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Strange Smell In The Air?


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Around On Nut in particular, a pervasive smell that reminds me of used cat litter. Damp, rusty gritty smell, reminds me of when I had a cat box outside my bedroom growing up. First I smelled it everyday in my apartment room but realized the parking garage right outside my room sends a draft smelling of such. Was just over by the Carrefour tonight and smelled it all out front there as well. Some kind of dust storm or something?

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Maybe it is your breath blowing back in your face!


(Bangkokboro) get a life


2 beutiful answers. The guy is asking a question and you is just plain stupid..

get real guys..


Edited by glegolo
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OP, I think I can relate. In certain places around town, I smell the overwhelming odor of litter box. I don't think that's what it is (once was in a hotel room), but I can't figure out what it is. It's always the same smell but in totally different locations. And no, it is not the normal "Bangkok smell" or the "SE Asia smell."

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They have just had the chain gang cleaning out the drains on On nut last week on Carrefour side of road.

Yesterday i noticed they had moved to Sukhumvit just past Phrakanong heading into the city.

If that is the case, wish they left them alone.

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there is a wall near my house that taxi driver's seem to seek out en masse for the purpose of urinating. it gets rank in the heat.

oddly these same taxi drivers gather there daily to eat noodles.

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There is a huge Rubbish Dump on On-nuch - that's where the BMA dumps all the refuse they collect from Bangkok.

When the wind is in the wrong direction, that's what you are smelling.


Ooooopppsssss! So that's where my kitty litter gets dumped! No worries though soon my cat will be potty trained :) ..

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Your nose is too near your arse!

Only joking!

I notice it sometimes. I remember my first night in Bangkok standing on my hotel balcony and smelling it. It brings back memories from them days. Don't know what it is but it's always in the onnut bang Na area.

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