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Thai Friend Seriously Harrassed By U.s. Border Official

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I have a good friend whose Thai girlfriend was seriously harassed by the U.S. border officials at the airport and I'm wondering if I should recommend they take some action on it. So my friend has a well-off girlfriend that is quite attractive, and she has a multiple entry tourist visa for the U.S. She's come to visit him a couple times and always used the same airport.

This time when she arrived, she was about to be handed her passport back from the border official when another official that recognized her from last time came rushing over. He started flirting with her and yanked the passport out of her hand and put it back on the desk. He started chatting up with her about what she was doing, smiling with her, etc. Finally he told the initial officer (in Spanish) that he knew her, that she was ok, and gave the passport back. He followed her out of the processing area and asked for her phone number... and said if she 'ever has a problem getting into the U.S. somewhere you should call me, I'm the top boss around here' He continued to follow her around the airport to her connecting flight, flirting with her. Even when she arrived at her final destination she found several messages on her phone (I listened to them, they were clearly inapporpriate). He tried to set up a date with her when she would depart back to Thailand.

She said he was an older Hispanic-American fellow around 40-50 years old, and spoke Spanish with the other border official (which incidentally she can understand... they didn't say anything noteworthy). She's in her twenties.

Part of me thinks she should just use this guy to her advantage and not worry about it, the other really wants to report him because I went through hel_l trying to get my partner a U.S. visa, and I don't want some jerk like this being the final arbiter of whether she gets admitted or not. She was quite upset when she told us the story, and thought it was a major abuse of power. She's afraid to the use that airport again....

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I tend to belive she was leading him along, He could get in a lot of trouble and even lose his job so I do not think it would be worth it to him.

But of course he could be realy stupid.

I considered that she might have led him along too (we all know most women love to do that), but she's not the kind of person to do that and the messages sounded fairly aggressive. He mentioned that he knew some Thai girls in Phuket when he was in the navy :) , just to give you an idea. I'm just worried this thing could turn into blackmail for her if she keeps using that airport.

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I tend to belive she was leading him along, He could get in a lot of trouble and even lose his job so I do not think it would be worth it to him.

But of course he could be realy stupid.

I considered that she might have led him along too (we all know most women love to do that), but she's not the kind of person to do that and the messages sounded fairly aggressive. He mentioned that he knew some Thai girls in Phuket when he was in the navy :) , just to give you an idea. I'm just worried this thing could turn into blackmail for her if she keeps using that airport.

The best thing to do is report him. if in fact that he is doing what she say's he is doing his supervisor should know and deal with it.

(prevent it from happing to others)

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I think she has maybe compromised the situation by giving him her tel no. - just a thought.

Whole thing sounds fishy/overblown to me. BUT, I'll go along as if it's as advertised. If she gave him her phone number, bad idea. Then again, her phone number may have been in her visa profile. If this really happened, the most important thing in my opinion is to make sure to archive those texts. Regardless of the actual tone of the text in question, an immigration/border control officer sending texts to a traveler who he has processed HAS to be against policy. If not definitively against specific policy, it is at least compelling evidence of improper behavior if he tries to make trouble for her down the road. Outside of keeping the texts for insurance, I say let sleeping dogs lie.

Edited by calibanjr.
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I think she has maybe compromised the situation by giving him her tel no. - just a thought.

Whole thing sounds fishy/overblown to me. BUT, I'll go along as if it's as advertised. If she gave him her phone number, bad idea. Then again, her phone number may have been in her visa profile. If this really happened, the most important thing in my opinion is to make sure to archive those texts. Regardless of the actual tone of the text in question, an immigration/border control officer sending texts to a traveler who he has processed HAS to be against policy. If not definitively against specific policy, it is at least compelling evidence of improper behavior if he tries to make trouble for her down the road. Outside of keeping the texts for insurance, I say let sleeping dogs lie.

She said she felt compelled to give it to him when he asked, I can't imagine a young Thai girl saying no to someone wearing a uniform who has discretion to enter the country or not. Well I realize the default thaivisa response is to say a story is fishy or fabricated because of previous experiences, but I assure you I listened to the messages (they were voicemails, not texts) and I wouldn't have posted it if it wasn't unique. Yes, I told her to archive the voicemails. She didn't get the guy's last name but I'm really hoping he's married to make the evidence all the more damning :D . The guy appears to have been the manager of the actual officers on the floor, and he said as much, so I'm a little concerned he was knowledgable enough to know if he was getting himself into trouble or not... my assumption is he tactifully stayed within bounds of the regulations so he can't get in trouble for it. He probably gets a lot of "dates" from his job :)

Edited by Svenn
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She said she felt compelled to give it to him when he asked, I can't imagine a young Thai girl saying no to someone wearing a uniform who has discretion to enter the country or not. Well I realize the default thaivisa response is to say a story is fishy or fabricated because of previous experiences, but I assure you I listened to the messages (they were voicemails, not texts) and I wouldn't have posted it if it wasn't unique. Yes, I told her to archive the voicemails. She didn't get the guy's last name but I'm really hoping he's married to make the evidence all the more damning :D . The guy appears to have been the manager of the actual officers on the floor, and he said as much, so I'm a little concerned he was knowledgable enough to know if he was getting himself into trouble or not... my assumption is he tactifully stayed within bounds of the regulations so he can't get in trouble for it. He probably gets a lot of "dates" from his job :)

Understood and agreed on feeling compelled. hel_l, the way things are with my police-state "homeland", I'D fell compelled and I'm a 43 year-old male citizen!

That being said, then, keep the voicemails for insurance and avoid the guy at all costs.

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Do not take advantage of him by using the situation to gain entry to the US. Keep a record of all conversations but don't lead him on. When she is denied entry to the US, use the evidence by reporting it to the Inspector General. DO NOT report it any other way (ie, his supervisor or other immigration officials).

Edited by tripplejjj
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Shock horror, cute asian girls gets hit on when in the west... This surprises you ??

Jeez my first wife was hit on non stop everywhere we went.. When I was there sometimes..

She should never have given him the number, she should have simply said sorry I am married my husband wouldnt like that.. And now she should simply not communicate, ever, dont answer, or hang up if its him, or ever respond to texts.. He will be looking at the next one in a week.

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I've read an similar incident concerning a USCB (us customs/immigration border agent) at the Washington state - Vancouver BC crossing engaging with a female traveler which initially cost him his job. (he was a supervisor as well).

My suggestion is to file a complaint report to the US embassy Bangkok.

It will probably be much better to hire on contingency a US Immigration attorney in Bangkok (there a few listings) and

document the entire happening (keep text and message recording -do not tamper). The phone will be the proof of


It is a shame to see a supervisor behave in such manner - and is totally uncalled for.

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Seriously harassed is an official 'secondary inspection' in the "No cellphones allowed" inspection rooms. Your girlfriend was just being hit on by a pumped-up ICE man... it's the uniform that does it.

Any complaint will get you or your girlfriend on a watch list while they decide (if they ever do) if this complaint has any merit.


PS. Was this at LAX btw?

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Sexual harassment and stalking by US government employee would be considered a serious matter in the USA. She should file official complaint with any documentation eg. the phone messages. Don't worry about possible future visa entry problems, the USA is not like TH with cops. And these immigration officials are not cops, just cilvil service employees.

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^ Yes, the civil libertarians really have the best seats in the house when there's any question about someone primarily entrusted with maintaining US border security being questioned about how they do their job.

Let's take a look at what happens after this frivolous complaint is filed. The testosterone-driven ICE man simply lays his hand on his heart and says, "I asked for her number and she gave it to me."

End of case.

PS. Regards pretty ladies and US law enforcement. My ex- fiancée in Houston never got a speeding ticket or was suspected of DUI as she had a great smile, fantastic cleavage and could rattle off her mom's phone number quick as a flash when asked for hers. Her mom got some good dates out of it too!

As I said earlier, it comes with the uniform.

Edited by NanLaew
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Any complaint will get you or your girlfriend on a watch list while they decide (if they ever do) if this complaint has any merit.

That's what I've been thinking too. This girl and her boyfriend are really lucky to have gotten visas in my opinion and if they try to ruffle anyone's feathers it's not going to do them any good. That being said, if she does nothing, she's going to have a lot of hassle everytime she tries to use that airport... and frankly I'm a little concerned my partner could as well on her upcoming visit. The fact that this officer remembers her from her previous entries several months before is very creepy (they must see thousands a day right?), and if she rejects his advances the next couple times she might get in trouble. But filing a complaint just seems too risky.

I'd post what airport it is but I'm perhaps unreasonably worried it might somehow reach this particular officer's ears.

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report it! Don't let this guy get away with this. He is abusing his position and can get into real trouble. No way anything will happen to you. You won't get put on a watch list for this...and if you do, great way to make some money off a lawsuit.

My wife gets hit on all the time. Usually just a wink, but if she is along, they ask her out, want her phone number, etc. Usually just polite chatter, but happens a lot. Like the song says "when you're in love with a beautiful woman, it's hard...".

Report it! But save the voice mails/text messages for sure!

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Get a lawyer for her. Retain a civil rights attorney in the city where this took place. A lawyer will squeeze money out of this situation and get the offending officer disciplined. Moreover, if DHS takes any adverse action against her, it's worth even more money. Proceeding without a lawyer risks severe retaliation.

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Cameras are everywhere filming everything now. So a good attorney may be able to review the tapes and sue the government for big bucks if there is evidence of harassment and abuse of power. She could call up the American Civil Liberties Union for a referral to an attorney probably not someone working for the immigration authorities because they will probably just want to cover it up and get rid of the problem unless outside investigators are pushing for justice. Sexual harassment and abuse of authority could lead to an assault. Not unheard of in California and elsewhere. http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/07/17/office...ault/index.html

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Do not take advantage of him by using the situation to gain entry to the US. Keep a record of all conversations but don't lead him on. When she is denied entry to the US, use the evidence by reporting it to the Inspector General. DO NOT report it any other way (ie, his supervisor or other immigration officials).

Have to disagree about waiting for this jackass to do something even more abusive. Being denied entry, means being held (possibly in a jail) until the next plane leaving for Thailand and there will be no action on the complaint until after that very unpleasant experience.

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I think she has maybe compromised the situation by giving him her tel no. - just a thought.

Whole thing sounds fishy/overblown to me. BUT, I'll go along as if it's as advertised. If she gave him her phone number, bad idea. Then again, her phone number may have been in her visa profile. If this really happened, the most important thing in my opinion is to make sure to archive those texts. Regardless of the actual tone of the text in question, an immigration/border control officer sending texts to a traveler who he has processed HAS to be against policy. If not definitively against specific policy, it is at least compelling evidence of improper behavior if he tries to make trouble for her down the road. Outside of keeping the texts for insurance, I say let sleeping dogs lie.

She said she felt compelled to give it to him when he asked, I can't imagine a young Thai girl saying no to someone wearing a uniform who has discretion to enter the country or not. Well I realize the default thaivisa response is to say a story is fishy or fabricated because of previous experiences, but I assure you I listened to the messages (they were voicemails, not texts) and I wouldn't have posted it if it wasn't unique. Yes, I told her to archive the voicemails. She didn't get the guy's last name but I'm really hoping he's married to make the evidence all the more damning :D . The guy appears to have been the manager of the actual officers on the floor, and he said as much, so I'm a little concerned he was knowledgable enough to know if he was getting himself into trouble or not... my assumption is he tactifully stayed within bounds of the regulations so he can't get in trouble for it. He probably gets a lot of "dates" from his job :)

Report him, no question, and tell them to get their cheque book out, get her to a 'trick cyclist' (because of the obvious stress it has caused).

She is as safe as houses she brings an action against him and subsequently has problems gaining entry on a 10 year multi entry visa, she will only have to say that prior to making a complaint she never encountered problems and now after complaining she has a problem? Harassment pure and simple!!!

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