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Phuket Is A Great Holiday Destination


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I hate to repeat myself but.... for those that are complaining about those of us who have the outrageous nerve to say anything bad -

The sub heading of the original post was "Why all the negatives from the local expats?".

The expats are telling you why - coming here for a holiday is entirely different to living here.

It has also been pointed out to you that this expat forum is a great place to talk about the realities of life here (generally not seen by tourists staying for a few weeks). Its not a PR site to encourage tourism!

Having said that, even the most jaded expat will tell you that there is a lot to love here (the scenery, weather etc.).

Those few of you that have been here a few years and are still convinced Phuket is heaven on earth - OK, but try to understand that others don't see it that way anymore (you must have met them and understand why!) - but still have their own reasons for staying here.

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Simple really = Google Link.

Seems too many deaths for a safe beach venue.

Almost as bad as Pattaya.

^ well that was pointless; substitute any country for 'Thailand' and you'll get a result.

Just like to add . . . I like it here. Nowhere is perfect. When i don't like it I'll move away.

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I hate to repeat myself but.... for those that are complaining about those of us who have the outrageous nerve to say anything bad -

The sub heading of the original post was "Why all the negatives from the local expats?".

I think you'll find that I made reference to that in my last post. I knew someone would jump on it, so I thought I would save them the trouble and point it out first, but obviously you don't hate to repeat yourself that much! Now it's my turn to repeat myself. If the OP hadn't added that half of the title, the negative response from expats would have been just as prevalent.

The expats are telling you why - coming here for a holiday is entirely different to living here.

But why revel in it? Why not three lines saying that you're glad he had a good holiday, and there's a lot to love, and then one line saying 'But things are different when...." It's when residents are so full on negative that people get confused, and inevitably ask, "why the <deleted>#k are you still here?"

It has also been pointed out to you that this expat forum is a great place to talk about the realities of life here (generally not seen by tourists staying for a few weeks). Its not a PR site to encourage tourism!

Reality my arse! Whose reality are you referring to, cos it's not mine. I've been married to a Thai for nearly a decade and have spent a fair bit of time in this country, 90% of which was in Phuket. I'm yet to have one single negative incident worth talking about. Frustration at the appalling driving ability of most, yes. A little moan about Thai people and their lack of logical thought at times, definitely, but mugged, burgled, abused by a Tuk tuk driver, treated with out and out disrespect etc, not even once.

Those few of you that have been here a few years and are still convinced Phuket is heaven on earth - OK, but try to understand that others don't see it that way anymore (you must have met them and understand why!) - but still have their own reasons for staying here.

There's your problem right there mate. Few people, few years??? There's thousands of people that have called Phuket home for varying, long periods of time. Two people were in a thread recently, discussing the way things were in Patong, 20+ years ago. Neither of them were moaning I seem to remember. Re-read 'Keesthas' post, I fear you may fall in to the group of people he was describing. People blaming their own inability to adapt to a new culture on everything but themselves. Finally, as for your last comment, about having no choice and personal reasons to stay here, that one's been around the block a few times as well. What happened. Did you accidentally nail you foot to the floor four years ago, and the doctor told you, that if you removed it you would certainly die? Or do you mean your Thai Girlfriend doesn't want to move away from her family? Or that you've got <deleted>#k all better, to go to in your own country? Even if someone has got a truly genuine reason for not being able to leave, it's not my fault, or anybody else's, and it's certainly not Phukets fault either so it still doesn't justify the continual moaning and slating of the place you have chosen, and still choose to live, that is undeniably illogical and border line retarded.

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I hate to repeat myself but.... for those that are complaining about those of us who have the outrageous nerve to say anything bad -

The sub heading of the original post was "Why all the negatives from the local expats?".

The expats are telling you why - coming here for a holiday is entirely different to living here.

It has also been pointed out to you that this expat forum is a great place to talk about the realities of life here (generally not seen by tourists staying for a few weeks). Its not a PR site to encourage tourism!

Having said that, even the most jaded expat will tell you that there is a lot to love here (the scenery, weather etc.).

Those few of you that have been here a few years and are still convinced Phuket is heaven on earth - OK, but try to understand that others don't see it that way anymore (you must have met them and understand why!) - but still have their own reasons for staying here.

Sorry, I have to make a small correction here:

In stead of 'the expats are telling you' correct would be: 'some of the expats are telling you'.

Many expats will have a view on Phuket that is completely different from the sentiment that seems to dominate this forum.

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I used to love patong , went there first time in october 1964, jungle came right down to the beach, fantastic fishing, the bay was full of wildlife, dolphins, mantas, even the odd whale shark, fishing was brilliant , sailfish , juvenile black marlin, not a bar or tailor to be seen, nearest hotel was in phuket town, but we camped out on the beach, I even took some german mates back there in 71 for the fishing , but the yanks had started to move in so the downward spiral had begun, the b/wphoto is roughly where absolute seapearl is today :)

So, its the yanks who are at fault, is it? Okay, mate. Right.

Yeah, Ive NEVER seen anyone else make any trouble but the yanks. Youve been here how long? Or should I ask how much do you get out of your little Disneyland? If ignorance is bliss, you must be very happy.

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Glad you guys had a great time here. Many incredibles about this place. Nevermind all the old codgers waxing poetic about "the good ole days."

There are a few definite negatives about this place as well and heeding at least some of the advice found here may help you. Remember, VISITING Phuket or any other place in Thailand is worlds away from LIVING here.

Simply put: If you like it here, stay. If you don't like it here, leave.

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So, its the yanks who are at fault, is it? Okay, mate. Right.

Yeah, Ive NEVER seen anyone else make any trouble but the yanks. Youve been here how long? Or should I ask how much do you get out of your little Disneyland? If ignorance is bliss, you must be very happy.

Well they were the ones generally having a scrap in Vietnam, so technically were the nearest (back in '71).

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I hate to repeat myself but.... for those that are complaining about those of us who have the outrageous nerve to say anything bad -

The sub heading of the original post was "Why all the negatives from the local expats?".

I think you'll find that I made reference to that in my last post. I knew someone would jump on it, so I thought I would save them the trouble and point it out first, but obviously you don't hate to repeat yourself that much! Now it's my turn to repeat myself. If the OP hadn't added that half of the title, the negative response from expats would have been just as prevalent.

The expats are telling you why - coming here for a holiday is entirely different to living here.

But why revel in it? Why not three lines saying that you're glad he had a good holiday, and there's a lot to love, and then one line saying 'But things are different when...." It's when residents are so full on negative that people get confused, and inevitably ask, "why the <deleted>#k are you still here?"

It has also been pointed out to you that this expat forum is a great place to talk about the realities of life here (generally not seen by tourists staying for a few weeks). Its not a PR site to encourage tourism!

Reality my arse! Whose reality are you referring to, cos it's not mine. I've been married to a Thai for nearly a decade and have spent a fair bit of time in this country, 90% of which was in Phuket. I'm yet to have one single negative incident worth talking about. Frustration at the appalling driving ability of most, yes. A little moan about Thai people and their lack of logical thought at times, definitely, but mugged, burgled, abused by a Tuk tuk driver, treated with out and out disrespect etc, not even once.

Those few of you that have been here a few years and are still convinced Phuket is heaven on earth - OK, but try to understand that others don't see it that way anymore (you must have met them and understand why!) - but still have their own reasons for staying here.

There's your problem right there mate. Few people, few years??? There's thousands of people that have called Phuket home for varying, long periods of time. Two people were in a thread recently, discussing the way things were in Patong, 20+ years ago. Neither of them were moaning I seem to remember. Re-read 'Keesthas' post, I fear you may fall in to the group of people he was describing. People blaming their own inability to adapt to a new culture on everything but themselves. Finally, as for your last comment, about having no choice and personal reasons to stay here, that one's been around the block a few times as well. What happened. Did you accidentally nail you foot to the floor four years ago, and the doctor told you, that if you removed it you would certainly die? Or do you mean your Thai Girlfriend doesn't want to move away from her family? Or that you've got <deleted>#k all better, to go to in your own country? Even if someone has got a truly genuine reason for not being able to leave, it's not my fault, or anybody else's, and it's certainly not Phukets fault either so it still doesn't justify the continual moaning and slating of the place you have chosen, and still choose to live, that is undeniably illogical and border line retarded.

You have an incredible mind. That post should be put to music. It's special. Good effort.


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I strongly concur, I talk to people daily who spend time in Phuket and the vast majority are happy and can't wait to return. Obviously holidaying in Phuket is different from trying to graft out a life full-time there but the people who do it have made that decision and should get on with it rather than carping and belly-aching over every small difference they perceive between Thais and Farangs.

WHOOHOO is correct to chastise people who use the word "reality" as the only real reality is the one you construct yourself with thinking. Thinking creates an image one has of oneself, be that a person of importance or a nobody, that image then measures out into the world and "reasons" and "evaluates" the world according to the way that imaginary character thinks it should be, rather than just seeing it is as it is.

Most Thais are simply doing the best they can do, given the environment they are in and the education and awareness they possess. Places like Patong are like all similar places worldwide in they attract the wrong foreigners as well as the wrong locals. Two people with an agenda are always going to clash when one side doesn't live up to the expectations expected by the other side.

As I said before, the poisonous comments you often see here reveal far more about the person posting them than they do about Thailand. Many of the people who post here are many times more educated and financially secure than the people they whine about. They are fortunate enough to be able to live a lifestyle most only experience on a two week break once or maybe twice a year.

Rather than being grateful they then feel a need to pontificate and tell us about every single problem they see happening daily as if it doesn't go on everywhere else anyway. It is one thing to see a problem and offer some constructive advice. All too often it is just plain whinging for the sake of whinging and this young Kiwi guy was correct to speak up about it.

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Obviously holidaying in Phuket is different from trying to graft out a life full-time there but the people who do it have made that decision and should get on with it rather than carping and belly-aching over every small difference they perceive between Thais and Farangs.

I would say its not belly aching over every 'small difference' its venting when actions made against farangs happen which would not be tolerated against Thais, when theres stabbings, daylight high street shootouts, or someone loses a foot and then has his mobile nicked, there seems to be too many opportunities to gripe about quite nasty issues, that while they may not happen to us individually, those that have their eyes open can realize that it could happen to them just as easily.

I heard someone sum up something recently that fits both sides of this discussion / argument / opinion quite well.. Their description was "its a rare man that can maintain the correct balance between paranoia and complacency all the time" and I think thats very apt, in the first years most have the rose tinted glasses on, then for a few years the pendulum probably swings the other way, and over time you just have to realize that what you consider a moral code isnt whats practised here and adapt. As online fora give people a chance to vent, its easy to let that take over the discussion, as theres relatively few ways to redress problems via police, or other social safety nets, so venting is both a warning and a natural release.

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The problem, LOS, is that the thaivisa.com forum is not the local pub or kiosk.

I accept your point that some local ex-pats feel the need to vent to a larger audience, and that's why so many of the posts here are skewed to the negative side.

But this is a global web-page which can (and is) viewed by people from around the world who are interested in getting a better idea of what life in Phuket (and Thailand) is like. Perhaps they are planning a vacation. Perhaps they are thinking of re-settling. So it's important that they get as objective a view as possible of what is going on. Therefore, people who post here have an obligation to report the good, as well as the bad.

Yes, bad things happen to ex-pats here in Phuket -- and people should report first-hand experiences (and ONLY first-hand experience). But then other residents can chime in and describe their experience. That helps to balance out the picture -- which I think is closer to the original purpose of TV rather than as a ventilator for the disgruntled.

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I would say its not belly aching over every 'small difference' its venting when actions made against farangs happen which would not be tolerated against Thais, when theres stabbings, daylight high street shootouts, or someone loses a foot and then has his mobile nicked, there seems to be too many opportunities to gripe about quite nasty issues, that while they may not happen to us individually, those that have their eyes open can realize that it could happen to them just as easily.

I heard someone sum up something recently that fits both sides of this discussion / argument / opinion quite well.. Their description was "its a rare man that can maintain the correct balance between paranoia and complacency all the time" and I think thats very apt, in the first years most have the rose tinted glasses on, then for a few years the pendulum probably swings the other way, and over time you just have to realize that what you consider a moral code isn't whats practised here and adapt. As online fora give people a chance to vent, its easy to let that take over the discussion, as theres relatively few ways to redress problems via police, or other social safety nets, so venting is both a warning and a natural release.

I'll give you your due 'LivinLOS', although you are one of the worst perpetrators of doom and gloom spreading, you do try to see the other side of the coin as well.

So your theory on fora moaning, (I assume that wasn't a typo and is the plural of forum. Every day's a school day on TV) is that a problem shared is a problem halved? well that's all well and good, but what annoys me, is when the moaning isn't a true representation of the amount and degree of the problems at hand, and isn't a true representation of how the Farangs on Phuket generally feel. I believe both could be extremely misleading to first timers and soon to be holiday makers, who would benefit from unbiased, well balanced information. (don't get me wrong, this doesn't keep me up at night) The mistakes people constantly make, as mentioned in previous posts, are TV members think that their issues are shared by everybody else, (it's as if some members think I'm lying when I say in over 9 years I haven't had one single negative experience of any magnitude) and they fail to realise that TV members are a minute percentage of Farang living in Phuket and not even close to being a true representation.

Is it true to say that there are some problems with some Tuk tuks and some Tuk tuk drivers? Yes. Is it accurate to imply on a huge forum with tens of thousands of members, that every Tuk tuk driver is a low life, wife beating, scum bag and serve no purpose to tourists what so ever? No it's not. Because what the tiny minority of TV members fail to understand, is that outside the realms of their 'reality' hundreds of thousands of tourists use them day in and day out and don't have a single bad word to say about them. The same goes for every other problem moaned about on TV.

Edit: I didn't copy you 'TaoNow' I obviously type slower than you. Anyway two people saying a similar thing at the exact same time, so it must be true.

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The problem, LOS, is that the thaivisa.com forum is not the local pub or kiosk.

In that I cant get a cold beer;) ??

I dont see any need to filter what is posted beyond forum rules. I have no need to paint Phuket dark or white and couldnt care less if some vested interests who have businesses here feel some news should be hidden in the cause of good PR or other vested interests who have biz's elsewhere would rather put Phuket down. To me the idea that only positive info, to not effect a visitors impression of the place is all that should be posted seems silly.

Yes, bad things happen to ex-pats here in Phuket -- and people should report first-hand experiences (and ONLY first-hand experience). But then other residents can chime in and describe their experience. That helps to balance out the picture

So I cant post anything that doesnt happen to me personally ?? Sorry disagree strongly.. Lots happens to people I directly know, and is reality.. Of course people should refrain from 'bloke down the pub said' type stuff or at least make it VERY clear that its a rumour and ask others for clarity or more info. As long as information is defined as to its possible unreliability then its also information. People need to weigh the relative source, like everything in life from FOX to Al Jezera all have a bias. If I experience something, or if a close mate experiences something, or if theres a random rumour passed around the circuit then those have different accuracy weightings.

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I'll give you your due 'LivinLOS', although you are one of the worst perpetrators of doom and gloom spreading, you do try to see the other side of the coin as well.

Its that balance of complacency and paranoia isnt it.. :) Striking the balance..

What one person sees as doom and gloom another sees as cynical reality.. And one persons Phuket in Nai Yang resembles another persons Phuket in Patong to Kata less than it does to totally diverse parts of Thailand.

So your theory on fora moaning, (I assume that wasn't a typo and is the plural of forum. Every day's a school day on TV) is that a problem shared is a problem halved?

That and functions as a warning system to others.. Highlights an issue of contention so others dont fall down the same elephant trap.

Is it true to say that there are some problems with some Tuk tuks and some Tuk tuk drivers? Yes. Is it accurate to imply on a huge forum with tens of thousands of members, that every Tuk tuk driver is a low life, wife beating, scum bag and serve no purpose to tourists what so ever? No it's not. Because what the tiny minority of TV members fail to understand, is that outside the realms of their 'reality' hundreds of thousands of tourists use them day in and day out and don't have a single bad word to say about them. The same goes for every other problem moaned about on TV.

Totally agree.. You cant paint an entire population by a single brush, however I would argue that some 'organisations' deserve all the flack they get based entirely on their own actions and attitudes.

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I dont see any need to filter what is posted beyond forum rules. I have no need to paint Phuket dark or white and couldnt care less if some vested interests who have businesses here feel some news should be hidden in the cause of good PR or other vested interests who have biz's elsewhere would rather put Phuket down. To me the idea that only positive info, to not effect a visitors impression of the place is all that should be posted seems silly.

So I cant post anything that doesn't happen to me personally ?? Sorry disagree strongly.. Lots happens to people I directly know, and is reality.. Of course people should refrain from 'bloke down the pub said' type stuff or at least make it VERY clear that its a rumour and ask others for clarity or more info. As long as information is defined as to its possible unreliability then its also information. People need to weigh the relative source, like everything in life from FOX to Al Jezera all have a bias. If I experience something, or if a close mate experiences something, or if theres a random rumour passed around the circuit then those have different accuracy weightings.

Let's face it mate, to say that it's 'lots' that happens to friends of yours is the under statement of the year, it's pretty much everything bad that conceivably could happen. (As I've said before, I'm not saying your not telling the truth, just find it strange is all)

It's not weather the content is good or bad that's the issue, which is something you continually fail to get. It's the fact the bad is so often exaggerated and concentrated on so much more than the good. For every post such as the recent 'How do you spend a good day on Phuket' or 'found a lovely sea food restaurant today' etc etc, there are 40 posts complaining, moaning and people generally feeling sorry for themselves. If TV was as balanced as you maintain, then that would mean there are 40 times as many bad aspects of living in Phuket as there are good! Now you and I and everybody else know that that isn't the case, which therefor means TV is not balanced and is seriously weighted toward negativity.

So the question remains, why do people revel in the negative aspects of living in Phuket when they are so obviously out numbered by the positive.

It reminds me of the behaviour of rabbits. (no not that) It doesn't matter how big a hutch, garden or field you put a rabbit in, it will always find it's way to the perimeter wall and try to dig out to get to the other side. I for one, never forget how much I hate living in England and how much better my life is for living here. It would take me getting attacked by a gang of Tuk tuk drivers on a daily basis to ruin this place for me, and even then it would still beat England hands down.

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It's not weather the content is good or bad that's the issue, which is something you continually fail to get. It's the fact the bad is so often exaggerated and concentrated on so much more than the good. For every post such as the recent 'How do you spend a good day on Phuket' or 'found a lovely sea food restaurant today' etc etc, there are 40 posts complaining, moaning and people generally feeling sorry for themselves. If TV was as balanced as you maintain, then that would mean there are 40 times as many bad aspects of living in Phuket as there are good! Now you and I and everybody else know that that isn't the case, which therefor means TV is not balanced and is seriously weighted toward negativity.

So the question remains, why do people revel in the negative aspects of living in Phuket when they are so obviously out numbered by the positive.

Ohh I get it... I just tend to see that people need to vent, people get ripped off and no one will help them, people have problems and the police are not interested, so they go online and vent.. Going to the beach and eating a nice meal, well theres little news there.. Having someone pull a gun on you, or some other crazy thing... Well thats more like 'news'.. Of course people have 100's more nice meals on the beach than have guns pulled on them, but which one is more interesting to hear of or know about ??

I for one, never forget how much I hate living in England and how much better my life is for living here. It would take me getting attacked by a gang of Tuk tuk drivers on a daily basis to ruin this place for me, and even then it would still beat England hands down.

See I find that dislike of the west equally as baffling.. I really enjoy many aspect of the west, the quality of goods and services, the motorsports, nice cars, festivals, loads of things. But I just cant stand the climate.. I also recognize the fact that its being from there that allowed me to make money so easily, its there that gave me all my head starts that allows me to live here or anywhere, to 'hate' it so much, when its given you so many advantages over those same tuktuk drivers who dont have choices seems a little strange to me.

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Let's face it mate, to say that it's 'lots' that happens to friends of yours is the under statement of the year, it's pretty much everything bad that conceivably could happen. (As I've said before, I'm not saying your not telling the truth, just find it strange is all)

## I've been hanging around Patong since 1985 and was serious drinker in my younger days. I have seen a few violent incidents but there was usually a good reason for someone copping a beating. Given the amount of drunks in Bangla on a nightly basis I think there is very little trouble. In Melbourne our inner city has been taken over by ethnic gangs late at night and it is very unpredictable as to when violence will erupt.

I too am perplexed at how some people or their friends seem to get in gun and knife fights on a weekly basis. I am an avid beach person but have never actually seen a drowning either. I was often at the beach all day 7 days a week for 6 months. I've heard or read about plenty but some people seem to be present at each drowning.

I used to drink with ex-vietnam vets, raffies from Butterworth, bikers, boxers and 99% were perfect gentlemen. I have ridden from Cherng Talay to Patong perhaps 1000 times often late at night and never seen a robbery or any other trouble except for a Thai on Thai shooting last year and a bit of trouble when that young kid got shot last year. Both times nobody bothered me and I rode through the area without any trouble.

I've been to Isarn, the deep south, North as far as Mai Sai and spent long periods in Bangkok in the late 80's. I have been to Surat Thani and Nakhon Sri back when they were considered bandit and communist strong holds. I never experienced anything other than smiling faces and hospitality.

All your perceived heavens and hells actually exist within your own consciousness.

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Quote 'LivinLOS'

"Ohh I get it... I just tend to see that people need to vent, people get ripped off and no one will help them, people have problems and the police are not interested, so they go online and vent.. Going to the beach and eating a nice meal, well theres little news there.. Having someone pull a gun on you, or some other crazy thing... Well thats more like 'news'.. Of course people have 100's more nice meals on the beach than have guns pulled on them, but which one is more interesting to hear of or know about ?? "

I think you've just solved the mystery for me. Firstly venting my frustrations to strangers on a public forum, isn't something I would get any pleasure from and it wouldn't make me feel any better. Secondly, yes I would rather here about a slightly mundane positive thing, than a negative one. It's not a case of burying my head, I know it happens I just don't feel the need to dwell on it. If you can't see the difference between the post about an attack at Nai harn running right now, which is negative, but also very important to know, for other peoples safety, and the constant Phuket bashing posts that serve no perpose other than to make some misserable sod feel better about himself, then I can't help you.

Quote 'LivinLOS'

"See I find that dislike of the west equally as baffling.. I really enjoy many aspect of the west, the quality of goods and services, the motorsports, nice cars, festivals, loads of things. But I just cant stand the climate.. I also recognize the fact that its being from there that allowed me to make money so easily, its there that gave me all my head starts that allows me to live here or anywhere, to 'hate' it so much, when its given you so many advantages over those same tuktuk drivers who dont have choices seems a little strange to me."

Not quite what I said was it mate. Fitstly, don't have issues with the west as a whole. I love Italy, Spain, Holland, etc etc. And if you read my post again, I said I hate living in England, not hate England itself. All those things you describe as being good, I do when I visit the country. A country running itself in to the ground is a lot less depressing when you don't live there full time and no longer contribute vast amounts of income tax to the system.

You talk about how much England has given me, the education, the ability to earn the money needed to stay here etc etc, and it is for those very advantages, that I would feel such a tw#t for constantly moaning about everything here. Why would I leave a country that offers so much, to come to a country where people have so very little, and then whine about such petty things, such as a poor bus service!

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Listen, mate, whilst foaming at the mouth aboard your own high horse (probably called ‘Mate’) I think your argument, mate, fell at the last fence with that line, ‘and then whine about such petty things, such as a poor bus service’. Well, mate, to counter the tenet of what that other fine mate, Midder LOS (and others) had muted, (murders, stabbings, robberies, rapes, etc,) with comparisons with the bus service is quite risible, mate, considering the fine education and intelligence you may have. Mate, you allude to the ‘Thailand people have so little’ routine, and that, mate, always makes me reach for the bucket. Mate, do you really think that Lalaland bears any comparison with other countries where ‘real’ poverty exists? No, mate, Lalaland, is a rich country. Mate, your glib attempt a sarcasm regarding you, mate, getting attacked daily by Tuk Tuk scum..blah, blah, beggers belief...should reality ever come rattling at your door one day with the sickening news that your child had been raped and murdered, mate, would you not consider that worth whining and moaning about? Mate, no amount of cloying rhetoric and patronising waffle will disguise the reality of any demograph you care to mention.

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.should reality ever come rattling at your door one day with the sickening news that your child had been raped and murdered, mate, would you not consider that worth whining and moaning about?

No mate, not on an internet forum I wouldn't.

You're worse than the rest of them. You tune in to TV regularly, to be negative about Phuket, from the other side of the world!!! How sad is that?

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Listen, mate, whilst foaming at the mouth aboard your own high horse (probably called ‘Mate’) I think your argument, mate, fell at the last fence with that line, ‘and then whine about such petty things, such as a poor bus service’. Well, mate, to counter the tenet of what that other fine mate, Midder LOS (and others) had muted, (murders, stabbings, robberies, rapes, etc,) with comparisons with the bus service is quite risible, mate, considering the fine education and intelligence you may have. Mate, you allude to the ‘Thailand people have so little’ routine, and that, mate, always makes me reach for the bucket. Mate, do you really think that Lalaland bears any comparison with other countries where ‘real’ poverty exists? No, mate, Lalaland, is a rich country. Mate, your glib attempt a sarcasm regarding you, mate, getting attacked daily by Tuk Tuk scum..blah, blah, beggers belief...should reality ever come rattling at your door one day with the sickening news that your child had been raped and murdered, mate, would you not consider that worth whining and moaning about? Mate, no amount of cloying rhetoric and patronising waffle will disguise the reality of any demograph you care to mention.

O.K, i've re-read your post a couple of times and I think I can get the jist of what you're trying to say.

If you weren't a very strange TV poster, who pipes up periodically, (I'm fairly sure, from the recently, sub zero temperatures of the U.K) to be unnecesarrily gobby and rude to people at random, (all in some wierd made up lingo) then you would know that there are several themes that run throught the posts on this forum, and regular, normal contributers, (as normal as any of us are) will often discuss them along side each other. Expats moaning about, busses, Tuk tuks, duel pricing etc, are some of the common themes that are on-going.

At the end of the day, although myself and people like 'LivinLOS' dissagree regularly, we are both capable enough, of doing so without falling out, being rude to each other, (mildly sarcastic perhaps) spitting our dummies out, and generally making posts that make us sound like fools. Until you have the ability to do the same, why don't you, along with the whiners and moaners, stop burdening the rest of us, with your issues. Why you think we deserve to suffer because of the chip on your shoulder, is beyond me. Mate.

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The point that is being missed here (and is an important discussion point for TV Forum as a whole) is that a rant for rant's sake is trollish. Which is not in keeping with Forum etiquette (if not rules).

If you post a complaint to warn others, or to seek advice on how to avoid these potholes (as many other ex-pat members seem to be able to do) then that is fine.

But for those who think they make TV.com interesting by posting their negative encounters and leave it at that -- stick to the pub.

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"No mate, not on an internet forum I wouldn't."

At last, the removal of those rose-tinted specs..

"You're worse than the rest of them."

That's a big cheers, mate, I thought I was falling behind..I owe you a beer for that..

"You tune in to TV regularly, to be negative about Phuket, from the other side of the world!!! How sad is that?"

I've been travelling around northern Thailand for the last 2 months and I'm staying in Bangkok until the end of February, and then onto Brisbane for work – how sad is that?

Being rude? I believe you accuse whom you consider lesser beings, "border line retarded."...mmm...double standards perhaps?

"along with the whiners and moaners, stop burdening the rest of us"

I think you may find yourself outnumbered there, old chap, by trying to ram down a flawed agenda down other folk's necks.

"Why you think we deserve to suffer because of the chip on your shoulder, is beyond me. Mate."

Ha ha! All of TV Suffering? We? We? Suffering because somebody has a different opinion than you? Yes, I can see why it may be beyond you...calm down and just accept that others take the reality of the safety of themselves and their families slightly more seriously than your kind self when holidaying in Phuket. I think TV does an excellent job of covering all aspects of Thailand, good and bad, and is an invaluable source of information for everybody. Thank Buddha they don't just pander to the rose-tinted-specs brigade, crivvens, where would we all be then? :)

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Firstly, calling someone a retard, as I often do, (it seems to be my favourite word) is rude, therefor I was being hypercritical. Fair game, you got me on that one. Although there can be no disputing being rude to someone in the middle of a discussion/argument, can not possibly be compared to randomly opening threads to be rude to people for no apparent reason, as so many people do. That is surely retarded behaviour.

As for being in Thailand. I can't be blamed for thinking otherwise. I clearly remember a post where you said not only that you lived in England but that it was a much better place to live than Thailand. I would also be prepared to make a bet that if you honestly told us how much time over the last few years you spent in LOS it wouldn't amount to a great deal, which don't get me wrong, is only relevant when you are trying to tell someone, that has spent a lot more time here than that, that his perceptions of the place are wrong, and some sort of naive delusion.

As for me taking care of myself and my family, you obviously missed the point where I said that I haven't had a single problem, living here on and off for 9 years, and you definitely chose not to read 'Logbags' post where he said the exact same, yet over a vastly longer time scale. Or maybe you did read them, but decided that we're way to naive to know the harsh realities that you know. (What is it with that rose tinted glasses nonsense anyway?) To be honest, if you were someone that mattered, I would be extremely insulted and angry that you implied that I would knowingly put my family in any undue danger. But you're not, so I'm not.

To be perfectly honest, I enjoy disagreeing with 'LivinLOS' and other TV members a lot more than I enjoy disagreeing with you, so if it's all the same, I'll leave our interaction here. Although having some interaction with you is a lot better than your usual, jump in, be rude and obnoxious for no apparent reason, jump back out, approach to TV posts

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