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Need Some Russian Help


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Hi, I'm a Thai. I lost contact with my Russian girlfriend 8 months ago. She is now in Moscow.

I am thinking about going to Russia to find her. I have some clues but very little.

Any Russians here who can offer some suggestion? I will so much appreciate your help.

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I am not Russian but I see that there have been no responses to your thread as yet, and can only suggest that before you risk your online capacity by getting on a plane to parts unknown, try to get the help of some of the Russian web forums and chatrooms, and let your keyboard do the flying, although I suspect you'd have already gone that avenue by now.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and although that just leaves a sour taste in my mouth, I remember what it was like long ago and wish you the best of good luck in finding your love.

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Hi, SeanMorran,

Thank you so much for your suggestion and best wishes. I'm appreciated.

Well, I'll follow your suggestion. Just got my New Year card I sent her 2 months ago returned this morning. This made me sad.

Very confused now. Don't know where to start. If you know some Russians, please kindly let them know I need their help.

Thanks & God bless.

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take this any way u want: i dont know what your status with her was like and how long u were together but, i know many many russian (latvia, kafkas, ukrain....etc) women and men here in israel...i called up one friend: her answer:

she may have already found someone else; the girls tend to want to be with guys that have a good quality lifestyle (i.e. money, house, job, means of support), but also get bored and like to move on...

gone to live somewehre else (in which case russian infrastructure is horrible , internet and 'friends of friends network' is better than mail..the russian version of facebook ...

if she was a 'working girl' from russia, than she has gone off to somewhere else and wont be found...

if something has happened to her , she wont be found either unless u have address or phone of friend to contact... she would not be able to contact u

my personal suggestions only: i wouldnt risk the money unless u feel that u were 100% together and its unusual for u not to hear from her...

i thank kristina my latvian woman friend and her moscovite fiance here on the kibbutz for their take on it,



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Well, Bina, I truly appreciate your kind regards and suggestions.

Briefly, she worked in an internation tour company in Thailand (Pattaya & Bangkok) 2 years ago. I met her in April 2008 and we were in relationship for 10 months. We did travel really a lot throughout Thailand. Because of political situation that time, the business didn't go well. So, she decided to return home. After her return, we were still in contact for the first 4 months. (Well, it starts to become not a brief story.)

But then I lost contact with her in June 2009, until now. No phone pickups. I don't really have any clues, why?!? I don't mind if she might have met someone new, or she has whatsoever reasons. That's OK. Westerner likes changes and independence, I understand that well. But if I don't get a chance to see what is really going on, to say goodbye and wish her luck, I feel something important missing in my days. Now I'm weighing my mind if I should go find her or just let her go. But, frankly, still need to go, though the chance is nearly zero. I got her name-last name, mobile phone number and address by which my postal mail was just returned...only these.

I do appreciate all regards from friends here. However, suggestions are still welcome. Thanks everyone.

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You have any passport details, if not with how about the company she was working for?

I have some Russsian guys working here, but what can they do, its like asking you that i was with a girl from Bangkok and her name is Kai, where you are going to start.And you arent a stanger here.

So my advice no use to go to Russia, couses tyou only more problems at this time.

Try first with contacts she had here, if she stayed here for 2 years she had maybey, a workpermit, rented a condo and other contacts maybey one of them has a copy of her passport and more details.

All the best,

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You have any passport details, if not with how about the company she was working for?

I have some Russsian guys working here, but what can they do, its like asking you that i was with a girl from Bangkok and her name is Kai, where you are going to start.And you arent a stanger here.

So my advice no use to go to Russia, couses tyou only more problems at this time.

Try first with contacts she had here, if she stayed here for 2 years she had maybey, a workpermit, rented a condo and other contacts maybey one of them has a copy of her passport and more details.

All the best,

Hi, Needforspeed,

Thanks so much for advices. They are so helpful and great ideas.

I tried that and am now waiting for results.

Tanks again. Cheers.

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I had one more idea to help you.

You open a new e mail account with a russian account name.

You go to the website of readnotify, they have a system that you can attach with your mail and stays with it, the moment she opened this email you get

information on a google earth map send to you by readnotify, you can see where she opened het email account(20 meter precisely), how long she opened it and if she print it or forward it.

I dont know the price for it, just look at there website.

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I had one more idea to help you.

You open a new e mail account with a russian account name.

You go to the website of readnotify, they have a system that you can attach with your mail and stays with it, the moment she opened this email you get

information on a google earth map send to you by readnotify, you can see where she opened het email account(20 meter precisely), how long she opened it and if she print it or forward it.

I dont know the price for it, just look at there website.

Well, that sounds like a spy action movie and sounds fun.

I'll try it. Thanks my friend. Cheers.

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I had one more idea to help you.

You open a new e mail account with a russian account name.

You go to the website of readnotify, they have a system that you can attach with your mail and stays with it, the moment she opened this email you get

information on a google earth map send to you by readnotify, you can see where she opened het email account(20 meter precisely), how long she opened it and if she print it or forward it.

I dont know the price for it, just look at there website.

Well, that sounds like a spy action movie and sounds fun.

I'll try it. Thanks my friend. Cheers.

"sounds like a spy action"

It is

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I had one more idea to help you.

You open a new e mail account with a russian account name.

You go to the website of readnotify, they have a system that you can attach with your mail and stays with it, the moment she opened this email you get

information on a google earth map send to you by readnotify, you can see where she opened het email account(20 meter precisely), how long she opened it and if she print it or forward it.

I dont know the price for it, just look at there website.

Well, that sounds like a spy action movie and sounds fun.

I'll try it. Thanks my friend. Cheers.

"sounds like a spy action"

It is

Needforspeed. I'm not sure if you received my message in your inbox, there are a few questions. I'll appreciate if you would let me know some answers that you know. Tks, have a great day.

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