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I'm Creating A List Of Foreigners Killed Or Attacked


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I had that idea ages ago.

What you want to do is start up a website farangbodycount.com. I think the website name is still vacant.

Start with newspaper archives. Ask for access to their archives. Or start from now.

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We know why they die. They ride scooters on narrow congested roads without wearing helmets and they get hit by cars.

The British government listed the numbers for Thailand. It's only dangerous for traffic, and nothing else.

So here's your lesson, and it will save you the time of counting bodybags:

Don't add to the fear discourse pushed on you by national newspapers intended to create anxiety (and so sell more papers) in your otherwise mundane life, when actually you are living a life safer than almost any human that has ever walked this earth. Stop reading their websites, switch off FOX News, take up a nice hobby like gardening and choir practice... and chill, man.

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Excellent idea. If someone - even, perish the thought - the police - actually compiled statistics of killed/murdered foreigners here, published them and if we could believe them, it would be extremely interesting reading.

Why not draft whatever you have and post it for people to add to?

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People die, just part of life. :)

that's true! But would you say it's part of life to be murdered? Just for sticking your finger up at a guy who nearly ran you down in his merc!!!!!

In London, very possible!

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Dont forget the (French or was it Italian?) guy whoose head was in a plastic bag hanging from a rope off one of the rama bridges. One of the more err memorable cases :) cant remember hearing the outcome

The most recent but famous would have to be poor old David Carradine..maybe not attacked as such but there are those who believe kathoeys got him :D

For a humourous touch you could add the aussie who stole the cab and went joyriding while hammered..didnt get attacked himself but did some damage to a few poor BiBs :D

pretty morbib stuff tho dude, and maybe not nice if the families of deceased get reminded of their loved ones as statistics..

might be nice to focus on more digestable subjects

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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pretty morbib stuff tho dude, and maybe not nice if the families of deceased get reminded of their loved ones as statistics..

I think perhaps we should spend our time pushing Thailand to not push back 5,000 Burmese at the border that it is talking of repatriating. This figure is a statistic. Their lives are depersonalised. Despite the real localism of the issue for us it is amazing that we get ourselves in a frenzy on some traffic crashes that have been and gone.

The OP talks of links and deaths that can be remembered. The very nature of statistics is to forget, they depersonalise and allow a forgetting; this makes Ozzie's comment particularly odd.

Is the OP intending to do more than simply count the numbers?

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:) I personally know of two close friends who died under very mysterious circumstances. These were never reported anywhere. Wonder how many others there are. Was told in one instance my life was in danger by authorities because I was trying to uncover the truth. Another who was murdered by wife and her family, very well known case from Hua Hin,were I lived for 7 years.


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People die, just part of life. :)

that's true! But would you say it's part of life to be murdered? Just for sticking your finger up at a guy who nearly ran you down in his merc!!!!!

How many times has this happened, once in the last 100 years perhaps?

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Why just (presumably western) "foreigners?" Everyone knows murder and vehicular homicide are out of control in Thailand. While those involving (presumably western) "foreigners" are no less important, these things happen in far greater numbers and frequency to the native peoples of our host country. A life taken without cause or reason is still a life lost.

As to why these things happen, well we already know the answer to that question, don't we? Anytime there is some combination of unstable/corrupt government, corrupt law enforcement, and lack of economic opportunity (whether entreprenuership or employment), the value of human life goes way down, and the number of people who will do virtually anything for chance at a quick buck goes way up.

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The Italian guy was a fairly obvious suicide, and I think that was also the official outcome.

Oh ok..I remember speculation was rife at the time, russian hitmen, jealous lovers ect ect

Maybe it was the bizarre message that was left written at the scene that sparked imaginations

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To keep up to date on the latest balcony jumpers, stabbing victims, and exciting manglings, we recommend the Pattaya Daily News. It is a TV news partner (and the one with the most reliable information). The PDN is perfect for potty time too. Plenty of vivid photos, the required people pointing and the weekly farang idiot that got into a fight after drinking too much. I also enjoy the photos of the local criminals. They are right out of central casting.

Edited by geriatrickid
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