumps . A truly depressive state of both mind and body , is a progressive mind numbing happening , that creeps up on you like an insidious loss of interest in most of what surrounds you in your daily life , you drink more with the omnipresent increase in tobaco consumption , you are on the edge of the abbys .


I am Bi-Polar , manic depressive , been there -done-that , I could write a book on this subject because I feel(know) the people who are considered experts have no idea what the patient goes through in his dilemnas , it is beyond the scope of immagination to be in the slimey pit of self destruction that seems impossible to escape , the feeling to sucumb is all pervasive .

Please consider the next time you want to jump up and down about a posters negative comment , first take a walk with him/her in their shoes , consider that possibly all they are doing is crying out for help in an uncaring world , think about it !!!!

Well, not sure I agree with you. While I am not bi-polar or manic depressive, I have taken Paxil for depression. In-person, I do expect people to be a little considerate of (for example) co-workers who are suffering from such conditions. On the other hand, one cannot expect everyone else to change their lives for some individual who is having problems.

I look back to a teacher we had at the school where I was an administrator. We had been pretty good friends. One night she was raped. Nervous breakdown. Of course, we all treated her with kid gloves for 6 months...a year...two years...on and on. And all we got from it was a fairly continuous string of abuse. After about 12 years of people suffering because of her...and some people transferring from the school because of her, two things happened in fairly short succession. One day a retired teacher came back to visit and I was sitting with him in the office and Madame X walked past...he greeted her (they had been quite close)...and she totally ignored him/us. He walked her over to her and reprimanded her, publicly ("X", we've been friends for 20 years and you ignore me?..."). She apologized. A month later the department chairs were meeting (she was one) and she started off on one of her tirades, attacking almost everyone there, and particularly me (as principal). Finally I stood up. "THAT'S ENOUGH! I am tried of the abuse and so are the rest of these good people and your colleagues. If you cannot behave in a professional manner, leave the meeting and don't return to the group until you can control yourself." She never displayed the negativity again for the remaining year I was there before I retired. This year, two years later, she was nominated for a teacher of the year award. I think we all did her a disservice by accepting her abusive negativity for over a decade. And the change finally came only after those around her began to speak up and say, "Stop it!"

And, back to this forum, I think you're asking a lot of people on this forum. There is no way we can walk in the shoes of posters we have never met, don't know, and will never meet. Some of us -- when we hear this constant stream of negativity -- just need to say "STOP IT". That doesn't mean we need to be rude or cruel, but I reject that we need to let the moaners, groaners, and constant complainers ruin the group for everyone else.

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