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Irresponsible Wadrobe Maker In Jomtien


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Driving from Pattaya towards Jomtien, right before the turn to Jomtien, there is a T junction, with only a left turn, the road is call Thepprasit Road. A few shops down and you will come to the first furniture shop that occupies 2 units,( on the same side of the road, which is left) with many models for custom made wardrobes, with beautifully designed wardrobes and kitchen cabinets. I stopped by and asked for a quote for a 1.8 meter width price. 2 days later a lady, which was the boss, called me up and told me the price was wrong and had to increase another few thousand bath, so <deleted>, I thought sales tactics, anyway I agreed to the price, and they came by and did the measurement and asked for 50% deposit.

About a month later, they came with cabinets, rushed into the bedroom and had everthing on the floor, I asked the boss, a 50+ lady, why there was no plastic sheet to protect the floor, and she told me no problem, as the paint can be washed off. There was a door with a long big groovy scratch and I told her that I wanted it replaced, but she said could be fixed. They put filler to cover up the groove, but no matter how, the color did not matched, the dark color snake like groove was too obvious.

Secondly, the bottom shelve was supposed to be reinforced to withstand the weight of a 50kg safe, but was shocked to see only a few pieces of thin flimsy wood, added to the bottom, I said to her that I told her that this was to withstand the weight of a safe, and she said no problem bla bla.....

After all were assembled, there were scratches of paint on the ceiling, the mattress, the wall, and color stain on the floor, the workers used thinner to clean the floor, they did't even have cloth to clean and had to ask from me, after they finihed, it was dark and I could not see the floor very clearly.

The next day I washed the floor and used thinner to clean but just couldn't get rid of the stain that was washed with thinner the day before, those stain on the living room floor was able to remove with water. I called the lady boss and she told me no problem and when they are in Pattaya, she would get her worker to clean it up. Waited for months and still no news, I called agian and she told me that she actually plan of coming but finished late and gotta rush back to BKK. She has a shop in BKK to do the woodwork.

Later I checked with the developer's engineer, he came with the foreman and told me that the stain had got into the tiles and no chemical on earth could remove it, the only way was to raplace the tiles. I called up the boss and told her that and she said again no problem, she would get her man to clean up, another month, no news, went down to the shop and talked to the worker, the worker called the boss and another month again , no news.

I want to point out my experience with this company. Right under the boss's eyes, the boss did not tell the workers to be careful, and also did not bother to place something to proctect the floor. Did not properly supervise the workers. After so many years, they should have the experience, which I found out that the proper way is to wash off the stain with water first, but the worker did that with thinner instead, and now the stain was spreaded out and was absorbed into the pores of the floor tiles and was not able to be removed by any chemical. There are some scratches on the floor too. This is on a floor of a brand new house!

Avoid this company, very irresponsibe,flimsy job too, go for big company like Homeworks, unless you want a heart attack.

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Sorry about your bad experience with this shop, but I can tell you the bad workmanship was not a one off, I ordered two bedroom units and a wood framed mirror, the units were very poorly made, when the man decided to fix the mirror to the wall he actually drilled through the frame with a 8mm drill to fix it to the wall, didn't even think of using brackets, the Boss women says no problem we fill hole, and yes they did wrong colour, very shoddy work

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Sorry to hear that, you have all my solidarity, here in Thailand doesn't matter how many years of experience a worker might have as very often(too often) it seems they are on their very first day on the job, even if you tell them what to do and double check they understood you, as soon as you watch something else they will carry on doing the opposite of what you want, there is absolutely no logic or rationality, even if you explain them your point of view in very basic terms, ie: "i pay you so you do what i say but if you don't like it then just £$*#!%€ & go somewhere else to do something you enjoy", but no, there is no formula that works, they would rather be without the job and livelihood instead to do what they supposed and agreed to do, sometime i have to double think in hiring someone at any level, as the damage i might end up with is way higher of what i am getting, just do your maths......TIT.

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I gave up years ago here thinking the problems I kept getting with shops just like this one , were just a One off , and will in time get better - it has not . My thoughts were ok I will take my business to some other place if you can't do a half decent job , I soon came to realize that here making a remark like that to the shop owner means absolutely nothing . I just remind my self now , is it worth all the trouble in the end. Remember the shopping in Thailand Motto .... Believe nothing that you read, even less of what you hear and little of what you are promised . and you won't go far wrong . :)

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I gave up years ago here thinking the problems I kept getting with shops just like this one , were just a One off , and will in time get better - it has not . My thoughts were ok I will take my business to some other place if you can't do a half decent job , I soon came to realize that here making a remark like that to the shop owner means absolutely nothing . I just remind my self now , is it worth all the trouble in the end. Remember the shopping in Thailand Motto .... Believe nothing that you read, even less of what you hear and little of what you are promised . and you won't go far wrong . :)

Because they know that you'll get the same shoddy workmanship from the other places too.

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This isn't surprising over here as most workers have spent most of their lives farming in Isan then come to pattaya and work for these kind of shops, totaly unskilled and uneducated they just learn from watching the one thats been doing it the longest, so it's a case of the blind leading the blind im afraid.

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This is one area where Thai and falung are treated equally - both are likely to suffer the same "<deleted> you " attitude from business. And i think it is because the average Thai does not complain about being badly treated by Business wether it is a company like 12Call or Tesco down to a market stall or a cab driver. They know they can offer a sub-standard service/product and most Thais will cop it sweet. Mai pen Rai .............. Besides what can u really do? Who can u complain to? Unless u burn their shop down ,or somthing equally as stupid ,and if u do so then u will enter into a whole new world of grief !!!!!. Consumer protection is basically non - existant until the Thais themselves learn how to complain and become a complete pain in the arse to any business who does not come up to standard. And i don't think i will ever see that happening.

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This is one area where Thai and falung are treated equally - both are likely to suffer the same "<deleted> you " attitude from business. And i think it is because the average Thai does not complain about being badly treated by Business wether it is a company like 12Call or Tesco down to a market stall or a cab driver. They know they can offer a sub-standard service/product and most Thais will cop it sweet. Mai pen Rai .............. Besides what can u really do? Who can u complain to? Unless u burn their shop down ,or somthing equally as stupid ,and if u do so then u will enter into a whole new world of grief !!!!!. Consumer protection is basically non - existant until the Thais themselves learn how to complain and become a complete pain in the arse to any business who does not come up to standard. And i don't think i will ever see that happening.

You have hit the nail right on its head , as I keep telling my wife ... If you don't complain Nothing will ever change .

Thailland - The Customer always comes last

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They simply do not know and do not care.
For sure!

They used the freshly laid ceramic floor tiling as a work bench to make the aluminium window frames in a friends house leaving score marks from the metal cutter here, there, and everywhere. As far as the builder was concerned the damage was the responsibility of the builders contractor, not his and refused to follow up on it.

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I'm sorry to hear about your problem, and my heart goes out to you. I've yet to have anything made here that turned out right. Yea, it's close, but it's never the way it was planned and agreed on, and it usually breaks.

What can you do? I just vent here and there and keep on keeping on, wasting money at every corner with crap that breaks and is never the way it was planned to be. :)

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Although this is terrible service, maybe you should have withheld part of there money until you were happy.

You could have said come back the next day & i pay you, then when you werent happy you could have said when you repair the damage i will pay you in full, i'm sure they would have been back then?

As some others have already said half these (workers) haven't got a clue, & don't know any better, & don't care?!!

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Off that back of that proactive/reactive topic, maybe this is one area where people should be more proactive than reactive. By that I mean, if you are having any type of work done, do your research on how it should be done before settling on a vendor. The internet is your friend. Once you have the plan, review it with the vendor and place the key points in the contract with payments as things are completed. Perhaps that will save people time, money and the headache of dealing with dunderheads.


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An awful lot of people search high and low for the cheapest deal, then complain when things arent right or fall apart in a short time.

Well is not that the normal way to follow? i know if you are a millionaire then even if you pay 100 times the price you should have paid, who cares, but "standard" people (western standards....) usually do a bit of research before to make a purchase and do a balance between the many factors involved i think, you might even buy the top of the range imported stuff but believe me (and i tell you from experience) these people will be able to make a mess of it anyway (ie: a box clearly marked "fragile" and with all marks-not a foreigner language- detailing how it should be handled, upside down, litterally banged on the ground with no care whatsoever and no apologies, etc...), go for it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I guess there is no such thing as "Service orientation" in their thai dictionary nor they were taught about the meaning of it. They are just too lucky to have continuous flood of foreign money coming in to LOS everyday, retirees, pensioners, new job assignment, rich farlang boyfriend.....

So, never ending new customers, and that is why they do not bother to give good service.

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