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Condo Purchase - Any Idea ?

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when you buy your condo, do you, along with all the other purchasers own a percentabe of the freehold, or is the building ownership kept by the developer ? (i was worried if the developer should go bust just after the building is completed..)

On the subject of condos - how much discount is one likely to get off the list price of you were to buy say 5 condos ?? (talking 2-3m price range, each).

Lastly, could someone advise what taxes are payable on completion (sales tax / land tax etc). Any idea what a lawyetr would charge to do the conveyencing, or is it simple enough to do yourself...

Thanks in advance...

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Negotiate a price for condo's first, the building is owned by the seller, landowner,however you need to have a chanote or title for each condo

chanote being the strongest title I think 7% tax is payable flat to the lands dept.

Only give a deposit, refundable, to the owner, organize, someone to tee up your paper work prior to land office, saves time,

A bank draft or bank cheque is only payable after chanote is finalised, an immigration, passport conformation and letter from you bank

stating your current residence statis and intention to purchase is important when in doubt greeze a few palms helps.

Hope this helps.

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