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Settlement In Uk Please Help?

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Hi again,would just like to post again about my current situaton and would be gratefull for any advice please.

As i posted befroe my girlfriend and i have known eachother for 2 years and have over 300 emails to and from eachother,phone bills and many photos from our time together.

We were going to marry in January of next year and then apply for settlement visa. On further though we have decided to popstpone the ceremony in prachaub khirikhan as we want to be together sooner and cannot afford the sinsot of 200000 anthong mun of 6 baht just yet.My mum is coming over with me in july to visit her family and meet everybody.

We have decided that we will get married in Bkk just for the legal side of it and so it is recognised that we are man and wife,we will also buy 2 wedding rings so in our eyes we will be maried fully even though we have not yet had the full ceremony with her family.Just thinking that as we dont have any photos of a wedding ceremony in the village the embassy will frown upon this?

Will this be enough do you think for the embassy to grant us a visa that we so desperatley hope for? I will look for a nice flat for us as i share at the moment and understand that it is better for application if you have your own flat. I have been employed by my company for 5 years and earn about £350 take home a week.

Can any of you guys see any flaws in our application and will the marriage papers in Bkk be enough for the embassys requirements?

Thanks in advance for your replies and this is a very informative forum


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Myself and the Mrs had known eachother for 1 year before we married and applied for the S Visa 2 weeks after we married.

We had know Thai ceromony just registered at the local ampur in her village.

We was there best part of an hour and paid the 80 baht for tax and received the marriage certificate.

So know my friend, you dont need to have a ceromony, registering at the amphur is legal in enough.

Good luck with the sin sot.


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Myself and the Mrs had known eachother for 1 year before we married and applied for the S Visa 2 weeks after we married.

We had know Thai ceromony just registered at the local ampur in her village.

We was there best part of an hour and paid the 80 baht for tax and received the marriage certificate.

So know my friend, you dont need to have a ceromony, registering at the amphur is legal in enough.

Good luck with the sin sot.


Thanks for the reply mate.Just wondered how simple the marriage process is?ive heard there alot of running around and stuff with translations and things?

Any advice greatly apprecieated.


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thai village ceremony alone is not recognised by british embassy,we got married through a agency in bkk.they sorted everything out all we had to do was turn up,we had to pay,but it was worth every baht,you can do it yourself and save your money.myself i did not know where to start and my wife to be did not know,so it was simpler for me to pay.the s,visa is another story you just have to persevere,the main points are your status in uk.as you say having your own place and a job is a big plus,the biggest obstacle we had was producing the family papers from the village.we eventually traced them.i spoke to one of the embassy staff and the biggest issue they have is the thai women lying,if they are caught in a lie then application is thrown out no question.hope all goes well for you,(it is worth it in the end).good luck,pakchong

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Why would the Border Agency be interested in your pretty Village wedding photos which are not worth a toss,all that counts for the purpose of your wifes Visa application is the Amphurs wedding certificate.

No wonder you are having problems finding the 200,000 baht Sin Sod,as everyone on this site has already told you:Tell them to stuff it,and give what you can reasonably afford,compromises are not one sided unless you choose to allow it!

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Why would the Border Agency be interested in your pretty Village wedding photos which are not worth a toss,all that counts for the purpose of your wifes Visa application is the Amphurs wedding certificate.

No wonder you are having problems finding the 200,000 baht Sin Sod,as everyone on this site has already told you:Tell them to stuff it,and give what you can reasonably afford,compromises are not one sided unless you choose to allow it!

There,s no need to be disrespectfull mate.You have no idea of my g/fs background or situation. To be honest your opinions not worth a toss either :)

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Just a tip if your wife is so keen to marry. And is demanding you pay 4 grand to her family dont just walk away run. How far do you think your 350 pound's a week is going to go after she's had a lucky dip every month to send back to her folk's here??? Think think think

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Just a tip if your wife is so keen to marry. And is demanding you pay 4 grand to her family dont just walk away run. How far do you think your 350 pound's a week is going to go after she's had a lucky dip every month to send back to her folk's here??? Think think think

1:She doesnt send money to here family as they dont need it!

2:Shes not "so keen to marry" as we will save together and then when we have the money in a year or 2 we will have ceremony then.Just getting marriage certificate to help with settlement visa.

3:The sinsot and thong mung will be returned in full after the wedding ceremony as her parents told me,like i said they dont need a penny of it!The reason its high is because of her status and to show respect and face,she is University educated and has masters degree and is also extremely attractive,im not bargaining with her mum like she is a piece of meat.

4:think think think!!Just wonder why so many negative comments on here,some of you been burnt yourselfs i guess? Just hoping for some positive advice and not just a bunch of disrespectfull threadfuc_kers!!

Cheers for taking the time anyway.

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Why would the Border Agency be interested in your pretty Village wedding photos which are not worth a toss,all that counts for the purpose of your wifes Visa application is the Amphurs wedding certificate.

It sounds as though Thai Immigration wants to see wedding photos before they accept a marriage as genuine. So ShadyAcres29's concern is understandable.

However, unless things have changed recently, a wedding is not necessary for UK settlement and need not be particularly persuasive anyway. The only drawback is that when presented with a certificate saying the marriage had been registered, you might get an Immigration Officer in the UK asking when the marriage actually took place. That gave me a nervous few seconds! Quiet your worries this way - you have stronger evidence that someone bringing his mere fiancée over. Marriage is not a commitment to be entered into lightly.

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Why would the Border Agency be interested in your pretty Village wedding photos which are not worth a toss,all that counts for the purpose of your wifes Visa application is the Amphurs wedding certificate.

It sounds as though Thai Immigration wants to see wedding photos before they accept a marriage as genuine. So ShadyAcres29's concern is understandable.

However, unless things have changed recently, a wedding is not necessary for UK settlement and need not be particularly persuasive anyway. The only drawback is that when presented with a certificate saying the marriage had been registered, you might get an Immigration Officer in the UK asking when the marriage actually took place. That gave me a nervous few seconds! Quiet your worries this way - you have stronger evidence that someone bringing his mere fiancée over. Marriage is not a commitment to be entered into lightly.

Thanks for your input and yes good advice i think. Yes i agree marriage is not to be taken lightly but we both feel we love eachother that much and are ready to make the commitment in our lives.We will marry 3 or 4 months before we make our application anyway.

Thanks for posting

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When you've lived here for over 25 year's You get to know the set up 99.9% of the time Thai lady's prefer a Thai men fact. There family's want them to marry a Thai fact. As they all think a farang is loaded. They'll go for it. It's known as the ATM syndrome. Now maybe you can see why farang's are a dubious. Best of luck. Maybe you've got the O.1%

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When you've lived here for over 25 year's You get to know the set up 99.9% of the time Thai lady's prefer a Thai men fact. There family's want them to marry a Thai fact. As they all think a farang is loaded. They'll go for it. It's known as the ATM syndrome. Now maybe you can see why farang's are a dubious. Best of luck. Maybe you've got the O.1%

Fair enough,1 thing is sure though they certainly know im not loaded :) I dont want to sound like one of those guys "my girlfriend is different"

My g/f works for ING and her salary is around 45-50000 and her family are quite well off as far as thais go.

Everyone is different i guess.

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Shady old boy, don't worry about all the negative views, follow your heart.

You do need the wedding certificate from the Amphur, but it is pretty easy to obtain. You have to get a letter from the UK Embassy affirming you are free to marry, details here http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for...ister-marriage/

You have to get the affirmation in person, but I used an agent local to the embassy to translate and, to save the bother of a couple of trips to the MFA, got them to do the paperwork, cannot remember the cost but it wasn't very much.

Once you have all the paperwork from the MFA it's a case of pitching up at the Amphur completing a couple of forms and you are married. The wedding ceremony is nice, but you don't need to do it, you can come back anytime and do it.

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The reason you are getting negative replies was because "misery loves company". Unhappy people like to build up membership to the "unhappy club" and they want you to be an honorary member by feeding you only their misfortunes.

My wedding was in Thailand in 2003. I registered the marriage in 2005. The Amphur couldn't care less if I had a wedding or not. I did not bring any photo either. From my side, they only want to see the properly translated documentations from the US Consulate and my US passport.

Relationship is just like everywhere else in the world, it has its ups and downs. Stay positive and be happy because it is contagious.

Edited by tripplejjj
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Duly enclosed:

AECIP 83/03 states :

"A reminder has now issued to all our offices overseas (under reference AECIP 83/03). The relevant section of this AECIP reads as follows:

"1. There has been some confusion over whether ECOs [Entry Clearance Officers] should be asking for confirmation of wedding bookings at a registry office. This should not be happening. Registrars cannot make arrangements until the foreign national has arrived in the UK.

"2. ECMs [Managers] are therefore asked to re-acquaint themselves and their staff with the procedures outlined in DSP 13.9".

If you require professional help feel free to contact my company and this maybe of help, should you decide to go down the Fiance visa route.

Regards Paul

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About immigration and the legality of marriage:

As has already been clarified, the necessary and sufficient proof of marriage is the marriage certificate

issued by the city office. no fancy photos would serve as a substitute nor a supplement at any reasonable

immigration office. (thai immigration is of course an exception)

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you'll be fine shady.. ignore the negative folks

Be sure to have a healthly bank balance (about 2k) in your UK account for when you supply bank statements with your application. Anything you've got that proves a relationship between you both will help, ie. photos of you together sight-seeing, letters, b'day cards, emails, msn, evidence of gifts, money transfers etc.

If her visa history is clean, you'll be fine. I'm currently going through the Appeal process as the application was rejected for the smallest reason. I thought I had supplied enough evidence and so left things out of the original application. I've now supplied reams of paperwork.

good luck!! :)

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you'll be fine shady.. ignore the negative folks

Be sure to have a healthly bank balance (about 2k) in your UK account for when you supply bank statements with your application. Anything you've got that proves a relationship between you both will help, ie. photos of you together sight-seeing, letters, b'day cards, emails, msn, evidence of gifts, money transfers etc.

If her visa history is clean, you'll be fine. I'm currently going through the Appeal process as the application was rejected for the smallest reason. I thought I had supplied enough evidence and so left things out of the original application. I've now supplied reams of paperwork.

good luck!! :)

Disagree with you there matey,

When my wife applied I was £1500 overdrawn, money is not important, as long as you can maintain yourselfs without recourse to public funds your fine.

With our application I provided bank statements, pay slips, marriage certificate (eng + thai ) phone records, money transfers etc etc.

Got the visa after 3 days.


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Yep I was the same as scotty

No money in the bank

Just the week before I flew out managed to get myself mortaged up on a house

Only problem I had was at Heathrow they decided there was a dark spot on her x-ray

Caused a couple hour delay but turned out ok

Oh and I'd known her about a year before we got married.

That was about 4 years ago and we just got her ILR visa last week which was nice.

So plain sailing from now on (If still married next week now she's got her ILR :) )

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