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Just A Friendly Reminder


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Last night I was just remembering that its been almost two years now since the constant talk on tv.com regarding the imminent end to all the 30 day walkers. Or as Dr. Pat Pong lovingly referred to them, the 'poverty packers'. For those of you not familiar with the issue, tv.com was full of 'the sky is falling' type news telling us that within days or weeks, all those who live in LOS by way of visiting the border every 30 days would be deported. The end was near. The government had had enough. And what happened? Nothing.

After speaking on the phone a number of times with 'senior' members, I rushed back to the states to get a 'real' visa while many of my friends in town laughed at me. And... they are still laughing. These guys have been to the border every month for 36 months plus, with no problems whatsoever. Yes, they have to show 10,000 baht now and then, but that's about it.

Just a friendly reminder that not everything written here is exactly true.

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You went to the states to get a new visa?

Were Cambodia and Malaysia closed for the weekend? :D

That could explain the laughing. :o

Thailand is always cracking down on one thing or another, and there has been alot of talk about ending, or limiting border runs, so a caution was warranted. You panicked and went way over the top by going all the way to the US though. Would have been easier and cheaper to do it regionaly


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Last night I was just remembering that its been almost two years now since the constant talk on tv.com regarding the imminent end to all the 30 day walkers. Or as Dr. Pat Pong lovingly referred to them, the 'poverty packers'. For those of you not familiar with the issue, tv.com was full of 'the sky is falling' type news telling us that within days or weeks, all those who live in LOS by way of visiting the border every 30 days would be deported. The end was near. The government had had enough. And what happened? Nothing.

After speaking on the phone a number of times with 'senior' members, I rushed back to the states to get a 'real' visa while many of my friends in town laughed at me. And... they are still laughing. These guys have been to the border every month for 36 months plus, with no problems whatsoever. Yes, they have to show 10,000 baht now and then, but that's about it.

Just a friendly reminder that not everything written here is exactly true.

At that time there was indeed some very serious concerns for those who were here on a 30 dayer, constantly doing visa runs. Indeed in my opinion the advice still stands good! Don't be so sure that it will not suddenly come back and bite those in 'that' position.

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CMT, the only mistake you made was thinking tha TV.com is some kind of authority on Thailand. It's not, nor will it ever be. It is simply a group of people with experiences and opinions. Some know what they're talking about, many others don't. Rumours abound, always.

A grain of salt. Keep that in your mind, always, when reading stuff here.

Your friends laughing at you for getting a visa sound like fools, themselves. Why would anyone laugh at you for getting a visa? Why wouldn't someone prefer a visa over a 30-day stamp, since 60-90 day visas are very easy to get and offer condiderably less hassle and expense over travelling to the border every 4.3 weeks... Seems to me that you should be the one laughing at them, because you're the one with a one-year multiple-entry visa. :o

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I also have also heard a rhumor from an excellent source there is already talk on the Cambodian side about "genuine tourists". (They aren't getting enough of the action.....)

I am not sure if its going to be a hike in the 300B fee, but the talk is if you don't have a hotel receipt, how can you be a "real" tourist. Their thing will be to actually ensure you stay overnight.

Flame away, but this is what I have heard from the Khmer guys at a family b-b-q.

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You went to the states to get a new visa?

Were Cambodia and Malaysia closed for the weekend?  :D

That could explain the laughing.  :o

Thailand is always cracking down on one thing or another, and there has been alot of talk about ending, or limiting border runs, so a caution was warranted. You panicked and went way over the top by going all the way to the US though. Would have been easier and cheaper to do it regionaly


I'm not a complete idiot. The constant talk was that anyone who had been on extneded 30 day stays needed to replace their passport which held the evidence of this. If one was to 'lose' it in Thailand or a neighbouring country, it wasn't good enough and would arouse suspicion since the crackdown was imminent. Furthermore, i do not qualify for a 'real' visa, but there are certain consulates outside of Asia where this isn't a problem. So it couldn't have been done regionally, even if I did settle for losing my passport here.

i spoke at length on the phone with senior TV.com members who told me that their connections at high levels had informed them that the shit was about to hit the fan. Thailand had had enough of the poverty packers and everyone was about to be deported. The only solution was to go to the US, get a new passport and real visa.

Of course, this didn't turn out to be true at all. Yes, you're better off with a real visa, but yes my friends continue to laugh because at the end of the day, so far (and its been nearly 2 years) it hasn't made a difference.

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.....and a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

You have obviously never had two birds out in the bush!! :o:D

I think you have missed the point.

The proverty packers can still do the 30 day runs, but they do need 10,000 baht in hand.

To say nothing of the time an money wasted every month.

There has been a clamp down in other areas to make sure long term stayers who are

retired or married, meet the financial requirements.

Be glad you do have your visa, it may be your turn to laugh tomorrow when your

friends are on the plane home.

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Those who needed to 'lose' their passports were the ones whose passports left the country while the passport owner stayed here.

I thought the ones where the passport left the country, and returned with proper stamps were OK.

It's the people whose passports stayed in Thailand, but had fake stamps inserted by the "visa shop" who had problems.

Unfortunately, people who used a visa shop couldn't be sure which of the two groups they were in...

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Those who needed to 'lose' their passports were the ones whose passports left the country while the passport owner stayed here.

I thought the ones where the passport left the country, and returned with proper stamps were OK.

It's the people whose passports stayed in Thailand, but had fake stamps inserted by the "visa shop" who had problems.

Unfortunately, people who used a visa shop couldn't be sure which of the two groups they were in...

I heard it involved two particular officers, at least to begin with. Any passports handled during some part of July at Sadao by these two officers was stamped with partcular- coded stamp.... It seems these passports that got 'special' handling were all put through the same stamps. The only real facts are, that there was clearly a well-oiled machine in place here for years, involving soo many... I think it was when the tour companies started seeing it as a cash cow, which then got too popular, maybe.. 2,000 baht per passport, minimum. Maybe for two officers :D , they figured the fewer partners, the more for them.... Maybe not :D

Like a good mystery, one never really knows who the butler is here :o

Oh, the other fact is, it's business as usual. Same prices, too. TiT, and all that. :D

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Those who needed to 'lose' their passports were the ones whose passports left the country while the passport owner stayed here.

That's not what was being said at the time. The sky was falling and anyone who had stayed here long term on 30 day stamps would be deported and blacklisted. The only solution being a new passport issued outside of Asia.

I think it is somewhat amusing that all the 'experts' who were warning of impending danger are now quiet or are still hanging onto the theory 'it really was about to happen, really, i was right...'

At any rate, moral of the story? Take what is written on tv.com with a grain of salt.

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You did the right thing !. Why do you sound aggrieved ?.

Your mates are probably not laughing every 30 days when they

have to get up in the morning to do their visa runs.

Anyway, you could afford to get a proper visa, methinks your

"friends" probably cannot. :o

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I don't recall anyone saying that you should lose your passport because you have multiple entry stamps. I recall SOME people suggesting you should lose your passport if you were worried that the stamps in your passport weren't genuine.

Why would you have to lose your passport surely just getting a more permanent visa would suffice.

Even if you do get a new passport and a one year non im visa there's is still always the possibility that someone will ask the purpose of your stay. A one year visa is normally only granted on the pretence that you are here for a genuine reason i.e. business or study and even in your current situation you could technically be asked the same questions as your friends.

Please could you link to the posts that you are referring to I'm sure if they exist they are still here somewhere.

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