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So Why Did You First Come Here?


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Many years ago for a holiday, when Patong beach Phuket was still deserted and like a virgin...sooooooooo beautiful and tranquil.....


I think you read it wrong Laopo. It wasnt why did you come to Thiland? But why did you first visit Thaivisa.com? :o

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First came a few years ago for Thailand info. I was coming to LOS as a tourist back then, mostly to dive and travel around a bit.

Became a member last year when I was making retirement plans and needed visa help.

I got the help I needed and now reside here on a "retirement" visa.

I'm still getting great information from this forum and hope that I can return the favor now and then.

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Visa info on retirement and land ownership.

Was suspected to be a troll (once) but survived !

Hope to be able to return favours once settled for good in LOS

A great forum !

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First it was a question about Visa procedures, next.. a teaching question related to Taxes, finally.. Those funny stories... from the Sages of Long Timers..

The Moderators, actually provided sound advice, and the sounding board option is good..

The recent English Teaching section has been a hoot.

But really .. I always had a hour before I started classes.. and It was a my coffee/Tea Boost.. And NOW. it is just routine.. CHEERS.. Keep it low to the ground for speed... :o

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I first stumbled on Thai Visa whilst googling for info on how to get visa/work permit information for the new contract I had just landed in LOS.

I lurked for quite a few months before joining at the end of December last year.

I've gained a lot of good information and advice here... probably more after joining, as I've posted specific questions (if I haven't found the subject in a brief search) and received rapid and valuable replies.

I have a lot of fun here... the members are a diverse bunch with diverse opinions and attitudes, but as someone said earlier, it's more like a community then a message board.

If there are any lurkers out there, don't lurk any more like I did... c'mon in and join in.

Everyone is welcome.


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I found this forum when I was searching for a forum of Bkk on Google before I came to Thaialnd. Hoped to get some info from there. And I did get much great info from this forum. Meanwhile, it is very fun to visit the forum. :o

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A freind told me about the site, that it had a lot of interesting stuff on it.

The rest is history. sometimes I find myself spending hours on here when I only wanted to spend 10 minutes!

I have met some very nice people on here and shall I say not so nice.

But at the end of the day I do enjoy being a TV member. :o

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I do like to know whats going on and where and every time i googled on many different subjects Thaivisa would pop up and i thought it odd that a site on visas had so much good detailed information on a host of other subjects.When i looked i found you can get an answer to almost anything. :o

Often people winge about the mods but you should see the amount of crap you have to sift through on other forums.

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A freind use to send me links to different threads on TV and a couple of them were quite interesting so I joined up 2 years ago. Then I got some good advice from Dr. Pat Pong and some others and found it very useful and helpful. It's the best farang run Thai realated site I have ever found. Well done.

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Many years ago for a holiday, when Patong beach Phuket was still deserted and like a virgin...sooooooooo beautiful and tranquil.....


I think you read it wrong Laopo. It wasnt why did you come to Thiland? But why did you first visit Thaivisa.com? :o

Mea Culpa, Jockstar!

There was no special reason; found it on internet and still very happy with Thaivisa!


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Just curious to find out the main reasons that people first visited Thaivisa.com. Was it for visa info? Travle to Los info? Stumbled upon this site by chance? The tsunami news? Just wondering guys and girls. Give us you views on why you first visited. The reason i first came here was it was mentioned to me by a friend i worked with. So i thought i'd check it out. So i'm a regular from that first day of posting to threads started by others to the first thread i posted. So come on tell us what was the reason and why do you come back?

Going to live in Thailand and needed info on visa etc, Googled and ended

up here. Great forum with excelent advice.

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Going to live in Thailand and needed info on visa etc, Googled and ended

up here. Great forum with excelent advice.

Stole the words from my mouth eddie - exactly the same for me.

Mind you the first few times I came to this board as a visitor it was a weird place, you should have seen some of the avtars, of all these annimated people. I thought at one stage you talked to an animation, not a real person.

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I first came on this site more than two years visiting as a guest.

It was only when I left Thailand last year that I joined, in order to keep some of the spirit I had of my life there....

...and it's a continuous pleasure to be a return visitor/new local on tv.com :o

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I first came on this site more than two years visiting as a guest.

It was only when I left Thailand last year that I joined, in order to keep some of the spirit I had of my life there....

...and it's a continuous pleasure to be a return visitor/new local on tv.com  :D


Now, Now ,Now, K.O do not be shy, :D

post 500 posts and then :o

you will be welcomed into the Bedlam. :D:D:D:D

Happy Days

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Now, Now ,Now, K.O do not be shy, :D

post 500 posts and then :o

you will be welcomed into the Bedlam.  :D  :D  :D

Happy Days

Errr... Only 253 to go...

Hopefully be getting internet at work soon... Then I'll be riding that train!


Er the following is slightly :D, but we all Kan Win...: Saw a video of a certain BBQ, btw... See next smilie for clues... :D:D

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Just curious to find out the main reasons that people first visited Thaivisa.com. Was it for visa info? Travle to Los info? Stumbled upon this site by chance? The tsunami news? Just wondering guys and girls. Give us you views on why you first visited. The reason i first came here was it was mentioned to me by a friend i worked with. So i thought i'd check it out. So i'm a regular from that first day of posting to threads started by others to the first thread i posted. So come on tell us what was the reason and why do you come back?

by surfing the net then, I found this site. Im keep on coming back due to lot of information fits for my need, then start posting of course felt borring at home after work or while I am in the office. Hoenestly speaking I am in the office at moment just a break so Im signing in. :o:D

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I shared an apartment in Ari with a Canadian friend about two years ago, and he used to just read the news on TV in the internet cafe, then come home and tell us what was going on.

When I suggested he become a member to ask a teaching related enquiry he had at the time, he flatly said..

"No way, if they know you're a teacher you'll get shot down in flames".

"Shot down in flames eh?" I replied with interest, and so the next day I went to see what all the fuss was about.

Two days later I logged on as The Gentleman Scamp and the rest is history.

I initially logged on out of curiosity, it was only later on I became the attention seeking and self obsessed narcissist I am today. :D:o

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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I initially logged on out of curiosity, it was only later on I became the attention seeking and self obsessed narcissist I am today. :D  :o

I see you took my advice about properly researching before posting. :D


sorry...couldn't resist. :D

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