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Visa Success For Step-daughter


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Just got the phone call from my wife that my 7 year old step-daughter was given a Visa by the Japanese Consulate to come join us here in Japan. Piece of cake and took less than a week. I'm American and living in Japan and the girl will be given a special Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) visa within 45-60 days of arriving.

If anybody ever needs help on how to make it happen just let me know via PM.

I'm really excited to get her enrolled in school and watch how quickly she picks up the English language. She's going to get about 2-3 years of the US education and then back to Thailand.

And that's my long range concern. How quickly will she pick up the Thai writing she's missed out on and hopefully there are schools in Phichit or Nakhonsawan where she can get an education good enough for entrance into a Thai university like Chulalongkorn.

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Congrats, what an experience for her to be living there.

  Nice to hear some of the suceesful visa stories from the happy parents/spouses. :o

Congrats mate. Firstly as for the Thai writing / language. Is your missus Thai? If so then get her to teach at least one hour a day. Get the missus to speak Thai to her most of the time and you speak English. The Japanese she will pick up. How old is she? Kids are great at learning new languages. Adults are harder. IMHO. Good luck and all the best. Do keep us informed on how things go. But my advice is ONLY speak English to her. DO NOT speak Thai. Leave that up to the missus. If shes at school in Japan then she should get taught Japanese at school. You step daughter will have great life ahead of her by learning to speak 3 languages. Good luck mate.

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Congrats, what an experience for her to be living there.

  Nice to hear some of the suceesful visa stories from the happy parents/spouses. :o

Congrats mate. Firstly as for the Thai writing / language. Is your missus Thai? If so then get her to teach at least one hour a day. Get the missus to speak Thai to her most of the time and you speak English. The Japanese she will pick up. How old is she? Kids are great at learning new languages. Adults are harder. IMHO. Good luck and all the best. Do keep us informed on how things go. But my advice is ONLY speak English to her. DO NOT speak Thai. Leave that up to the missus. If shes at school in Japan then she should get taught Japanese at school. You step daughter will have great life ahead of her by learning to speak 3 languages. Good luck mate.

Thanks. I don't know how much Japanese she'll pick up. She'll be attending school taught in English. By the way, my 20 year old son lives with me and he's half-Japanese and fluent in the Nihongo so maybe he can teach her.

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