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Three Foreigners Arrested For Alleged Credit Card Fraud


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20 mill ... just pure stupidity and greed

Guess they couldn't settle for 19 mill

All to often these clowns get caught because

they start to think they are untouchable.

Bet they will be touched a lot where they are going

Is there some kind of criminal code of conduct they broke by going to 20 million? Where should they have stopped? When is it sensible and when does it become greedy? For all we know they were about to split on the day they were caught.

There is no sense when someone decides to commit a crime of theft. The only outcome they seek is financial, regardless of the amount. The more they can get, they further they will go to get it.

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Doesn't say how they caught them....

Good thing too - that way the other crims don't get to know - increasing their chances of being caught through lack of knowledge.


Couldn´t agree more, Don´t teach the others how to get away with it. Don´t show or say how they got them.

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Hope they get sent away for long time...20M baht is just pure greed.

I say fry them. Just imagine the grief that this trio has caused everywhere they walk.

Too many extremist expat racists on this forum like the guy above who referes to Pakistanis as "Pakis!" Sorry to let you all know but we're the "Pakis" here so watch your mouth.

Trying to work up "Pakis" as a gross racial slur is being almost as rediculous as the insufferable ignorant prig who took issue with the non-derisive term "R&R" some weeks back.

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20 mill ... just pure stupidity and greed

Guess they couldn't settle for 19 mill

All to often these clowns get caught because

they start to think they are untouchable.

Bet they will be touched a lot where they are going

Is there some kind of criminal code of conduct they broke by going to 20 million? Where should they have stopped? When is it sensible and when does it become greedy? For all we know they were about to split on the day they were caught.

There is no sense when someone decides to commit a crime of theft. The only outcome they seek is financial, regardless of the amount. The more they can get, they further they will go to get it.

On the other hand crime is no different than a legit business in that regard. They both have the same goal: maximum profits. Greed is universal.

I don't believe these guys came undone because they became too greedy, but because they became careless and over confident. We only hear about the ones who get caught. The failures.

Edited by tropo
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Hope they get sent away for long time...20M baht is just pure greed.

I say fry them. Just imagine the grief that this trio has caused everywhere they walk.

Comon! They're not shooting people no questions aked then taking their money and gold. It's a crime but it's not that bad so why fry them? Too many extremist expat racists on this forum like the guy above who referes to Pakistanis as "Pakis!" Sorry to let you all know but we're the "Pakis" here so watch your mouth.

"Its a crime but its not that bad so why fry them"

Because they have no regard for anything or anybody,and it will stop them training up other gutless filthy thieves.

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Well, you know it wasn't weapons, so should definitely charge them. I mean illegal weapons are one thing, but stealing money and/or dealing with drugs is just totally out of order.

totally agree is the innocent people who always get shafted for this high insurance premiums and wot not hope they enjoy their life in the hilton yeehaaaaaa :D:) hope this post is suttle mr moderator :D psml

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I'm expecting, these guys will get the same deal as the jet crew that was smuggling North Korean missiles and other arms bound for the Middle East until they had to land in BKK... Being sent home without any indictment here...because their home countries asked for their return.

Sounds just about right for the Turkish guys scamming credit cards... No harm to Thailand, no foul... Just pack them back to their home country, and all is well... :D

I blame the credit card company,they are too cheap to put your picture on the card. :):D:D:D:D

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Hope they get sent away for long time...20M baht is just pure greed.

I say fry them. Just imagine the grief that this trio has caused everywhere they walk.

Comon! They're not shooting people no questions aked then taking their money and gold. It's a crime but it's not that bad so why fry them? Too many extremist expat racists on this forum like the guy above who referes to Pakistanis as "Pakis!" Sorry to let you all know but we're the "Pakis" here so watch your mouth.

My apologies for the "Paki" reference in my post. I was using it as an abbreviation, nothing more. The last thing, anyone who knows me, would accuse me of is racism. My mother was born in the West Indies and I was an active participant in ANC activities when I lived in South Africa. (pre 1994)

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Okay, I've had enough, we've needed to remove almost a third of the posts in this thread. From here on in I'm going to hand out two week suspensions for every racist comment. No more warnings.

Thank you - serious topic like this doesn't need any more playground prattle.

rgdz, Brewsta

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A few years back, I got scammed the same way. They used a copy of my CC in London while I was in Thailand. The bank never paid me back. I lost the equivalent of 200.000 Baht. I wrote registered letters, went to the police as I could prove easily with my passport that I was in Thailand and Laos. Nothing helped.

To jail all of them and as long as possible.

That sure sounds like bad luck on your part, or an outright rotten credit card company...

My credit card must have gotten "scanned" while shopping in one of three fairly large homeworks-type stores in Pattaya. Two weeks later I got a call from my credit card company in Switzerland, asking if I'd recently done some major shopping & dining in Italy. No, I said, haven't been near that place for years. A "red flag" had popped up in their system, because shopping/dining big time in Italy didn't go together with my "profile". I had to sign a form saying that I hadn't been near any shop in Italy, and that this was the truth and nothing but, and got all the illegal shopping removed from my CC bill. For reference, that was Mastercard.

My visa debit card was copied one time when I was on holiday in Pattaya. It was the only time I ever used it in a gold shop in walking street. Thinking back now I remember the girl bending down behind the counter and then saying my card was refused.

Anyway I went back to the UK and 1 month later I was deployed to Iraq in 2003. During my 6 month tour I recieved some bank mail and when I opened it I was in shock. The fraudster had helped himself to 1800.00 pounds from my account. The card was used in 3 large shopping malls in Tokyo, Japan.

It was easy for me to get the money back through the bank as I could prove I was in the desert for 6 months, just had to fill out a form and the money was straight back in.

I've never used a credit card overseas again since then.

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A few years back, I got scammed the same way. They used a copy of my CC in London while I was in Thailand. The bank never paid me back. I lost the equivalent of 200.000 Baht. I wrote registered letters, went to the police as I could prove easily with my passport that I was in Thailand and Laos. Nothing helped.

To jail all of them and as long as possible.

That sure sounds like bad luck on your part, or an outright rotten credit card company...

My credit card must have gotten "scanned" while shopping in one of three fairly large homeworks-type stores in Pattaya. Two weeks later I got a call from my credit card company in Switzerland, asking if I'd recently done some major shopping & dining in Italy. No, I said, haven't been near that place for years. A "red flag" had popped up in their system, because shopping/dining big time in Italy didn't go together with my "profile". I had to sign a form saying that I hadn't been near any shop in Italy, and that this was the truth and nothing but, and got all the illegal shopping removed from my CC bill. For reference, that was Mastercard.

Sometimes it depends on whether it is a Credit Card or a Debit Card.

I lost a Debit Card in the post in the UK, also PIN number and found the bank had sent to wrong address. Lost over 3k but got nothing back from Lloyds or Mastercard because it was a DC not a CC. (Or that is what they both told me).

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@ AsiaCheese & Zorro1

You both were very lucky or indeed a good manager at the bank. I have an ING Gold Eurocard (Mastercard).

I was in Thailand for 3 months and the bank, as well the CCco told me I had 1 month only to complain. They take the money from my bank account automatically. It is indeed at the back of the statements in very very small letters.

I did everything I could do by letters, calls and visits at the bank. A lawyer would cost me may be even more.

I am thinking of bringing the story to the press, may be that will help. It is a lot of money.

Again, maybe circumstances such as I have just outlined - debit card rather than credit card.

Know the differences - you are liable for DCs, the CC provider is liable for CCs.

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@Humphrey Bear

Again, it was an ING gold Eurocard (Mastercard) and that is a Credit Card. I know the difference.

It is not true that the CC provider is liable for CCs. I am the proof of it.

Tell me what I have to do, and I will do it. I want my money back.

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I'm expecting, these guys will get the same deal as the jet crew that was smuggling North Korean missiles and other arms bound for the Middle East until they had to land in BKK... Being sent home without any indictment here...because their home countries asked for their return.

Sounds just about right for the Turkish guys scamming credit cards... No harm to Thailand, no foul... Just pack them back to their home country, and all is well... :)

"North Korean missiles " ???

As much as I had read I dont find where they said North Korean missiles. Where is that information? :D

Any way these guys are just the capo's working for someone else. Gold chain and lap tops are easy enough to take back to Turkey. :D

If they turn over the boss they get to go home if not they can enjoy the fine food at the Bangkok Hilton

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The money stolen is the credit card company's.


So, it's not some pensioneer that has lost some money, it's big corporations.

Wrong - the money might reside IN their pocket at the time of re-payment to your account, but all of their money comes from YOU, the customers, from the beginning.

How large fee's are you willing to pay just so others can help themselves to the coin-jar whenever they feel like it?

There is no such thing as a 'victimless crime' when it comes to theft.

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I'm expecting, these guys will get the same deal as the jet crew that was smuggling North Korean missiles and other arms bound for the Middle East until they had to land in BKK... Being sent home without any indictment here...because their home countries asked for their return.

Sounds just about right for the Turkish guys scamming credit cards... No harm to Thailand, no foul... Just pack them back to their home country, and all is well... :)

I believed the "North Korean" crew would be let go right after I read the story. That situation envolves big players from high-powered countries on some black-op type missions. They were not just some po-dunk Koreans delivering goods to whoever. I believe the US has their finger prints all over that shipment. Consider all the players involved. It makes no sense except when veiwed as a clandestine mission by some US, UK, or iraeli group. Who would have the power to get the crew released? Certainly not Palestine, North Korea, or some former USSR eastern block "stan" country. The whole thing smelled fishy to me from the begining.


Edited by bonobo
Deleted racist remarks
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Hope they get sent away for long time...20M baht is just pure greed.
to all you people on this forum be it 1 baht or 20 million this is not on if it were your credit card or bank account I bet you would be crying or is forgery,theft,or deception ok in your country I am pissed off with some of the stuff that comes up on thaivisa, we or most are all Falang living here in THAILAND by the grace of the King,the Government and the Immigration officialls,I fought in the Vietnam war with these people, I dont agree with some of the underhands that go on in this country but let me tell you it happens in my country to, if you get caught your cun is toast as for the politics when in rome do as the romans do if you arent happy then pack your bags and go bi nun home to your country and see how you fair, I live here on a retirement visa, have to show credabillitty as to how I live not like the comers and goers non o or 30 day border runs. I love the THAI people Dearly and I am happy to live here come what may

kindest Regards Ronnie lcpl vietnam war

I do not agree, but I am happy here. Glad also that you do not hand out the visa. You do not have to like the "comers and goers". People who have a visa, have the right to be here and express their opinion.

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They should be treated as violent armed robbers (even if by some miracle these particular Turkish gangsters are peace-loving churchgoers), in my opinion.

They are stealing money from, amongst others, old age pensioners, people with pacemakers, people with seizure disorders etc.or people who are recovering from bereavement / alcoholism etc.etc.

Just the shock and then the beurocratic circus of recovering money, changing details etc. can infact do serious physical harm to those victims who are not 100% healthy youngsters. Its no different from using a cosh or a b-bat, if the victim is infirm.

I had my card hacked online, in a reputable online shop in UK, got sent to the Verified By Visa page. Unfortunately, during that month, one of their etech. employees had installed a fake Verified by Visa page that filtered card details & passwords, and then redirected you back to the shop page. Being as I'm epileptic & have m.s., I suffered health problems for a few weeks after, because its a shock to find your account cleaned out one morning. Got money back after 3 weeks on the phone, & the little **** is in prison now anyway, because he robbed like 500 other cards. Hope these turks go down for ages. :)

Edited by ovaltina
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Does any one know how exactly the credit cards get copied and how to avoid it?

I mean when you use the card in a shop/store, it is scanned by the cashier, if it is copied there it must be in some background system "behind the scene" that is connected to the scanning system. You would expect the communication between the bank and the scanner would be encrypted?

Maybe it is when you visit one of those low end shops on the street it gets scanned by the staff behind the counter?

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i rarely use my VISA card

its for emergencies only

one day i rented a car in Bangkok from a famous name rental mob - A... something

i paid cash however they took a swipe of my card just in case

like i said i never use the card

next thing the bank calls and tells me my card has been skimmed and is being used

and that they are shutting it down and giving me a new one.

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Comon! They're not shooting people no questions aked then taking their money and gold. It's a crime but it's not that bad so why fry them? Too many extremist expat racists on this forum like the guy above who referes to Pakistanis as "Pakis!" Sorry to let you all know but we're the "Pakis" here so watch your mouth.

Because the money stolen can be some pensioner's savings or it can be a family's savings. It can b a charity's operating fund. There have been quite a few cases where some ill person had no money left to pay for medication. Your position is why the crime flourishes. Judges say the same thing so these people get to keep on stealing from others over and over again. Too bad Thailand does not take into consideration cultural sensitivities and in deference and respect to the Turkish customs let a village mob stone them.

No argument from me on your caution about the bigotry. Ypu're right.

Gee you obviously know a lot about Turkey then.....................Stoned by a village mob? I think thats as racially generalistic as the first poster's Pakistani comment.

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Does any one know how exactly the credit cards get copied and how to avoid it?

I mean when you use the card in a shop/store, it is scanned by the cashier, if it is copied there it must be in some background system "behind the scene" that is connected to the scanning system. You would expect the communication between the bank and the scanner would be encrypted?

Maybe it is when you visit one of those low end shops on the street it gets scanned by the staff behind the counter?

There are a variety of ways. Whenever you pay a bill on teh telephone eg:gas make a donation, purchase online your details are stored. From the telemarketer to the cleaner has access to the number in some shape or form. Others go through the rubbish bins of business and homes. stealing your mail and trying to have new cards issued and intercepting them. Despite the fact that most companys such as telcos or gas/power have teh best intentions. There is always a record kept of your details. Even if it is deleted.

Often purchasing second hand computers from business or servers and scanning the reformatted drive will reveal an abundance of personal details about the clients of the former computer/servers owners.

Phishing websites, hacking databases... the list is endless.

Others just skim your card and observe you while you withdraw cash at an ATM gaining your card details and pin number (this is very bad because it is extremely difficult for you to prove it wasnt you that withdrew the money. Laws on the onice of guilt in these matters are obviously different in country to country.)

Identity theft is way way way out of control and very difficult to catch. All of us who have a bankaccount are paying for it in increased fees/charges etc.

So basically dont give your details to anyone. It probably wont happen to you.... but then again it just might.

It is very very difficult to catch. I am often reluctant to congratulate them... but well done Mr Plod.

Edited by walterego
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My apologies for the "Paki" reference in my post. I was using it as an abbreviation, nothing more. The last thing, anyone who knows me, would accuse me of is racism. My mother was born in the West Indies and I was an active participant in ANC activities when I lived in South Africa. (pre 1994)

Grey11 said:

Were you really successful? The Republic of South Africa - after Rhodesia fell - was the last industrialised country in Africa and is now ranked in the top 10 in the world in murders, rapes, assaults, burglaries & AIDs.

Surely, you have ties to Africa, and by Rhosdesia, you mean Zimbabwe, which had to fall, your Mr Smith's UDI was unchristian, and as for SA  crisis, I wonder where the blame would lie.the depravation of the majority by a foreign minority for decades had to had some blow back and only time and support and education and forgiveness could heal that.

Might as well ask, did you by any chance kill innocents for money? 

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