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Foreign Tourists Urged To Stay Away From Bangkok


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Come to Chiang Mai- it's much nicer and all the violent aggressive red shirts will be in Bangkok meeting up with the violent aggressive yellow shirts etc. :D

Chiang Mai is okay for about a week, but you are a bit short of beaches and other nubile attractions - come to good old Koh Samui, we have it all here, sun sea, sand and .............what was that other thing again? :D

Was it Singha? :)

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Guess next months Tom Jones concert is off then!

sex BOMB

hahahhaa so funny Tom Jones Sex Bomb Sex Bomb... good one.

I dont know how to deal with this... I went to the doctor about it and said I think I may have 'Tom Jones Syndrome'.....

He replied ..."It's not unusual!"

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I'm a bit puzzled with the dates being quoted as I read in a previous Thread that the the various factions of the Red Shirts had agreed amongst themselves that their planned million man march would be held on 20th February (next Saturday).

And in another previous thread that the Red Shirts would not be staging a march on the 26th February.

So I think that holding a meeting on 23rd February would be a waste of time unless it is planned as a post mortem. Also, if the Red Shirts are not marching on 26th February what kind of violence are the TAT expecting? More bombs planted by the Yellow/Red/Blue Shirts?

Edited by termad
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Stock up on beer, booze, food, and entertainment!

Unless you have a penchant for limewire, how does one stock up on entertainment? :)

I can do the Chang by the warm bulk cartons, but as for the rest, it's enough To Make A Big Man Cry.

Has anyone bothered to identify the importance of the fact that Tom Jones and Thaksi Shinawatra's names both begin with the same first letter, and one surname is the reversal in first letter to the last letter of the other? I reckon there's no doubt about it - Jones and Shinawatra are obviously together on this scam!

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Oh yea break out the beers and start toasting the marshmallows and sit back and watch the fireworks.

I take it that's meant to be funny....but it isn't!

Oh yes it is newbie - chill and anjoy the ride

Two idiots!

Fireworks . . . . :)

Make that three

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Call me a cynic if you wish

Brilliantly typical Thai plan. Create a crisis,pretend you are doing something about it then queue up with the others angling for your share of the cashola based on all the work you have pretended to do and never mind the implications of your actions. That said, when the money,if there is any left by now,gets released there WILL be squabbling.

Yeah maybe but how about typical whinging expat who chooses to live in Thailand and then complain about the govt and their policies and the "Thai way". No one is forcing you to stay and I have no doubt that you knew what the country is like before you moved there.

Your post reminds me of a tool expat that I met on my first trip to Thailand back in 1998, he told me the "the only problem with Thailand is there are too many Thai people"

It amazes me the amount of expats that complain constantly about Thailand but still continue living there. Usually because they are exploiting the economy and the women.

How d'you know they're whinging expats living in Thailand? People come on this forum from all over the world. You're that little goody goody that used to sit at the front of the class and say "It was him that did it teacher, I love school".

There are lots of us that have lived in Thailand for a long time, but can see the cracks and wrinkles as well as the good side.

Actually those kids at my school got bashed and learnt not to do that.

In regards to "can see the cracks and wrinkles as well as the good side." , What I am sick of hearing is the constant degrading dribble from the expats about the Thai government and their people.

Not every policeman is corrupt and not every Thai cares about money. It seems to me that where the expats have all came from can not have been that great or they would not be living in Thailand.

It also seems that near every expat I meet is always complaining about the Thai people and their ways. This makes me wonder why they stay there. Then I remember that many are there to exploit, be it the economy or the girls.

Ultimately the red shirts and the yellow shirts have every right to protest for their beliefs as it is their country and their birth right. Expats opinions on how the country should be run is really of no importance to Thailand as we are guests not citizens. If we do not like the way things are then we leave.

It is like all the carry on about prices rising and the "two week millionaires should not give big tips because it makes it harder for expats living there";" If Thais start knowing their own worth we will not be able to live their anymore "

The only reason Thailand wants westerners there is for there money. If you do not want to spend money then you should not be there.

I know I do not describe all expats but dam_n there seem to be a lot of foreigners living there with a low regard for the Thai people


And the only reason you are here is cos its cheap to live and you can earn money, and you are right about Thais want falangs here for money their money. I been here long enough to know they try and screw you for all they can, particularly in tourists areas , it so funny when I listen to them try and cheat me. This falang not so stupid

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A wise person would stock up on essentials such as medication, food, water, toilet paper (no bum gun if water is cut). Make sure the laundry is done because you won't be able to run down to the laundry lady, extra batteries, and lots of condoms. I anticipate a bit of a baby bubble if things get a bit hot. After all what are people expected to do if they stay inside? A few good bottles of the devils brew are also important to have on hand :)

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Secretly I hope that it goes very very wrong. Only when scores of foreigners get killed, the Thai army and the Thai elite will learn their lesson. IF not and only Thai demonstrators will killed nobody cares at all and the West keep on supporting Thailand simply because it needs it. A change in policy towards a sustained human rights improvement is long overdue.

Lead the way. We will spot you on the television as you will be wearing a t-shirt with the word <deleted> on the front! :)

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more bullshit scaremongering from WASP (white anglo saxon protestant) based country's.

even in full demonstration and political upheaval mode, bkk is no more dangerous than driving through East Ham, Moss Side or Bankstown at night....now, that's fuc_king scary. give me bkk upheaval any day.

Regarding your WASP comment. A recent poster advised dissecting the word assume. Certainly it applies here. Your statement is what is known as "aggressively ignorant."

As to being around countries in political upheaval mode - Hello tough guy. I don't believe you ever been in the wrong place at the wrong time...

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Here is my simplistic but effective solution to the ongoing Red/Yellow problem in Thailand... :D

Take Thaksins estimated frozen wealth of around £2 billion pounds and divide it amongst the aprox 58 million population of Thailand! This equates to a comfortable life for everyone and prosperity for all. :D

There is only one condition - nobody can wear a red or yellow shirt in the kingdom again. :D


What a planet!

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Nothing out of the ordinary for Thailand-it's merely the annual uprising-some years are worse than other,ie:airport sitins/closings.

(See the avatar I chose last year for reference)

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Call me a cynic if you wish

Brilliantly typical Thai plan. Create a crisis,pretend you are doing something about it then queue up with the others angling for your share of the cashola based on all the work you have pretended to do and never mind the implications of your actions. That said, when the money,if there is any left by now,gets released there WILL be squabbling.

You guys that "connect the dots" sure got a library of 'em for all occaisions!!! :)

Edited by techboy
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Hey guys,

if you want to escape to Bangkok for that weekend I suggest you to come over to Phuket for the 'Phuket Blues and Rock Festival' on Feb. 26 and 27!!! Political problems are always a good excuse in Thailand to have some holidays by the beach :)

And if problems get worst you have an additional excuse to stay longer :D

Anyway, I have the feeling that nothing wrong will happen. Or this time it will be really civil war.

And Thailand is gonna turn into a dictatorship leaded by the army. ( I know, it already seems like that...)

When the tit hits the fans

and they sing the blues

it WILL be in Phuket that weekend.

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Here is my simplistic but effective solution to the ongoing Red/Yellow problem in Thailand... :D

Take Thaksins estimated frozen wealth of around £2 billion pounds and divide it amongst the aprox 58 million population of Thailand! This equates to a comfortable life for everyone and prosperity for all. :D

There is only one condition - nobody can wear a red or yellow shirt in the kingdom again. :D


What a planet!

My idea would be to cut away the middle class and rich and give it only for the poor, cash on hand 2000 Baht per person

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story from Australia - The Tourism Council of Thailand is warning Australians to avoid Bangkok, after two attempted bombings in the past two days and rumours of a coup.


Ya, they want people to stay in Australia where just last week they imprisoned a gang of home-grown Jihadists who had stockpiled guns and ( a lot of ) liquid explosives & made martyrdom videos against Australia.

I'm in Uk right now & flying back to Bkk early March & I'm more worried about getting mugged (again)on my way to Uk airport than anything after take-off. I'm handicapped & its all the rage lately to attack disabled people in the Uk because they 'get loads of benefits', which isn't even true anyway.Recently there was a Uk blind man in a wheelchair who's council flat was firebombed last week here, by a gang of harmonious peace-loving Uk youth, and the government here says 'dont go abroad its dangerous'.

Edited by ovaltina
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story from Australia - The Tourism Council of Thailand is warning Australians to avoid Bangkok, after two attempted bombings in the past two days and rumours of a coup.


Ya, they want people to stay in Australia where just last week they imprisoned a gang of home-grown Jihadists who had stockpiled guns and ( a lot of ) liquid explosives & made martyrdom videos against Australia.

I'm in Uk right now & flying back to Bkk early March & I'm more worried about getting mugged (again)on my way to Uk airport than anything after take-off. I'm handicapped & its all the rage lately to attack disabled people in the Uk because they 'get loads of benefits', which isn't even true anyway.Recently there was a Uk blind man in a wheelchair who's council flat was firebombed last week here, by a gang of harmonious peace-loving Uk youth, and the government here says 'dont go abroad its dangerous'.

I largely agree. I always feel safer in SE Asia than I do on my own suburban street in Perth, Western Australia. Make me wonder, too.

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