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Foreign Tourists Urged To Stay Away From Bangkok


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The red violence in Bangkok during their last 'uprising' so discredited them (hijacking oil-tanker and launching into protesting neighbourhood locals with baseball bats) that it is unlikely they will manage to pull the same stunt again. Some of the reds are no doubt 'out of control', but the controllers (the ones who pay out the 500 baht) will be mindful of consequences. Bangkok is solidly anti-red.

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The red violence in Bangkok during their last 'uprising' so discredited them (hijacking oil-tanker and launching into protesting neighbourhood locals with baseball bats) that it is unlikely they will manage to pull the same stunt again. Some of the reds are no doubt 'out of control', but the controllers (the ones who pay out the 500 baht) will be mindful of consequences. Bangkok is solidly anti-red.

On what premise do you think:

a. They WON'T be able to pull it off if they want to?

b. The RED controllers are united to stop it happen?

c. Bangkok is SOLIDLY anti-red?

Other than being open to debate, I think there are more than enough reasons to believe that you are wrong on all three counts.

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This may scare of tour groups from certain other Asian countries but as for long noses like myself.....I very much doubt it. Fact of the matter is, stories like this get very little attention, in the UK press anyway (and other places I'm sure), there way too interested in where John Terry's c*ck has been.

Falangs will still plod on, however, were they to do something crazy like close the bars for a couple of days...well, that's a different story altogether.

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I do not need to be reading this s h i t when i'm taking my family there next month, all bought and paid for.

Can all the Red and Yellow shirted nutters please vacate to Cambodia and have a good ole fight there.


Hopefully, the violence will erupt prior to your planned date, then you can cancel with full refund and go somewhere safe

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so.... When can they EVER guarantee tourists are safe in Bangkok?

It of course is likely that some violence incidents will happen, but quite localized, even if at multiple locations.

Thankfully the Supreme Court, EC offices and Gov House are not on typical tourist itineraries.

And most all localmtourist operators in Bkk will nowhere to NOT send their cash cow customers,

in hopes of getting repeat business the next day.

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Secretly I hope that it goes very very wrong. Only when scores of foreigners get killed, the Thai army and the Thai elite will learn their lesson. IF not and only Thai demonstrators will killed nobody cares at all and the West keep on supporting Thailand simply because it needs it. A change in policy towards a sustained human rights improvement is long overdue.

What a crock!!! I trust you will put yourself in the firing line to emphasise your absurd point

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As another long term resident in Thailand, I agree with most of your statement T@H. Anybody who has been here a while understands (to some extent) what is going on right now, is a bit like a volcano about to erupt. But it's also a volcano, whose fires (the frustration of so many people)are being stoked, by one man's desire for revenge and getting his money back.

This appears to be presenting a picture of inevitability about a major blow out on or before 26th February. I would ask "why is it so"?

And, just as importantly, "who is it for" ?

Is it possible Thai people are getting very sick of all this (from all sides) ?

As a person with a long term involvment (16+ years) with the country and its people, I think, slowly this is becoming a more prevelant opinion than offering support to one side , or another.

Many Thai are starting to understand the effect it is having on their lives.

If the UDD had been able to organize their oft threatened "million man march", then I would say these travel warnings are very valid in terms of one's safety. But as is pointed out by Geriatric Kid in his post, governments such as the Candian (and Australian) are bound to issue these warnings for reasons he outlined - if a bit emotionally (about taxes) - to protect themselves from their own citizens (and insurance companies and lawyers) as much as warning people to "be careful".

There has been a lot of smoke and mirrors about what the reasons are for the absolute destruction of the Shinawatra wealth and family. This level of scrutiny and use of the law to smash one family is pretty much unheard of in most places. Money has something to do with it, but I think there is far more to it. Unfortunately for another discussion.

Back on subject, I hope Tom Jones comes.

Urging foreign tourists to stay away from Bangkok is non-sensical. Where is the main airport? Stay away from Bangkok but continue to use the airport, because no one would ever dare to protest there right?

Stupidly, the yellows actions from before probably mean an increased likelihood of trouble at the airport, so future travel warnings should probably include the airport specifically.

You are right when you say there appears to be a lot of "unkown facts", as to the reasons, why one particular family/clan/grouping should be singled out. Much of it is probably intentional (to use smoke & mirrors), but other parts of it are due to a lack of detailed and knowledgable analysis by the media - including much of the blogoshpere. I know my own views can be blinkered, due to my poor Thai language skills and having to read and discuss all the issues in English, but I try to keep up as best I can.

Other "facts" are very difficult to discuss and I don't think I need to explain what I mean here, to someone who has been in Thailand as long as you ?

But, even then, I remember when things were starting to "unravel" for Thaksin, I remember several comments from business asscociates - who I would not put in the "elite" category - which indicated that he (and his lot) were becoming too greedy and undemocratic.

It was also becoming quite obvious, "things" were going on with medie freedoms, business "favours" etc., that not only were perhaps putting some noses out of joint, but were just so obviously undemocratic and/or corrupt.

So, maybe going after one "family/clan/group like this, actually had some meaning beyond "selective discrimination"?

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Call me a cynic if you wish

Brilliantly typical Thai plan. Create a crisis,pretend you are doing something about it then queue up with the others angling for your share of the cashola based on all the work you have pretended to do and never mind the implications of your actions. That said, when the money,if there is any left by now,gets released there WILL be squabbling.

The assume cliche prevails.

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Never mind lett,s get Thaksin back in power he helped the poor and was good to the Farang.

Joke of the day! :):D:D

Black Humor... we need a new colored shirt for this stuff...

Thaksin was not so good for farnag, just ask a bunch of long term farangs here,

the odds will be well and truly against a plus vote for Dr. T. vs the time before.

As to the comment above about hoping the hiso's learning a lesson from a bunch of farangs getting killed;

Well mate please step up the the head o fthe queque as object lesson subject.

I'll take a pass, and head out of Big Mango in the coming AM,

and feel no compunctions to not become a lesson to anyone.

Until all this passes there will be no peace, but lets hope it goes away with a whimper and not a bang

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are we supposed to take this seriously?

i think not, they were saying all the same last year but i still went and loved every minute........be back soon.

btw can any1 explain why considering whats happening the thai baht continues to hold its value vs the pound. when i stayed there last year lost about £2000 just from the exchange rate change from my last trip, the year before i was getting around 60 to the pound now its below 50 :) if it gets any stronger then m gonna starve.............

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It amazes me the amount of expats that complain constantly about Thailand but still continue living there. Usually because they are exploiting the economy and the women.

Funny, I been here for about 6 years,Exploiting the Economy and one Thai woman ( though in both cases it is a mutual exploitation thing) I have noticed that,others doing the same tend to complain about and disparage Thailand and Thais. If you dont like it where you are, <deleted> off somewhere else.

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Call me a cynic if you wish

Brilliantly typical Thai plan. Create a crisis,pretend you are doing something about it then queue up with the others angling for your share of the cashola based on all the work you have pretended to do and never mind the implications of your actions. That said, when the money,if there is any left by now,gets released there WILL be squabbling.

Yeah maybe but how about typical whinging expat who chooses to live in Thailand and then complain about the govt and their policies and the "Thai way". No one is forcing you to stay and I have no doubt that you knew what the country is like before you moved there.

Your post reminds me of a tool expat that I met on my first trip to Thailand back in 1998, he told me the "the only problem with Thailand is there are too many Thai people"

It amazes me the amount of expats that complain constantly about Thailand but still continue living there. Usually because they are exploiting the economy and the women.

How d'you know they're whinging expats living in Thailand? People come on this forum from all over the world. You're that little goody goody that used to sit at the front of the class and say "It was him that did it teacher, I love school".

There are lots of us that have lived in Thailand for a long time, but can see the cracks and wrinkles as well as the good side.

Actually those kids at my school got bashed and learnt not to do that.

In regards to "can see the cracks and wrinkles as well as the good side." , What I am sick of hearing is the constant degrading dribble from the expats about the Thai government and their people.

Not every policeman is corrupt and not every Thai cares about money. It seems to me that where the expats have all came from can not have been that great or they would not be living in Thailand.

It also seems that near every expat I meet is always complaining about the Thai people and their ways. This makes me wonder why they stay there. Then I remember that many are there to exploit, be it the economy or the girls.

Ultimately the red shirts and the yellow shirts have every right to protest for their beliefs as it is their country and their birth right. Expats opinions on how the country should be run is really of no importance to Thailand as we are guests not citizens. If we do not like the way things are then we leave.

It is like all the carry on about prices rising and the "two week millionaires should not give big tips because it makes it harder for expats living there";" If Thais start knowing their own worth we will not be able to live their anymore "

The only reason Thailand wants westerners there is for there money. If you do not want to spend money then you should not be there.

I know I do not describe all expats but dam_n there seem to be a lot of foreigners living there with a low regard for the Thai people

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Hey guys,

if you want to escape to Bangkok for that weekend I suggest you to come over to Phuket for the 'Phuket Blues and Rock Festival' on Feb. 26 and 27!!! Political problems are always a good excuse in Thailand to have some holidays by the beach :)

And if problems get worst you have an additional excuse to stay longer :D

Anyway, I have the feeling that nothing wrong will happen. Or this time it will be really civil war.

And Thailand is gonna turn into a dictatorship leaded by the army. ( I know, it already seems like that...)

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I'm coming to BKK with my wife and son (Both Thai) next month for our annual holiday/Trip to see the family.

I have lived in London for a long time - and I am not worried at all. The worst that can happen is that I get trapped by the pool in the hotel for a couple of weeks. Beats the Brixton/Notting Hill riots anyday!

It hasn't hit the news over here at all, but then we Brits seem to take advantage of cheap tours during "dangerous" times. I went to Egypt during both Gulf Wars - the only people travelling were the Brits and the Russians (!!). Hotels were cheap and empty!

See you soon x

I like your style

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Not suprised that the Australian authorities are the first to jump on the bandwagon with this one.

Its a wonder they didnt warn travellers away as soon as the poo was flung into Abhisit's house. :)

After all, saying "we told you so" later is an easier option than to actually having to do any work :D

But seeing how they probably realize its near on impossible to actually speak to anyone from the Oz embassy, (phone lines open a few hours a day and engaged the whole time) this probably just serves as further insurance that no-one will actually bother to call on them :D

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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SO what they are saying then is; they cannot guarantee the safety of tourists destined for BKK?

I think that is a worlds first for a tourist destination to announce a thing like that, except for war zones of course but they are not really tourist destinations are they?

If the safety of tourists cannot be guaranteed, what about the safety of Bangkokians???

Well, one could always change their destination to New York City, or Detroit, perhaps even Baghdad, I hear they "guarantee' the safety of all tourists there.....do you know how silly you sound????

Where does one receive their guarantee of safety when touring London, or Brisbane???

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Please, correct me if I am wrong. We write about what we would like to talk about and we read what we want to read.

You are reading things you do not want to read. After you read what you do not want to read you tell people what they should not write. Asserting your will over other people like that is sort of an ugly business don’t you think so?

Try not to look at criticism as a spanking. Criticism is welcome and appreciated by the wise. If you know any well educated, enlightened Thais they will voice the same criticisms that you read here on TV.

Also, you can rest assured that the Fallangs that are in Thailand probably want to be in Thailand. There is no logic or rule that dictates people should dwell where they are at perfect oneness with the people and culture. Is there? Know that there are many wonderful individual Thai’s and benefits to living in Thailand that the authorities have not messed up yet. That is why Fallangs are here. You can take comfort in the fact that when and if the Fallangs stop wanting to live in Thailand they will leave.

Call me a cynic if you wish

Brilliantly typical Thai plan. Create a crisis,pretend you are doing something about it then queue up with the others angling for your share of the cashola based on all the work you have pretended to do and never mind the implications of your actions. That said, when the money,if there is any left by now,gets released there WILL be squabbling.

Yeah maybe but how about typical whinging expat who chooses to live in Thailand and then complain about the govt and their policies and the "Thai way". No one is forcing you to stay and I have no doubt that you knew what the country is like before you moved there.

Your post reminds me of a tool expat that I met on my first trip to Thailand back in 1998, he told me the "the only problem with Thailand is there are too many Thai people"

It amazes me the amount of expats that complain constantly about Thailand but still continue living there. Usually because they are exploiting the economy and the women.

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A walk around London is more dangerous you say, hmm let's cast our minds back to the recent Red Shirt Fun Days. Gas tankers parked by communal housing blocks, buses set on fire, a retired reporter beaten to death in Chang Mia by the red Sirts for his opposition to Thaksin.

The sight of a person being dragged fro a vehicle and beaten by the Red Shirts at Government House.

What Ho chap's, let's put our picnic table here and watch the fun and the frolics of a marauding mob as the tumbrils roll by,.

I was here in 1992, I've been here for 20 years and believe me when the effluent hits the fan you keep out of the way and you keep your family out of the way too.

Please resume taking what you should be taking medicinal wise, or stop taking that which you shouldn't be taking medicinal wise.

Don't forget the yellow shirted violence either, the sight of a guy standing on top of a truck firing his pistol indiscriminately on vipawahdee road, the sight of a guy being attacked for walking through their protest, the dead body left behind at the airport etc etc etc. be more objective, point out both sides failings

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more bullshit scaremongering from WASP (white anglo saxon protestant) based country's.

even in full demonstration and political upheaval mode, bkk is no more dangerous than driving through East Ham, Moss Side or Bankstown at night....now, that's fuc_king scary. give me bkk upheaval any day.

That is so true, & add to the list the other 100s of sink-estates in the uk, where mothers would sooner kill themselves & their two precious kids than spend another night on the estate,( like that lady a month ago).

All these travel/media warnings are written by upper-middle class ppl for others like them, it has no bearing on the millions of ppl at the sharp end. Facts are not only is the violent crime worse in the Western ghettos but its freezing cold & rainy too lol.

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I do not need to be reading this s h i t when i'm taking my family there next month, all bought and paid for.

Can all the Red and Yellow shirted nutters please vacate to Cambodia and have a good ole fight there.


You'll be alright. It won't be all out civil war so most of Bangkok will be fine. All countrys have civil unrest and riots. Most Thais don't really give a crap and a couple of hundred thousand protesters making noise in a country of 61 million isn't that graive. The argument isn't with tourists so sit by the pool, have a beer and soak up the sun. Have fun :D

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The police were sleeping, turncoats, bribed, intimidated or incompetent. Take your pick, perhaps all of the above. :)

And ya gotta wonder, with all the police presumably detailed to guard the Prime Minister's home...presumably around the clock, just how does someone get close enough to throw bags of sh** at the place???

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They should launch a new tv soap opera on the 26th february, so everyone will stay home :)

I was watching Asia~confidential and they said Thailand's 'Entertainment channel packages' are 'stocks to invest in now', because of the upcoming situation 'everyone wants to watch it safely from the couch'.

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