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Road Sign


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Udon is in the process of installing a network of water treatment piping. As a result, I frequently see the attached sign as I'm driving through town.

I'm guessing that ขุดวาง go together to describe the digging and laying (of a pipe). In my google search for an answer, I find วางท่อ frequently used together (but can't find a translation for that combo). I couldn't find anything that shows ขุดวาง alone.

Can someone give me a translation that I can use to visualize exactly what is meant by the ขุดวางท่อ portion of sign?



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Surely if you take a look you will have it, if you want it in English, I guess you must make up something. Excavation to lay pipe, pipe laying, seems to fit from what you said is going on. If you can find old copies of the local rag you will find that expression time after time I expect, it may even be an offficial name of one phase of the project.

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"Excavation to lay pipe"

For that, I would have expected something along the lines of งานการขุดเพื่อวางท่อ ......but maybe that's not 'road sign language'.

If there's not a singular meaning to the verb combination ขุดวาง, I thought perhaps there should have been some sort of conjunction between the two.

In any case, it's pretty obvious from the work what they're doing.....thanks for the input.

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