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When I was a kid it was generally accepted that "people make pictures"

Then I started to adopt the view that "a part is better than the whole" (leave something for the imagination)

Lately, albeit a stock image view, I'm thinking P=B+P+S+I

i.e. a good Picture has a Background with a Person a suitable Symbol and are Involved (ie doing something, or interacting).

What do you think "makes a good picture" ?

And, more to the point, do you apply your opinion when shooting ?


These days, it seems that each time I'm about to take a picture, I kind of process it and see the end result.

And most of the time I do not like it.

And do not take it.

So I actually take less and less pictures.

I think I'm starting to over-think what makes a good picture... :)


Good one.

The feel is no problem actually, most people feel the photo of their dog is the best one.

But why would it be? There are millions of dog photos on the net.

So? the photo has to be original, i.e. not posted in millions of copies on the net.

Getting tougher ever day.

So I guess it is getting harder and harder to be a professional photographer these days? :)

the abitlity of the photographer to see things differently

mmmmmmmmmmm...sometimes...not quite sure what you mean by that.

I'm not sure, for example, what it was that Ansel Adams saw "differently". Many of his photos were taken from rather popular locations that were not at all unique...no different angle, for example. He seemed to be more about classic values in photography, meticulous proper exposure and somewhat more contrast. I would say he perfected those traditional values, rather than saw something different.


This is really the advantage of the digital world.

You can take thousands of pictures, not print any, and by chance, one in a thousand is good.

Give a thousand monkeys a typewriter and an infinite amount of time and they will reproduce the work of Shakespeare :)

Give a thousand monkeys a typewriter and an infinite amount of time and they will reproduce the work of Shakespeare :)

to be or not to be, that is the station... station?!? dam_n monkeys!!

  • 4 weeks later...

Most of us take photos because we see something that catches our eye. Unfortunately, what caught our eye often seems to be lost when the "whole" is presented in a photo.

I think what makes the difference is the ability to capture, through composition, what originally caught our attention.

Then there are picture that are just pretty! :)

Most of us take photos because we see something that catches our eye. Unfortunately, what caught our eye often seems to be lost when the "whole" is presented in a photo.

I think what makes the difference is the ability to capture, through composition, what originally caught our attention.

Then there are picture that are just pretty! :)

Curt, I think you've hit it right on the head.

One of the first things I learned when I started to take photos years ago with a SLR camera was to keep in mind "what is the focus of my picture?" There's something almost awesome to me about the Great Plains of the U.S. But it's rare that I have seen a photo anywhere in the Great Plains that caught and held my attention. Yet, from just the right angle show me a photo of a meandering corn field in the Great Plains...wow.

I think I'm a fairly decent amateur. I get feedback from my pbase collection from people who say that my pics really helped them pick and choose which places they really want to see when they go on a trip. Mission accomplished. But I don't see myself as an "artist". I have to admit, that when I look at some of the photos a few post on this site...well, they improve my ego. Some pics are just pics.

So for me, there is

1. photography that is art

2. impressive photos

3. technically dependable photography (for wont of a better term)...maybe I should say photos that have a real purpose

4. just a pic


I have always been a diabolocal photographer, that is why I like sports photos. Shoot the action and you neve know what you are gonna get.

  • 2 weeks later...

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