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Bangkok Bank Book Update

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I just updated my bank book and only the last 7 days appeared, I was hoping the whole history would show up, in broken Thai I asked if I could get the entire history in the book and the staff int he bank said I could only get it in statement form - on paper, does anybody know a way around this?

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Not sure of the reason why, but all the banks in Thailand seem to be the same.... if you wait to long in between the times you update your bank book, you ill be missing transactions. If you need history of transactions you must request printout and I believe most banks will charge arpox 200 thb and it will normally take a few days.

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Not sure of the reason why, but all the banks in Thailand seem to be the same.... if you wait to long in between the times you update your bank book, you ill be missing transactions. If you need history of transactions you must request printout and I believe most banks will charge arpox 200 thb and it will normally take a few days.

Any idea how long is too long?

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I had the same problem with Kasikorn bank. It was a real pain as I needed to show I had the money in the bank for several months as I was renewing my visa using the bank balance method. I had nothing shown at all in my passbook during the previous 3 month period and just a balance from the week before. Useless if you are trying to prove to Immigration there was money there several months before.

I was fortunate as I had internet access to my account so printed a statement that way. I vowed to keep updating my book once a month, but soon forgot. so I now just use the internet to print out the transactions. Immigrations seems to be happy with this. I still need the letter from the bank to prove the current balance - but the computer printout is OK for the proof the money was there several months before.

So if I were you - if your bank allows this - I would get internet access to your account - then you have control over what you want to print out.

Edited by dsfbrit
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I have waited over 6 months for my SCB and Kasikorn accounts and no problem printing all transactions. I rarely update and have been doing it this way for years now. Thanks for the warning that this may become a problem. Does it make a difference if you actually go into the bank to print it?

Edited by Jingthing
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That is a good thing BB is doing. I mean if you lost your bank book for a long period of time or have not updated your book for a long period of time. it is good to get only brief history statment of your account, not the whole history since the last time you updated your book.

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I suspect everyone here is absolutely correct - It is just a question of working out why.

I too only update my Bangkok Bank savings account book maybe 3-4 times a year and it shows all my transactions. But these are mostly direct debits (electricity bills), card fees and interest.

There may be a limit on the number of 'activities' that are 'logged' against the account? I guess the final amount is the one we are all interested in.

Edited by pkrv
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If deposits or withdrawals are made to your account more than 30 transactions without using a passbook and you bring your passbook to keep updated that day after that, the transaction history will not show up in your passbook. Then, you have to request for a bank statement by filling out an application form at your home branch. It’s free anyway! :) if not older than 6 months).

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Yes, its the number of transactions not the length of time - obviously to keep from printing page after page of transactions and then having to get a new book half way through. Internet is clearly the answer.

If an "authorised" statement is not needed, then sometimes you can get a transaction history from the teller - but its not a document that can go to the authorities - it doesn't have the bank's logo and is not signed by the bank.

Thailand has a lot of fraud in these type of documents - a surprising number of people "amend" them to use when applying for travel visas and also when applying for loans and credit cards. I remember some time ago the northern european countries were having a huge problem with amended bank statements and even amended passbooks. Very creative, but resulting in painful processes to get notarised originals for the rest of us.

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Yes, its the number of transactions not the length of time - obviously to keep from printing page after page of transactions and then having to get a new book half way through. Internet is clearly the answer.

If an "authorised" statement is not needed, then sometimes you can get a transaction history from the teller - but its not a document that can go to the authorities - it doesn't have the bank's logo and is not signed by the bank.

Thailand has a lot of fraud in these type of documents - a surprising number of people "amend" them to use when applying for travel visas and also when applying for loans and credit cards. I remember some time ago the northern european countries were having a huge problem with amended bank statements and even amended passbooks. Very creative, but resulting in painful processes to get notarised originals for the rest of us.

Hi 'aurelius' you have hit the nail on the head - creative yes - pissing me off trying to pay my bills in Thailand 100% result - One is not amused.

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Not sure of the reason why, but all the banks in Thailand seem to be the same.... if you wait to long in between the times you update your bank book, you ill be missing transactions. If you need history of transactions you must request printout and I believe most banks will charge arpox 200 thb and it will normally take a few days.

Correct Answer

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I've never made such a request of BKKB...

But I did a couple months ago of Siam Commercial, and I hadn't had my bank book updated with them in nearly two years... But I was soon filing for my first retirement visa, and wanted my bank book to show a history of routine transactions, as is sometimes advised to bring along for your visa appointment.

So I went to an SCB branch that was not my home branch in BKK, and they printed the entire history of my account into my nearly blank passbook right there as I waited. It filled the entire original first bank book and then they issued me a second book and it filled a couple pages of that. No charge, and it took maybe 30 minutes of waiting for the printing process behind the counter.

Don't know how BKKB would respond to a similar request. But SCB was surprisingly easy on that one... But as always with all things Thai banking, practices may vary widely from company to company, and even from branch to branch within the same company.

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