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What Do You Do If You're Ill?


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We're visiting my Dad for 10 days in Pattaya. My girlfriend has had severe food poisoning symptoms since we left the UK on Tuesday.

We've just read that it could be something more serious if the symptoms last for longer than 48 hours (which it has with no let up).

I've been to Pattaya 10 times before but never had to deal with an illness and have no idea where to go or who to see.

Ironically my dad is in hospital so I can't ask him.

Any replies would be appreciated.



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Or if you want to go the DIY route (and the physician you call will do the same BTW), go to the local pharmacy, buy a strip of Cipro antibiotics (3x a day, 3 to 5 days 90 Baht or so) and a bunch of ORS packets (Oral Rehydration Salts 5 /10 Baht a pack) you dissolve in water and have her drink a lot.

Should feel better in a day, symptom free in two to three, savings: several thousand Baht.

Disclaimer: IANAD (I am not a doctor)

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Or if you want to go the DIY route (and the physician you call will do the same BTW), go to the local pharmacy, buy a strip of Cipro antibiotics (3x a day, 3 to 5 days 90 Baht or so) and a bunch of ORS packets (Oral Rehydration Salts 5 /10 Baht a pack) you dissolve in water and have her drink a lot.

Should feel better in a day, symptom free in two to three, savings: several thousand Baht.

Disclaimer: IANAD (I am not a doctor)

Sort of right, Start with charcoal tablets X 4 straight off and 2 every fours hours, if not coming right after about 8-10 charcoal tablets, start the antiboitics and keep taking the charcoal.

Plenty of water and re-hydrate solution for the duration, as much as she get down her neck, if still doesnt come right....she needs hospital

Do not let her take or be given Immodium by a pharmacy

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Or if you want to go the DIY route (and the physician you call will do the same BTW), go to the local pharmacy, buy a strip of Cipro antibiotics (3x a day, 3 to 5 days 90 Baht or so) and a bunch of ORS packets (Oral Rehydration Salts 5 /10 Baht a pack) you dissolve in water and have her drink a lot.

Should feel better in a day, symptom free in two to three, savings: several thousand Baht.

Disclaimer: IANAD (I am not a doctor)

Sort of right, Start with charcoal tablets X 4 straight off and 2 every fours hours, if not coming right after about 8-10 charcoal tablets, start the antiboitics and keep taking the charcoal.

Plenty of water and re-hydrate solution for the duration, as much as she get down her neck, if still doesnt come right....she needs hospital

Do not let her take or be given Immodium by a pharmacy

I'm also not a doctor medicine but I know from a case with a visiting friend that serious dehydration accompanies the serious 'runs' and most people initially don't realize that they are dehydrated. Lots of fluids, starting immediately, is very important, even if it means that the fluids initially just pass throw quickly.

My friend ended up as an inpatient at one of the so-called Pattaya 5 star hospitals for 3 or 4 days (not that i'm recommending that idea) and I can recall the doctor was very concerned about the dehydration matter.

Good luck!

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I was severely dehydrated in thailand 15 years ago. Felt like I had to pi-ss all the time but no fluids. When i drank water it went straight through my body retained none of the fluids. I cured it drinking lots and lots of soda water.Soda water is what trainers and physicians use for dehydrated athletes. Just drink soda water will also illiminate the "runs". The soda aids the retention of the water into the body.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Gary, take her to a good doctor, willing and able to do microbiology tests.

Depending on tests results she can get proper treatment. Unfortunately, 9\10 doctors

(I mean GPs) in many countries will try a quick fix based on a guess. Not good.

As to dehydration (and she definitely is dehydrated) drnking fluids orally will not deliver them to where they are needed (blood, tissue cells). She needs IV. Take her to a hospital, or keep your fingers crossed. Best wishes anyway.

P.S. You two have made 2 big mistakes. a) shouldn't travel sick. :) should have notified the authorities at arrival point; she most likely would have been quarantined, hospitalised and tested, at no cost to you, if this a sticky point.

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Go see a Dr at a Clinic, far cheaper than going to a Hospital....

Many only open in the evenings as the Dr is at the Hospital in the day....

See a Dr at the Clinic with medication costs = 3 - 500 baht.

See the same Dr at the Hospital 1,500 + baht

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Thanks for the replies everyone. We ended up following the advice on the NHS Direct website which was to drink loads of clear (sugar free) fluids, drink rehydtration drinks and take rest. It lasted between three and four days and in hindsight I should have taken her to one of the hospitals just to be safe. She's on the mend now though and has started eating again.

We think the illness came from reheating a curry/rice dish that her step-dad made at the weekend.



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Thanks for the replies everyone. We ended up following the advice on the NHS Direct website which was to drink loads of clear (sugar free) fluids, drink rehydtration drinks and take rest. It lasted between three and four days and in hindsight I should have taken her to one of the hospitals just to be safe. She's on the mend now though and has started eating again.

We think the illness came from reheating a curry/rice dish that her step-dad made at the weekend.



Personally I would have took the advice on TV over anything posted by the NHS, but there you go... :)

For future reference 4 days with Bombay belly is too long to wait before doing anything...

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See a doctor, it is not that expensive.

A few years ago I got in a bad way, could have been a touch of food poisoning, vomiting and the runs fortunately my then GF got me to to a clinic at 11pm at night, I was in a bad way, total cost Doctor and 4 days supply of medication, went back the following day as I was still very feverish he saw me and gave me more medication, the total bill for two visits cost less than £10.

The issue is it is very hot in Thailand and with dehydration there is a high risk of serious kidney problems.

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