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Chumpon Tour


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Sorry mate but you have chosen the most boring roads to ride, in and around Chumphon. Having lived there and ridden the roads there are some great rides with some truly stunning scenery. Sadly a missed opportunity to show a stunning part of Thailand. 4/10 for effort :)

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You miss the point Rider! There are beautiful rides North, South,East and West of Chumphon. Why would you film the most boring and uninteresting ride you could possibly film whilst within a few km of some STUNNING rides ???????????????????????????

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Well I got one of 'em filmed but my camera set-up at the time sucked and the angle was wrong. So after that I lost interest in the outlands riding for a while. I might go back to it one day. At the moment I'm prepping for some more work overseas so that's on the shelf for a while :)

To be honest Dunc. I'm not going to posting balls-out, SSR style road blasts around the jungle and wilderness that much. I've done my fill of that and I'll be groovin' into other things for the next 6 - 10 months or so.

Keep on ridin'!

Edited by JimsKnight
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