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computer idiot here.

i've recently discovered the wealth of music vids on youtube. i foolishly thought i could just download 'em (easy part) and then put 'em on a cd. but these bloody flv files won't allow me.

does anyone know of a free tried and tested program i can download to convert these tunes? or maybe a good one i can pay for online? (rather not, i'm cheap, but..)

i've got almost 500 videos parked in my external h.d., but i'd like to have 'em on a cd.

thanks in advance for helping this fool.



I believe vlc is just such a free program that will allow you to open and convert almost any video codec.


After the video plays the first time and before you close the page. In tmp files rename the object file to whatever.flv, copy to another location. Its playable as is. I collect lots this way and as bad as ToT is with youtube its the only way to watch them without buffering. Well if you restart it before closing the page it plays well from the tmp file, but you can copy them this way free and no software needed.


>i've got almost 500 videos parked in my external h.d., but i'd like to have 'em on a cd.

So what's the problem? Just copy them with CD burning software to CD. Personally I'd leave them on a HD and buy more HD when they are full.

If you want to view them just download KLite codec pack and your existing media player will work.

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