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Bird Catching Nets


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so and when you catch them you going to kill them or what ?

discusting ! let the birds fly wherever they want and move your house better.

juste dumped a thai friend after she proudly told me she's poisoning doves and other birds because they wake her up in the morning.

poor people who want the world for themselves...

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so and when you catch them you going to kill them or what ?

Fry them up of course. Haven't you ever tried "Four and twenty black birds baked in a pie?"

Thais eat everything that crawls, hops, slides, slithers, runs, jumps, flies or swims. Or, just lies there inert if it's in any way edible. Even tiny clams and crabs get mashed into a pulp, shell and all, and used as a condiment. When the nets they string all over every reservoir get tangled and abandoned, they revert to using jolts of electricity to stun the fish, of which a few of float to the surface and get picked up. The remainder sink to the bottom and die.

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Why would people want to harm birds that bring so much pleasure and beauty into the world?

In the UK these atrocities are illegal.

With luck the OP will strangle himself in his own net and let the birds live their lives without interference.

If I had to choose between a moran or a few dozen birds as neighbours, the birds win hands down every time.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Set up a scarecrow.

Scarecrows don't work, but a mockup of a hawk or owl will. I used to build paper mache birds and paint them to resemble a hawk. Then I would hang it on a string off a branch of our cherry tree when the fruit was getting ripe. It kept away all the songbirds and starlings. However, the crows were too smart for a fake hawk until I hung a corpse of one of them in the same tree. After that they never came back.

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In had a problem with pigeons crapping all over my balconies. I ended up buying a few of those life-like rubber snakes from the toy department in Tesco and placed them on the ledges of the balconies. I haven't had a single problem since then.

Edited by Norrad
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In had a problem with pigeons crapping all over my balconies. I ended up buying a few of those life-like rubber snakes from the toy department in Tesco and placed them on the ledges of the balconies. I haven't had a single problem since then.

I had the same problem and was told by a Thai friend to hang something red up, which I did, a bath towel, but in a smirking "like this will work" kind of way.

But it did work and they never came back!

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