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Contested Divorce – Any Advice?


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My long term partner is still married to her husband, who deserted her and her three children. Having heard that she is now with a foreigner he has said that he will not give her a divorce unless she gives him money. Surprise, surprise! The amount mentioned was 500,000 baht. So I started to look at the possibility of divorcing through the courts and the lawyers have said a figure of 100,000 – 200,000 baht as an estimate for doing this.

Has anyone experience of contested divorce? What the cost may be – I don’t think that I trust Thai lawyers anymore than I trust her husband! Any recommendations for a good law firm? Your thought and experiences would be appreciated.


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if she,s been separated from the thai tosser more than 3 yrs she should be able to get a divorce without his approval, however , as he knows she has a walking atm at her side now , he will plead that he loves her and the kids and never wanted to part in the first place, get a good thai lawyer. i,ve recommended my lawyer before, wichai pannoi, 019140516, he,l scare the thai guy shitless, and if you have to shoot the tosser, he,l probarbly get you off with a fine !!!!!!

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Why do I want the divorce? Well to me it is not a big deal. I am divorced from my former wife who was Thai, and I don’t want to rush into it again.

We went to the UK embassy the other day to try to get my partner a visa for a short holiday with me to meet my Mum and Dad who are getting on and not in the best of health.

They did not refuse her but I had not left enough time and the date for the interview was after the date we needed to fly. The woman interviewing us on the initial review was snotty to say the least. Asking my partner questions in Thai and she hesitated to answer like “how long are you going for?” She hesitated because she cold not hear her!

I was there as well – they did not like that – I was standing up at the counter. Suddenly she goes “I want to talk to her! Stand back from the window! Stand back from the window!” OK I’m not going to explode. She asked my partner about her husband and then she said “And what is YOUR status?” To me. She did miss the word Scum off the end of the sentence which was something I suppose.

So we got thinking about getting him out of her life for good. I know she would like to and I can understand why.

Thanks for your input,


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When I inquired about going through a contested divorce, I too found that it can be very lengthy and very costly.... so the quoted figures are not out of line. The archaic divorce laws are the blame... as they totally favor the man. Best of luck to you.

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Surprise, surprise!  The amount mentioned was 500,000 baht.

Of course this figure will be negotiable.

My wife haggled her ex down to 20,000 Baht, but he also had to sign an agreement that he would send her 5,000 per month for her children's support.

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Off topic a little bit I am sorry.

Constantly I read stories of how TV members or their better halfs are treated shoddily or in some cases abusively by staff at the UK Embassy in Bangkok. When my wife went for her first visa she left twice in tears, having basically been told they don't give visa's to wh@res / ex-wh@res / Bar Girls / any one they don't like.

Being out of the country I had to resolve it in the age old traditional Thai way......I paid somebody !

Is there not somewhere we can complain to, as a group.

Does anyone else feel the same

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Offer him half of what the lowest lawyers estimate is.In that way you save money and he saves face. Tell him he has not provided marital support for over 3 years and you have taken this into account. It would hurt me giving him anything but better than a long drawn out battle. :o

johnh regarding this matter I have suggested previously that any complaint regarding an embassy official should be made individually to the embassy with a copy to your local MP. Some people may say this would antagonise people. But having worked investigating complaints to Government Departments for 30 years, if there are enough complaints heads will roll. :D

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If you feel that you have been insulted by ANY member or representative of our Government.....COMPLAIN :D but get your facts right first. :D

I would not be adverse to secretly recording any conversation that might take place between an applicant and Visa Officer but if you do then you should say so.

(only making the comment .....prob would never actually do it... :o )

For most of us all we really want is a satisfactory any and solution to our "problems"but to be fair to OUR officials have you seen the number of guys who have left their brains at the airport and found "true"luve in randy rabbits tuk tuk bar and have decided that they urgently need a settlement visa for their new "Amore"

There they are bright and early after the night before..or rather following the mua wan with their knotted hanki on thumping head,string vest (to cover frontal lobot)the union jack shorts, matalan rubber sandles (with black sox)and a never ending stream of nausi.fags to sooth and calm their shattered nerves.

"Dont worry daling we-el get you a visa ..no problem cause we"re Brits like...seee."

.."getting a bit ot stanning out ere innit.....any chance of a beer ...till-lak?"

"wot you mean you aint got no passport...everyones gorra passport"

.......they need protecting :D

So as said if you really have to complain then go straight to H.E.David Fall (top man|)...he WILL reply but should you find that your still unhappy and live in Blighty....then its your local MP (I know mine well and usually a telephone call is enough)

Anyway Jack Short is again the new Taipan at the F & Com Office with Charles Clarke at the Home Office.....write....(I have met both and they are OK)


FCO Ministers

The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Rt Hon Jack Straw MP, is responsible for the work of the FCO.

He is assisted by four Ministers:

- Douglas Alexander

- Dr Kim Howells

- Ian Pearson

- Lord Triesman

Permanent Under-Secretary and Head of the Diplomatic Service

- Michael Jay


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I found that letters to as many poeple in office as possible outlining the poblems constructively (and without a tirade of abuse) returns good results. It certainly did with the IND in the UK a few years back - Jack Straw, Tony Blair, Chief Labour Whip, local MP etc where all written to and the desired result was attained within a few days! Follow Rinrada's advice - it works.

If its rudeness, you'll probably get a 'sorry you had a bad experience...' form letter back, but it may lead to someone being given a roasting behind the scenes (perhaps).

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