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Just before christmas, I lost the back end of my truck, crashed into a parked motorbike 3 concrete pillons and the corner of a 7/11 shophouse.

I was in high spirits returning from a work trip and had organised a BBQ round at mine, foolishly but not out of the norm I had 2-3 beers, and it was on my way out that I lost control of my vechile.

No seatbelt on meant that I went through the driver window ( side impact ) and ended up on the passenger seat having smashed that window too and was out for 15 minutes or so, other than that no serious injuries just pretty full on concussion.

I was definatley not drunk, but was more than likely over the limit and to this day can not remember why I lost control of the vechile.

Fortunately I did not hit another person in all this, and don't think I could live with the fact that I did either as it would simply eat me up inside.

Am sure I would get slated by some, but would also like to know how many of you reading this regulary drink and drive ??

I have two children now and the thought of not being around for them due to my own stupidity still gives me nightmares to this day.

Please consider yourself and others when stepping behind the wheel after consuming alcohol - I have been here 10 years now and let this bad habbit creep into my life to the point that it was acceptable.


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I am not going to slate you and you don't need a lecture, you've done that yourself. Thank you for posting :)

I do not drink and drive... I wish I could say that. I may have a glass of beer and drink half of it but since I also have kids, that's where it stops. I am not proud of that


"No seatbelt on meant that I went through the driver window ( side impact ) and ended up on the passenger seat having smashed that window too"

Hows does this work, you went out one window and came back in the other, Just exactly how big were those 3 beers ??

I was definitely not drunk, but was more than likely over the limit and to this day can not remember why I lost control of the vehicle.

Concussion can cause amnesia such as that, where we remember the before and after as if it was yesterday, but not the few minutes or even few hours before such a knock on the head. I suppose for some people that amnesia can span back a lot further than a few hours.

Don't be too hard on yourself. It wasn't, by the sound of it, as if you'd been out on the grog all night and were totally smashed on booze - not two or three glasses of beer over a couple of hours. What you don't remember may have been the more likely cause of it, but it's these things that we will probably never remember that will continue to haunt us if we let them.

^was thinking the same thing

Sorry I should have explained myself better. Went through meaning SMASHED. I smashed through the drivers window, then was flung across the INSIDE of the car and smashed through the other window. Hope that clears that up. I am only going on eye witness accounts, I came round and wondered why there was such a big crowd watching me ( what i thought at the time ) walking out of 7/11.



You must have gone pretty fast to be smashed through two windows like that. I know lots of people who drive carefully and within reason even if they had a few drinks and never had any problems. The problem are with those who after a few drinks think they are Jenson Button in a Formula One race.


Ivé been jailed 2 times for drunk driving and like many other´s never got chought the other 99 timés ivé been behind the wheel , i know people like me and my self also have the ability to "loose memory" about the amount of drinks we had , it´s always 2-3 beer when some thing happends but a blood test can confirm some thing completly diffrent! :)

I was convicted 1990 last time but im a good boy nowaday and trying hard to stay that way! :D

You must have gone pretty fast to be smashed through two windows like that. I know lots of people who drive carefully and within reason even if they had a few drinks and never had any problems. The problem are with those who after a few drinks think they are Jenson Button in a Formula One race.

It's not easy to see how you can draw such a conclusion, when high speed would have most likely resulted in a one-way ticket out the first window on impact. This was more likely the result of the contra-coup effect at a sensible pace, and for all we know, might have been just the usual reaction to some unexpected kid running across a road or a random event that caused the response by the OP that is just as likeley as not to have saved someone's life, even though it's the OP who suffered. Altruism isn't always free.

You must have gone pretty fast to be smashed through two windows like that. I know lots of people who drive carefully and within reason even if they had a few drinks and never had any problems. The problem are with those who after a few drinks think they are Jenson Button in a Formula One race.

All I know Phil is that the as soon as I lost the back end the truck spun out and it was instant impact, the 3 pillons stopped me in my tracks straight away, this would probally explain hitting through the drivers window instantly and then ending up on the other side of the truck.

In response to Steelpulse: I cant say for sure how fast I was going, but something caused me to swerve and lose control of the back end which i obviously tryed but couldnt counter, it is near on impossible to speed along this road as it's quite built up and has a fair few bends in it, as for my seatbelt - not sure on that one either, I normally wear it.

Near on 10 years here and, I have no excuses for what happened - I just want to pass on my experiance let it be known that I have learnt from it, and hope that other people reading this would not be as foolish as me.



You must have gone pretty fast to be smashed through two windows like that. I know lots of people who drive carefully and within reason even if they had a few drinks and never had any problems. The problem are with those who after a few drinks think they are Jenson Button in a Formula One race.

All I know Phil is that the as soon as I lost the back end the truck spun out and it was instant impact, the 3 pillons stopped me in my tracks straight away, this would probally explain hitting through the drivers window instantly and then ending up on the other side of the truck.

In response to Steelpulse: I cant say for sure how fast I was going, but something caused me to swerve and lose control of the back end which i obviously tryed but couldnt counter, it is near on impossible to speed along this road as it's quite built up and has a fair few bends in it, as for my seatbelt - not sure on that one either, I normally wear it.

Near on 10 years here and, I have no excuses for what happened - I just want to pass on my experiance let it be known that I have learnt from it, and hope that other people reading this would not be as foolish as me.



If I am able to save the life of someone else on the road, even at the expense of my own if I don't quite make that swerve, I've done it before, and I'll do it again.

You didn't swerve like that for nothing, and the rebound effect of your hitting both windows explains that your own body-mass was enough to cause contracoup after the initial impact, hence you weren't going all that quick. You were surprised by an unexpected obstacle which may have been a truck or may have been an old blind woman crossing the road sans boy scout, but nobody else got concussion. You were that boy scout.


If ever there was one reason why people shouldn't own such big, useless trucks/SUV/tanks in Thailand. Beer wouldn't have been the problem, the overweight truck with insanely dangerous centre of gravity would have been coupled with the greasy, sandy Thai roads would have made it slip easily.

Sell you pick ups everyone and buy a normal car with some decent tyres, not the knobbly offroad ones they have on the Fortuner's or penis extending Vigo's have.


yer i have been over the limit a few times. i've never crashed or been caught by police. i usually feel a bit guilty the next morning, but will probably keep doing it.


I think the beers the OP drank made him beleive he was actually playing out the TV ad for his truck(and every other one) where it is broadside every where at insane speeds and the truck can handle it .

If ever there was one reason why people shouldn't own such big, useless trucks/SUV/tanks in Thailand. Beer wouldn't have been the problem, the overweight truck with insanely dangerous centre of gravity would have been coupled with the greasy, sandy Thai roads would have made it slip easily.

Sell you pick ups everyone and buy a normal car with some decent tyres, not the knobbly offroad ones they have on the Fortuner's or penis extending Vigo's have.

Keep topping up that piggy bank, you'll be able to get a truck one day. Bet you drive a Prius don't ya.

Ya really what to know why people choose these trucks here?

1. Price, you get a hel_l of a lot more vehicle for you money than a saloon car of similar size.

2. Comfortable seating for 5 people. (Mines 4 Door)

3. High ground clearance. (Thai roads flood regularly, never seen a decent pickup have trouble) also lets you see further ahead.

4. 4 wheel drive (mine is) great off road and on the freeway / straights when its absolutely tipping down.

5. Heavy, has never aqua planned yet ever, even when caught out with deeper than expected water at night etc.

6. You can carry lots of stuff / move house take dogs out without ruining interior.

7. A typical 3.0 Turbo diesel with 1/3 extra or more power and twice the weight usually has also the same fuel economy as a 1.5 petrol saloon car. (Diesels cheaper than petrol as well)

There are plenty of other vadid reason to choose a pickup over a car here the above list should help you become slightly less stereotyping hopefully.

If ever there was one reason why people shouldn't own such big, useless trucks/SUV/tanks in Thailand. Beer wouldn't have been the problem, the overweight truck with insanely dangerous centre of gravity would have been coupled with the greasy, sandy Thai roads would have made it slip easily.

Sell you pick ups everyone and buy a normal car with some decent tyres, not the knobbly offroad ones they have on the Fortuner's or penis extending Vigo's have.

Keep topping up that piggy bank, you'll be able to get a truck one day. Bet you drive a Prius don't ya.

Ya really what to know why people choose these trucks here?

1. Price, you get a hel_l of a lot more vehicle for you money than a saloon car of similar size.

2. Comfortable seating for 5 people. (Mines 4 Door)

3. High ground clearance. (Thai roads flood regularly, never seen a decent pickup have trouble) also lets you see further ahead.

4. 4 wheel drive (mine is) great off road and on the freeway / straights when its absolutely tipping down.

5. Heavy, has never aqua planned yet ever, even when caught out with deeper than expected water at night etc.

6. You can carry lots of stuff / move house take dogs out without ruining interior.

7. A typical 3.0 Turbo diesel with 1/3 extra or more power and twice the weight usually has also the same fuel economy as a 1.5 petrol saloon car. (Diesels cheaper than petrol as well)

There are plenty of other vadid reason to choose a pickup over a car here the above list should help you become slightly less stereotyping hopefully.

Okay, now please provide the seven extra road safety points that you advocate to go along with those...


1. More change, can buy crash helmets and baby seats, anything left goes to the save the kitten fund.

2. Uncomfortable people are more likely to be irratable therefore might driver more dangerously. Comfort = Safer :)

3. Already pointed out that one. Being able to see further ahead and over other vehicles.

4. Pointed that out as well, wet weather stability and traction.

5. If I crash into a prius, I'm more likely to be better off.

6. Moving house is stress full, less trip means less stress, refer to point #2

7. Better fuel economy = more kitty fund donation money.


I just found the previous post I quoted a little off shall we say especially considering his user name.

1. More change, can buy crash helmets and baby seats, anything left goes to the save the kitten fund.

2. Uncomfortable people are more likely to be irratable therefore might driver more dangerously. Comfort = Safer :)

3. Already pointed out that one. Being able to see further ahead and over other vehicles.

4. Pointed that out as well, wet weather stability and traction.

5. If I crash into a prius, I'm more likely to be better off.

6. Moving house is stress full, less trip means less stress, refer to point #2

7. Better fuel economy = more kitty fund donation money.


I just found the previous post I quoted a little off shall we say especially considering his user name.

I am referring to ROAD safety, not YOUR safety.

If you want to own the road, then go ahead and apply for a job as king.


You may well have been referring to road safety, however I wasn't even though you implied that I was; hence my reply (which was in jest in case ya hadn't noticed), I certainly wasn't 'advocating' 7 road safety reasons to purchase a truck.

If you read my post I was replying to 'flatout' who was giving reasons not to buy a pickup. I was giving reasons too buy one. There are pros and cons to every vehicle.

You hit 1 Scooter, 3 concrete pillons (what are these) and a 7/11, there had to have been a decent amount of speed onboard to acomplish this.

By pillon i mean concrete structure with reinforced steel within for supporting electric cableing and the likes. Why would I need to be doing a decent amount of speed to accomplish hitting these objects? they were on the side of the road as was the 7/11, fortunatley for me there was no bystanders there, chicken seller or someone with drawing from the ATM.


Ivé been jailed 2 times for drunk driving and like many other´s never got chought the other 99 timés ivé been behind the wheel

But it's not about being caught is it or jailed is it.

My Thai niece was killed a couple of years ago by a drunk driver. 19 years old. 1st year uni student. Guy mounted the path in a truck and sent her flying. Died in the ambulance on the way to hospital. The truck driver couldn't even stand up unaided. So there's a young girl who'll never graduate, get a job, get married and have children. She's just so many ashes floating down the river now. Once I went to her families house and my sister in law was holding her photo sobbing as if her heart would break. Tore me up it did.

Apologies to the folks on here who do drink and drive over the limit but words cannot express my contempt. Well they can but then I'd most probably be banned for life from the forum.

To those who realize the error of their ways and make a change I salute you.


If someone had been drinking, caused a crash and killed my child I would make it my life's mission to cause them even more misery. You should know better because you have kids. I respect what it takes to admit to doing it though.

If someone had been drinking, caused a crash and killed my child I would make it my life's mission to cause them even more misery. You should know better because you have kids. I respect what it takes to admit to doing it though.

did you come to Thailand to change the behavior of Thai motorists? Drunk driving is very comon here, most motorists after 8 pm are not sober. If you dislike it very much, I suggest living in the west.

yer i have been over the limit a few times. i've never crashed or been caught by police. i usually feel a bit guilty the next morning, but will probably keep doing it.

... until you kill myself or someone else.

(EDIT: 'I' changed to 'you' to make meaning clearer. Below: 2nd clause added on impact of small amount of alcohol. Also commentary on loss of memory).

Even a single beer will adversely affect your driving; something to bear in mind after the next time a child runs out in front of you. How many beers would it have taken to kill them? One? Two? Six the night before?

I was in a serious car accident and remember nothing from about five minutes before the accident until the hospital. And that was completely sober.

Its great that the OP has learned a lesson without crippling himself or hurting anyone else.


OP, you're one of the finest gentlemen I've never met. Thank you for what you did to save the lives of another stranger on that fateful day and for being alive to talk about it. You're a rare kind of hero.

OP, you're one of the finest gentlemen I've never met. Thank you for what you did to save the lives of another stranger on that fateful day and for being alive to talk about it. You're a rare kind of hero.

Thanks for your comment Sean , but I wouldnt go that far - I just hope by sharing my situation I could help other people consider their actions before stepping behind the wheel.



Choppy, I'm a bit like you in that I have been in Thailand 7 years now (excluding work trips) and the drink driving just kind of crept into my life.

When we went out for a meal I would drive the truck with the (large, extended) family and then I would have one beer with the meal. Then it was 2 beers and then I stopped thinking about it....

I never drink that much when I'm out, so having 3 beers would be the limit, but it's already too much, and sometimes I would get cold sweats the next day thinking I really must stop doing that!

I hope I don't have to go through the same 'shock' that you went through to stop myself doing it in future.

OP, you're one of the finest gentlemen I've never met. Thank you for what you did to save the lives of another stranger on that fateful day and for being alive to talk about it. You're a rare kind of hero.

Thanks for your comment Sean , but I wouldnt go that far - I just hope by sharing my situation I could help other people consider their actions before stepping behind the wheel.


Someone who you can't remember and probably never will won't forget what you did to avert the collosdion that would have maybe killed them and put a small dent in your grille. We have no evidence and you can't remember, but I get the feeling that by the look of things, the reason you came to grief that time, was because you acted very heroically in changing the course of your car to avoid killing someone. It might have been a truck that pulled out, and you'd still have ended up in that 711. No lives lost. I prefer to think of it as a nice little old lady crossing the street that you swerved to avoid. and please don't feel guilty about a couple of beers, because you reacted at least as well as a little old lady would be expected to ifd you'd been crossing the road and she was at the wheel.

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