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Chances Are ?


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Have you ever heard the expression: "As interesting as other people's kids"?

Speaking for myself, as I only can, I did not want a partner with a child already.

I was lucky to find a wonderful woman in my age group with no child.

It is true what some have observed that educated, single Thai women today often do not want a Thai man because they are very often conservative.

Ie. will not allow them to do many things they have become used to doing. Independent, you know.

And many Thai men are not interested in girls/women with just the slightest tint. Ridiculous and superficial.

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She has a chance of meeting a guy. Someone of a lower social status or with unconventional views or a man considered as not likely to get married or an older unmarried dude are obvious places to look although things are changing in Thailand all the time so it may be getting easier. In a case like this it is often not the guy but his parents who will object.

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some good replies: ian, anchan toni,

i also, when dating, found it problematic thinking about beign with a man + kids since i had my three. fortunately on kibbutz, the kids are not in the house by age 17 (get dorm rooms), and at 18 are in army, although home for weekends and such;this relieves some of the day to day pressure that many men get from contact with teenage kids from a previous marriage.,

plus my ex lives here with his new wife and her kids!... several men remarried or have partners with kids but they are much much older men and women . among the younger set , many men that ive spoken with (not thai) also voiced strong opinions about marrying a woman + kids UNLESS the child was under a certain age so that the man could 'shape' the child, and not deal with a child who already has behavior patterns etc from previous man in the house.

my best friend has her three in the house and his three and its horrible. although he raised her youngest from babyhood so the relationship is better.

and they arent thai. so i think its fairly universal, and as i said before, instinctive among males as opposed to females.

very few cultures seem to promote entire family raising children regardless of whom the father is. whereas several mothers with children to one father is found to be acceptable (beduins/in the past, among the yemen jews -samples that i know of personally).



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Bina, have paid pretty close attention to your posts in a number of subfora of late, i was going to congratulate for actually posting in this thread about Thailand and not the kibbutz.

That was before i read the post above.

you really do have a knack for making this about where you come from, i give you credit for that.

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Loz, if you must call Thais of the female gender ladies, it is politically correct to call Thais of the male gender gentlemen.

I don't believe I did call them ladies. My only reference was to bar "girls". :)

"What are the chances of marriage, for a Thai lady who has already had a child?"

This is a sentence from your original post. I only mention it because in another thread started by you, you commented on such matters with an apparent heightened sensitivity. Need to be consistent to be taken seriously.

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Bina, have paid pretty close attention to your posts in a number of subfora of late, i was going to congratulate for actually posting in this thread about Thailand and not the kibbutz.

That was before i read the post above.

you really do have a knack for making this about where you come from, i give you credit for that.

Yes, and it`s the same where ever you come from, Khun real Daddy will always be lurking in the background.

Sometimes he may show up just to remind Luang Daddy that bonafide Daddy has the power over his kids.

And when Luang Daddy has brought the kids up, paid for their up keep, school and University, they will eventually go back to Khun Daddy because they feel the need to have a good relationasip with their biological father.

So actually it`s a 4 way relationship, luang Daddy, Khun Daddy, pooying and the kids.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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