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A lady I know, is sleeping with her cousins boyfriend and also with her mothers boyfriend. Seemingly neither the cousin or the mother are bothered about it... its some kind of "loving relationship" with the cousin and some kind of "respect relationship" with the mothers boyfriend. Is the way she explained it anyway.

Although this is a bit of a family secret it doesnt seem particularly shameful.

I used to go out with this girl until the weirdness of the situation freaked me out... since we had a very open relationship I would never have slept with someone that close to home lol

They were fairly respectable Thais... a Nurse, Teacher... cousin was a government servant of some type. Not well to do.. but certainly not bar girls... sorry to bring that Thai class thing into it.. annoying I know.

I have a feeling this type of "semi-incest" is more commonplace in Thailand than in the west and is not considered particularly scandalous or wrong proving it is some kind of loving relationship. Sorry I dont know a better way to put it

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well i guess its lucky you "used to go out with her"...........would n't be acceptable in the west,but this is thailand,where love and sex seem to be sepatate issues and where sex and money go hand in hand.Laew tee khun,mai pen rai!

To be honest I think its more love.. than sex in this situation

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well i guess its lucky you "used to go out with her"...........would n't be acceptable in the west,but this is thailand,where love and sex seem to be sepatate issues and where sex and money go hand in hand.Laew tee khun,mai pen rai!

To be honest I think its more love.. than sex in this situation

well nowhere in the book of rules says you cannot love more than one person at the same time,its these cross cultural differences that while difficult for us to understand sometimes, nevertheless make thailand interesting.

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expoiting, or participating, there is a difference.

Any how, the sex with a cousins boy friend I could comprehend, but shaggin the future father in law, is just wierd in my book. Sounds like a "pro" in training, if not already a closet pro.

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expoiting, or participating, there is a difference.

Any how, the sex with a cousins boy friend I could comprehend, but shaggin the future father in law, is just wierd in my book. Sounds like a "pro" in training, if not already a closet pro.

Agree, weird stuff.

Future father in law?

Seems like a classic Mia Noi situation.

Not in training, because she obviosly is already a pro in regards to the activities.

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yawn.... any news in here, seems to be rather common behavior, nothing wrong with this, though sex and all is only in the Abrahamic Religious World perceived a smutty, evil, unclean.... name it - it's sicko!

Let the children play and be happy!

We westerners with all these "moral and ethical" restrictions haven't managed with all these hangup to create a better world or a better life and unlimited happiness - have we?

Till then, keep low profile - please!

Edited by Samuian
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Samuian, I am guessing you are a mean chess player!

That was a nailed on response. You are right, it is just different here.

You can't have the moral high ground in a country where you are not allowed to OWN ground. :)

Unless they are filming it and selling the material here in Thailand, not an eyebrow will be raised...

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yawn.... any news in here, seems to be rather common behavior, nothing wrong with this, though sex and all is only in the Abrahamic Religious World perceived a smutty, evil, unclean.... name it - it's sicko!

Let the children play and be happy!

We westerners with all these "moral and ethical" restrictions haven't managed with all these hangup to create a better world or a better life and unlimited happiness - have we?

Till then, keep low profile - please!

So you think it is commonplace too?

What about the people who would have you believe sex in Thailand is more conservative? I mean Thai people think westerners have sex with everyone and think its terrible.

Maybe is the because the way foreigners do it... one night stand that means nothing. Whereas for Thais if they had a great friend, or even family member who they "love" and they slept together, kiss, cuddle, foreplay perhaps not actual sex... then this would be much more acceptable. In the west we tend to keep our friends platonic.

Edited by CrossBones
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Someone has to ask:

Crossbones, when you say, "Thai people" what is your reference sample?

for example, if i generalise that thais believe in ghosts, I would be talking about fellow isaan villagers and townsfolk, teachers in government schools, local business owners and employees, Soldiers and Airmen and of course High school kids. These are the people I typically talk to and thus my reference sample group*.

*Of course I talk to the odd person outside that group but as they are the odd person, I don't claim to be representing their views en masse.

could it be your reference sample is squewing your findings?

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Someone has to ask:

Crossbones, when you say, "Thai people" what is your reference sample?

for example, if i generalise that thais believe in ghosts, I would be talking about fellow isaan villagers and townsfolk, teachers in government schools, local business owners and employees, Soldiers and Airmen and of course High school kids. These are the people I typically talk to and thus my reference sample group*.

*Of course I talk to the odd person outside that group but as they are the odd person, I don't claim to be representing their views en masse.

could it be your reference sample is squewing your findings?

If you can see my post you can see what type of people I am talking about... lower middle class thais... professional working people.

I am also talking about what is acceptable and normal in the culture as a whole.. people talk about the "thai way" and "thai culture" and they do have a very dogmattic culture. So really I am talking specifically about they types of people I have mentioned.. Nurse, government worker, teacher.. and also about the culture as a whole. I hope it clears that up.

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yawn.... any news in here, seems to be rather common behavior, nothing wrong with this, though sex and all is only in the Abrahamic Religious World perceived a smutty, evil, unclean.... name it - it's sicko!

Let the children play and be happy!

We westerners with all these "moral and ethical" restrictions haven't managed with all these hangup to create a better world or a better life and unlimited happiness - have we?

so very very true.

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well i guess its lucky you "used to go out with her"...........would n't be acceptable in the west,but this is thailand,where love and sex seem to be sepatate issues and where sex and money go hand in hand.Laew tee khun,mai pen rai!

To be honest I think its more love.. than sex in this situation

and not about money in this situation

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expoiting, or participating, there is a difference.

Any how, the sex with a cousins boy friend I could comprehend, but shaggin the future father in law, is just wierd in my book. Sounds like a "pro" in training, if not already a closet pro.

Not "if not already a closet pro" but sure a closet pro.

How about the neighbours, local police, manager of 7/11 and the local football team, any news on this.

Please let us know.

From my point off vieuw a normal girl.

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18) Not to discuss the specifics of prostitution.

Thailand has a visible sex industry, and acknowledgment of that fact is not forbidden. However ThaiVisa is not the place to seek or give information on this topic, regardless of your sexual habits, preferences or orientation.

You can discuss sex.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

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