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This is a spurious statement (yes, a statement rather than a question).


Okay, maybe my question was a bit spurious. But not the statement. Maybe you missed the point... I was, in a way, trying to get some clearer thinking happening. Apologies for not being more upfront with my feelings, but it seemed best to respond (and those who know me know how hard it is for me to keep my mouth shut :o ) in a less in-your-face way since there are some very strong feelings on both sides being expressed here, and I hoped to de-escalate a bit

Religious Bigotry, from any angle, is a drain on the Human Psyche, in my view. Based in fears and predjudices and putting anyone with just one thing in common in the same boat you want to sink... It simply isn't right, or fair.

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Ajarn wrote "Religious Bigotry, from any angle, is a drain on the Human Psyche, in my view. Based in fears and predjudices and putting anyone with just one thing in common in the same boat you want to sink... It simply isn't right, or fair."

I couldn't agree with you more. It's people who cause the problems not their faith. Many who are bigotted (whatever their faith) will use their faith as a justification for their bad behaviour seeking extra justification - this also is not right or fair!

Grace & Peace


I ask, who are "these" Christians. You do not know me or the original poster! How can you know what we believe or stand for?

Don't worry I detest you all equally Anglicans, Catholics, Morons you name them I hate them especially the woman missionary I had the misfortune to meet who works with the Karen people and has difficulty finding her arse with both hands and a map.

This individual lives (in some style by the way) in Chiang Mai and flies to Huay Hin on a regular basis, ready? to play golf if you don't mind.

I bet her "support group" in the UK would be thrilled to bits if they knew the money they donate after drinking tea with the vicar is used for this purpose, but hey, she is a Christian so its OK then.

I suspect that all you will be able to find in Thailand will be the more conservative Christian churches. Those are the ones that are most dedicated to evangelism. Sorry. Unitarians would sure be a breath of fresh Christian air in Thailand. You could always try the Catholic church. They are EVERYWHERE, it seems. They tend to emphasize social work, like running schools and hospitals, which are available to people of any religious orientation. Much more Christian. While the most publicized positions of the Catholic church are quite conservative, at least they aren't spending all their time trying to convert people.

Cathyy, Thank you for yur positive feedback


No maerin, it is you who has the problem. Your attitude is akin to any 'ism', racism, sexism, etc. You need to examine and ask yourself why you have these beliefs as they are unhealthy. They will bring you down as all negativity does to all it's holders. Live and let live, and try to be happy and fullfilled.


:o While were on the subject................Why do many Christians spend so much time gay bashing when there are murderers, rapists, sex abusers(including many priests) and plenty of other very nasty people out there. Why dont they spend a bit more time condeming them. Organised Religion is all about power and control the sooner people get a grasp of that fact the better the world will be. You can still believe in god without belonging to a church. Thats why Budism is so great and the Thai people are like they are

What? I mean, Wat? Is daveb1 saying that Thai Buddhism is not an organized religion? No power structure, no possible abuses of authority, no luxurious buildings or privileged clergy, no large meetings, ecclesiastical calendars, special treatment by the govt? Is he saying that the average Thai follows the teachings of the Lord Buddha more faithfully than self-professed Christians follow the teachings of the Lord Jesus?

Maybe we can change this thread to 'where can I find a liberal wat in Thailand?"


As previously mentioned about peoples prejudices… The reason why so many Christians spend their time ‘gay bashing’ is that they are using their faith to support their homophobia! Once again I’ll say it, this makes them wrong not Christianity! I know people who are homophobic who do not profess a faith. What does that make them?

Also, please stop confusing all Christians as belonging to some massive power base such as Catholicism, many, such as myself, meet with small groups of people with no established hierarchy or ‘head office’ that tells them what to believe. If you apply this logic you could condemn any philosophy.

My faith is about my personal responsibility in my treatment of others, not prejudices supported by a faith.


My faith is about my personal responsibility in my treatment of others, not prejudices supported by a faith

Sure sounds Buddhist to me! :o


In respect of treatment of others, many faiths in there purest form teach these precepts. Again, it's people who pervert the purest doctrines. Not wanting to seem to go on about it... it's individual people and not their faith that causes their bad behaviours. When a person with no professed faith does bad or expresses prejudices we say 'that's just them' but so often if prejudices are evident and the person expresses a faith we blame the faith. Mankinds capacity for evil will be evident regardless of the faith (or otherwise) they profess. So let's stop blaming a persons faith for their actions. Christianity is my path to spiritual enlightenment. I, in no way, condemn anyone else for their choices. This is what Christianity teaches me.

Grace & Peace


Maybe we can change this thread to 'where can I find a liberal wat in Thailand?"

Do you mean where can I find a liberal <deleted> instead?

Vegetable rights and peace

I ask, who are "these" Christians. You do not know me or the original poster! How can you know what we believe or stand for?

Don't worry I detest you all equally Anglicans, Catholics, Morons you name them I hate them especially the woman missionary I had the misfortune to meet who works with the Karen people and has difficulty finding her arse with both hands and a map.

This individual lives (in some style by the way) in Chiang Mai and flies to Huay Hin on a regular basis, ready? to play golf if you don't mind.

I bet her "support group" in the UK would be thrilled to bits if they knew the money they donate after drinking tea with the vicar is used for this purpose, but hey, she is a Christian so its OK then.

Maerim - every time there is a messsage from you it reeks with anger or hate. Are you aware of that? Your take on Christianity could use a little love in it.


This thread has collapsed under its own weight, with everyone at this point off topic and baiting/ranting/flaming, so it is hereby closed.

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