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Best Climate For A Visit?


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I'm planning a trip here for my father and can't decide if April or September is the best month. It will be his first time outside Europe and being from the Uk he is not used to high temperature or humidity. He's not in great shape and will probably struggle with the climate a little. April is hotter but I think less humid, whereas September is a bit cooler but rains more and has higher humidity. Which is best or do you think that there's not much between these months?


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If your father is not used to high temps or humidity, then my answer is "neither." Both months are miserable, respectively, for the conditions you cite. He'll hate either.

December/January are, by far, the best months. Low temps/Low humidity.

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If your father is not used to high temps or humidity, then my answer is "neither." Both months are miserable, respectively, for the conditions you cite. He'll hate either.

December/January are, by far, the best months. Low temps/Low humidity.

Yeah, thanks I know they are the best months but April or September are the most convenient. However when put like that maybe I should just scrap it until December or January.

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As April goes, you'll find comfortable enough temps in the higher altitude as Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Nan, Loei, etc. September might be a crap shot, as one never knows what this month might bring from year to year - farther east towards Isaan would suffice.

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If your father is not used to high temps or humidity, then my answer is "neither." Both months are miserable, respectively, for the conditions you cite. He'll hate either.

December/January are, by far, the best months. Low temps/Low humidity.

Yeah, thanks I know they are the best months but April or September are the most convenient. However when put like that maybe I should just scrap it until December or January.

When I was working in Khartoum, 1987-'89, I was asked this Q as I made semi frequent R&R runs to the Big Mango, seven trips in the 26 months I was there.

My reply? Well, in comparison to Khartoum, about anytime between April and March is quite fine!

FYI, being from Oregon, I like the rains, just like them better here, warmer, can sit on the back porch in shorts & T shirt with Singha in hand and be comfortable. So I when I wasn't working in this area I usually made my annual Thailand trips in August.

But must agree, December-January better, my sister & brother in law from Oregon are visiting now. This year's "cool" season is a bit of a disappointment, short, last year's was fine, almost 6 weeks!


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Rich unless he is a real sun lizard I would go for Sept. April is Hot season & he may be uncomfortable out of air conditioning. My Mom would love April in the 90 degrees & up range to 100 (40 Celsius) I myself prefer DEC -Jan but on the timetable he is on I would tend to go Sept over April. April is probably my least favorite month & I am used to 34 & up.

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Rich unless he is a real sun lizard I would go for Sept. April is Hot season & he may be uncomfortable out of air conditioning. My Mom would love April in the 90 degrees & up range to 100 (40 Celsius) I myself prefer DEC -Jan but on the timetable he is on I would tend to go Sept over April. April is probably my least favorite month & I am used to 34 & up.

If you HAD to pick between the two, I'd also go for Sept. Contrary to what someone said earlier, I think even Chiang Mai was miserable in April when I went there one year for Songkran. The ONLY relief I got was a few hours at the very top of Doi Intanon--a refreshing 72-degrees Farenheit (approx 22, Celsius). But you gotta come down, eventually. :)

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This may a bit silly but Sept and March are two months that vary year to year. One year Sept is hotter than the other for reasons a meterologist might be able to explain and hence can predict. Why not contact the Weather Channel see if they have this type of info or prediction for 2010. They should have the capabilities to reasonably predict if a mild or harsher Sept from previous years. also the same for March. They seem to predict how many hurricanes we will get in the US by the water temperatures off S Africa(El Nino) so maybe the same type of prediction can be used.

best of luck oh and also if March choose the first half and if sept choose the second half. some times two weeks during season change makes a huge difference.

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Thanks for the advice everyone. I am in agreement that September will be the preferred month. I may even put it off until December. I was walking around a market a few days ago with my kids and felt quite uncomfortably hot and sticky. It was then that I realized what a shock the actual hot and humid months might be for someone unaccustomed to it. After coaxing him round to a visit I would hate for him to feel uncomfortable for two weeks and have a terrible time.

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For someone that is from the UK to come here anytime of the year is going to be uncomfortable. The blood will never accept the changes in a two weeks visit after living in the temperate UK all you're life. The effects will be somewhat less if a visit is in Dec.-Jan. time frame but the person will still be uncomfortable and if an older person that does not travel much there is no comfort just have to grin and bear it.

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I agree with the poster who said that your father will probably be uncomfortable any time of the year. While December-January may be "cool" to those of us who live in Thailand, it is still very hot to someone from a cooler climate. And if he's coming from snow and cold in the UK, it will probably be a shock to him when he arrives. My parents (almost elderly, also not in good shape) parents just visited in December-January. I had told them that was the ONLY time they should come, especially since last winter had a few weeks of comfortable weather and I was expecting the same this year. And my luck...this year it didn't get as cool! Yes, they were hot and got uncomfortable when we were outside for awhile, but we just made the best of it and tried to balance outdoor activities with air con activities. I think your dad will still have a good time visiting you and seeing where you live, but realistically, he's probably not going to be comfortable any time of the year.

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As an Australian, I am used to high temperatures (often 40 degrees celsius or more in Summer). I just visited Thailand (Pattaya, Bangkok, Pai) over December and January and (even though this is the cool season in Thailand) still found the humidity extremely uncomfortable. I got back to Melbourne two weeks ago to a 44 degree celsius day and in all honesty found it more comfortable than the 32 degrees of Pattaya that I had just left. The big difference to me is the extreme humidity.

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