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Are Ingredients Available In New Zealand For Yum Tua Pool?


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Hi all,

Not sure if my transliteration is very accurate (Google had nothing) but Yum Tua Pool is one of my favourite entree's in Thailand and would be great to be able to make it here in New Zealand.

However, I have never seen the green star shaped bean vegetable that is used as a main ingredient here? Has anyone from other temperate climate countries found a suitable replacement?

My wife's brother is staying with us at the moment and is a pretty good chef! Finding ingredients is a problem though.

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The vegetable you are after is called 'wing bean' for 'yum tua poo' (wing-bean-shrimp-salad)

I don't know your location in NZ, but there is a good Thai Supermarket in Hamilton

Thai Shop

693 Grey Street

Claudelands 3216, Waikato, New Zealand

(07) 854 9216

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