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Whats The Best Isp In Phuket


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Hi mates,

I have serious Problems with my ToT internet connection here in Rawai Sayuan since more as a month now and I want change the

provider asap.

My one year contract finishes in two weeks and I am happy about that, ToT service is more than poor. Too many people on one line

always makes it sloooooowwwwwlyyyyyy

SO, WHATS THE BEST PROVIDER IN YOUR OPINION for Phuket. Atm I am paying around 700.-a month for never reached 3MB

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If you try Maxnet (BBB) you will likely have to pay for the premier service if you want decent international bandwidth, which is like 1800 or so for 3mb/1mb and 2400 for 4mb/1mb. I use 4mb/1mb and it usually works. I would describe it as tolerable. Still frustrating when back home I had a completely reliable 30mb/10mb for half the price. EVERYTHING in Thailand goes through MICT monitoring/censorship filters and that slows it down significantly.

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Change providers and within a month you will be back on TV whinging and whining about your new provider. They are all about the same so basically get used to it. Get a mobile dongle for when TOT is down and if that fails then go do something else apart from the internet. Thailand is a beautiful country with lots to do and see. :)

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If you try Maxnet (BBB) you will likely have to pay for the premier service if you want decent international bandwidth, which is like 1800 or so for 3mb/1mb and 2400 for 4mb/1mb. I use 4mb/1mb and it usually works. I would describe it as tolerable. Still frustrating when back home I had a completely reliable 30mb/10mb for half the price. EVERYTHING in Thailand goes through MICT monitoring/censorship filters and that slows it down significantly.

thx @ Chiang Mai, I got a USB stick and I can use it with my 12call card, its slowly but sometimes better than the service ToT provide....2 Weeks absolutely no net, sometimes very poor and some pages not accessible. :)

Is MAXNET or bbb the former TT&T ? some of my friends in Phuket got it and NEVER had the same problems I have always. Even the telephone lines they install, look a little bit more professional as the ToT works. I pay for 4mb but never got more as 1,7 down and 300 up. So I guess its not worth changing to a 5 or 8 MBps line?

Here is the link True just sent with an offer, prices a nearly the same always I guess? TRUE PAGE

Thailand is a beautiful country with lots to do and see

THANKS for theTip,

I know that, I am LIVING here since more than 10 years....living means without every year holiday for a couple of weeks or month back in Europe :D

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Change providers and within a month you will be back on TV whinging and whining about your new provider. They are all about the same so basically get used to it. Get a mobile dongle for when TOT is down and if that fails then go do something else apart from the internet. Thailand is a beautiful country with lots to do and see. :)

Agree. It seems consistency from any provider just isn't there, though in truth I've had TOT for very nearly 2 years now, and rarely have a problem. Sure, sometimes it's frustratingly slow, but in the main I have a stable connection. We run 2, sometimes 3 units from the same wireless connection, as well as a satellite TV system which is internet interfaced.

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I've had TOT for very nearly 2 years now, and rarely have a problem. Sure, sometimes it's frustratingly slow, but in the main I have a stable connection.

Congratulations Pagallim,

I am using ToT now since about 5 years and it never was so bad like it is during the past two month. If I had a slow but stable connection no problem, but I have constantly cuts and get kicked out. I pay for 4MB but never get more as 1,75

I am one of that freaks which play an online game (EvE online) since a couple of years. If there is a disconnection its easy to loose a ship and this will cost about 100-300 Euro every time in REAL money.

I never had internetconnections like these in USA or Europe. Internet is nothing new, not even to Thailand, but sometimes its like they are living behind the moon somewhere. Internet is not really cheap here or for free. So if we pay for something we want something in return.

If I pay 60 Baht for a packet of cigarettes I expect 20 in the box.

I pay ToT the full 100% every month, but get 50-60% for what I am paying for.....is that fair?

OK, thats not the question here, I just asked for the BEST PROVIDER in your opinion :)

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Congratulations Pagallim,

I am using ToT now since about 5 years and it never was so bad like it is during the past two month. If I had a slow but stable connection no problem, but I have constantly cuts and get kicked out. I pay for 4MB but never get more as 1,75

I am one of that freaks which play an online game (EvE online) since a couple of years. If there is a disconnection its easy to loose a ship and this will cost about 100-300 Euro every time in REAL money.

I never had internetconnections like these in USA or Europe. Internet is nothing new, not even to Thailand, but sometimes its like they are living behind the moon somewhere. Internet is not really cheap here or for free. So if we pay for something we want something in return.

If I pay 60 Baht for a packet of cigarettes I expect 20 in the box.

I pay ToT the full 100% every month, but get 50-60% for what I am paying for.....is that fair?

OK, thats not the question here, I just asked for the BEST PROVIDER in your opinion :)

Appreciate that, and this particular topic has been covered so many times on this forum. As with everyone, we can only relate our personal experiences, and there is always disparity between users with the same provider. To be honest, I would maybe check your hardware. You don't say if you're using an ethernet cable or wireless? I had a problem about a year ago with the wireless router (though at the time blamed in on the TOT connection). I changed the router, and bingo, problem gone away. Just a suggestion, and I understand your frustration.

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Hello Pagallim,

Thanks for the patience but I am using the internet since 1995. Bought my first PC (hehe, good old Commodore 64, remember?) in 1982. So I am not really a noob and I know where the problem is. ToT just put too many users on one line, so too many users have to share the datastream.

But I think you are right, many users, many different problems. ToT told us three weeks ago there are problems with some telephone numbers here in Phuket. They are not embarrassed conjure up excuses for anything. :D

Atm they call us every 2 days and ask if the net is better. should be easier to use a Pingplotter to find out by themselfs :)

anyway, have a great evening and hope in Offseason its better.....just another 2 month to go

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Hello Pagallim,

Thanks for the patience but I am using the internet since 1995. Bought my first PC (hehe, good old Commodore 64, remember?) in 1982. So I am not really a noob and I know where the problem is. ToT just put too many users on one line, so too many users have to share the datastream.

But I think you are right, many users, many different problems. ToT told us three weeks ago there are problems with some telephone numbers here in Phuket. They are not embarrassed conjure up excuses for anything. :D

Atm they call us every 2 days and ask if the net is better. should be easier to use a Pingplotter to find out by themselfs :)

anyway, have a great evening and hope in Offseason its better.....just another 2 month to go

Not sure if this will work or if you have tried it already but what about logging some of your speed tests over different days & times & then showing the manager on the 2nd floor of TOT on Chao Fa West. I have the TOT Platinum cyber "service" & it generally operates at around 2,000 down & 300 up. It is quite rare for the service to be down but when it is I use my dial up modem through Loxinfo to check my emails. Obviously this will not be fast enough for online game but it helps in a pinch.

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`but what about logging some of your speed tests over different days & times & then showing the manager on the 2nd floor of TOT on Chao Fa West.

thx Valentine, I did that last year. Showed him some shots of my pingplotter. He is a great guy and was very helpfull, I got a "special line" which worked for some month, until the lodger in our bungalow downloaded tons of data, I promised to use the line just for gaming and SOME downloads.....Normally I dont want to bother this guy at 2nd floor again but I guess I will BEFORE I leave ToT and get an even worth provider. :)

have a great weekend

.....and please dear god, send us some RAIN! :D

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`but what about logging some of your speed tests over different days & times & then showing the manager on the 2nd floor of TOT on Chao Fa West.

thx Valentine, I did that last year. Showed him some shots of my pingplotter. He is a great guy and was very helpfull, I got a "special line" which worked for some month, until the lodger in our bungalow downloaded tons of data, I promised to use the line just for gaming and SOME downloads.....Normally I dont want to bother this guy at 2nd floor again but I guess I will BEFORE I leave ToT and get an even worth provider. :)

have a great weekend

.....and please dear god, send us some RAIN! :D

My previous comments were directed to your remarks about 'dropping out', rather than fluctuation in speed. I'm sure you're very well experienced in computer usage, but as I said before, I had similar experiences about a year ago, and after a couple of weeks of cursing TOT, ran a check on my router. It was crapped, and when I replaced it, it was like someone had just turned the light on in a darkened room.

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You know, for the last month I have started talking about how good my connection is. I should have known better. For the last couple weeks I am getting "Server not found" and "The connection has times out" on half the websites I try to visit. (Not porn or gambling) Usually a second attempt will connect, but at times it takes 7,8,9 tries before it connects. My connection went through a several month long phase of this before. Looks like I may have to switch providers.

Is anyone else having this problem?

TT&T Maxnet BBB 4mb/1mp premier.

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Only today my wife went to Central to pay the bill CAT CDMA and I also live in the same area of Rawai now it is absolute garbage the reply was, this is the busiest area and to phone the call center at CAT to complain, actually my wife went to pay our bill but also cancel my friends connection.

The lady in the shop at central said many people complaining about poor service so if many people all of a sudden start to phone the call centre at the same time something might get done give it a try hey?

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You know, for the last month I have started talking about how good my connection is. I should have known better. For the last couple weeks I am getting "Server not found" and "The connection has times out" on half the websites I try to visit. (Not porn or gambling) Usually a second attempt will connect, but at times it takes 7,8,9 tries before it connects. My connection went through a several month long phase of this before. Looks like I may have to switch providers.

Is anyone else having this problem?

TT&T Maxnet BBB 4mb/1mp premier.

BBB 3mb/1mb premier no problems, 4mb-4,5mb download and 0,5-0,7 upload the whole time.

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You know, for the last month I have started talking about how good my connection is. I should have known better. For the last couple weeks I am getting "Server not found" and "The connection has times out" on half the websites I try to visit. (Not porn or gambling) Usually a second attempt will connect, but at times it takes 7,8,9 tries before it connects. My connection went through a several month long phase of this before. Looks like I may have to switch providers.

Is anyone else having this problem?

TT&T Maxnet BBB 4mb/1mp premier.

BBB 3mb/1mb premier no problems, 4mb-4,5mb download and 0,5-0,7 upload the whole time.

Another person who reports getting up to 5Mbit out of a 3Mbit line.. Am wondering why I dont.


I have 3Mbit down 512 up (they downtuned my upstream for stability). 3Mbit pretty much all day every day, no drops.. But baffled how others seem to have a free upgrade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

3BB 3MB.

I used to get cut off all the time and it was often too slow to use. It turned out the problem was with my TOT phone line. Once they fixed it my net became stable and reasonably quick. Hope it lasts!

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You know, for the last month I have started talking about how good my connection is. I should have known better. For the last couple weeks I am getting "Server not found" and "The connection has times out" on half the websites I try to visit. (Not porn or gambling) Usually a second attempt will connect, but at times it takes 7,8,9 tries before it connects. My connection went through a several month long phase of this before. Looks like I may have to switch providers.

Is anyone else having this problem?

TT&T Maxnet BBB 4mb/1mp premier.

same problem for several months now, TT&T Maxnet, I think the "max" is for "maximum downtime"

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